Color Key to North American Birds Part 103

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[by Fuertes] 42. Important.--1912. BAGG, E. Annotated List of the Birds of Oneida County, N. Y., and of the West Canada Creek Valley.

Trans. Oneida Hist. Soc. XII, pp. 16-85; 257 species.


1871. COUES, E. Notes on the Natural History of Fort Macon, N. C. and Vicinity. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. XXIII, Birds, pp. 18-47. Also _Ibid._, 1878, pp. 22-24; 133 species.--1885. BRIMLEY, H. H. and C. S.

Summer Birds of Raleigh, N. C. Orn. and Ool., X. pp. 143, 144; 82 species.--1885.--BRIMLEY, H. H. and C. S. Winter Birds of Raleigh, N. C. Orn. and Ool., X, p. 128; 72 species.--1886. BREWSTER, W. An Ornithological Reconnaissance in Western North Carolina. Auk, III, pp. 94-112, 173-179; 102 species.--1886. BATCHELDER, C. F.

The North Carolina Mountains in Winter. Auk, III, pp. 307-314; 40 species.--1887. ATKINSON, G. F. Preliminary Catalogue of the Birds of North Carolina. Journ. Elisha Mitch.e.l.l Society, 1887, Part 2, pp.

44-87; 255 species. A compilation with some errors.--1887. CAIRNS, J. S. A List of Birds of Buncombe Co., North Carolina. Orn. and Ool., XII, pp. 3-6; 169 species.--1887. SENNETT, G. B. Observations in Western North Carolina Mountains in 1886. Auk, IV, pp. 240-245; 29 species.--1888. BRIMLEY, C. S. A List of Birds Known to Breed at Raleigh, N. C. Orn. and Ool., XIII, pp. 42, 43; 54 species. (See also _Ibid._, p. 187. Auk, XIV, p. 165.)--1889. CAIRNS, J. S. The Summer Birds of Buncombe County, North Carolina. Orn. and Ool., XIV, pp. 17-22; 123 species.--1893. BRIMLEY, C. S. Some Additions to the Avifauna of North Carolina, with Notes on Some Other Species. Auk, X, 1893, pp. 241-244; 48 species.--1897. SMITHWICK, J. W. P. Ornithology of North Carolina. Bull. 144, N. C. Agric. Exp. Sta. 193-228; 303 species.--1899. PEARSON, T. G. Preliminary List of Birds of Chapel Hill, N. C. Journ. Elisha Mitch.e.l.l Sci. Soc., XVI, pp. 33-51; 132 species.--1901. BISHOP, L. B. The Winter Birds of Pea Island, N. C.

Auk, XVIII, pp. 260-268; 42 species.--1905. OBERHOLSER, H. C. Notes on the Mammals and Summer Birds of Western North Carolina. Published by Biltmore Forest School. Birds pp. 11-24; 136 species.--1910. PHILIPP, P. B. (see S. C.)


1877 ... LANGDON, F. W. A Catalogue of the Birds of the Vicinity of Cincinnati. 8vo, 18 pp. Salem, Ma.s.s.; 279 species.--1879. LANGDON, F.

W. A Revised List of Cincinnati Birds. Journ. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 4, pp. 167-193. (See also _Ibid._, III, pp. 121-127; V, 1882, p. 186; VI, 1883, pp. 12-31; 256 species.)--1882. WHEATON, J. M. Report on the Birds of Ohio, Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio, IV, I, pp. 188-628; 298 species.--1891. SMITH, R. W. 000 A List of the Birds of Warren County, Ohio. Journ. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., XIV, pp. 105-133; 189 species.--1896. OBERHOLSER, H. C. A Primary List of the Birds of Wayne Co. Bull. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta. I, 4, pp. 243-354; 183 species.--1902. HENINGER, W. F. A Preliminary List of the Birds of Middle Southern Ohio. Wilson Bulletin, IX, pp. 77-93; 209 species.

(See also _Ibid._, pp. 130-132; XII, 1905, pp. 89-93).--1902. JONES, L. Bird Studies in Lorain Co., Ohio. Wilson Bull., IX, pp. 37-58; also pp. 94-100.--1908. DAWSON, W. L. The Birds of Ohio, 4 to xiv+671 pp. Many illus. Columbus, Wheaton Pub. Co.--1903. FIELD, A.

I. Birds of Lecking Co., Ohio. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., XV; 203 species.--1903. JONES, L. The Birds of Ohio. A revised Catalogue, Ohio State Acad. of Sci., Special Papers No. 6, 141 pp. 1 map; 318 species.--1906. HENINGER, W. F. A Preliminary List of Birds of Seneca Co., Ohio. Wilson Bull., XVIII. pp. 47-60; 205 species.--1909-10.

JONES, L. The Birds of Cedar Point and Vicinity. Wilson Bull., XXI, pp. 55-76, 115-131, 187-202; XXII, pp 25-41, 97-115, 172-182.

_Note._--Every issue of the Wilson Bulletin (Oberlin, Ohio) contains matter of special interest to bird students in Ohio and the adjoining states.


1839. TOWNSEND, J. K. Narrative of a Journey across the Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River ... Philadelphia: Henry Perkins, 134 Chestnut Street. Boston: Perkins and Marvin. 8vo, pp. viii, 352.

Appendix: Catalogue of Birds found in the Territory of the Oregon, pp. 331-352.--1860. COOPER, J. G. and SUCKLEY, G. Report upon the Birds Collected on the Survey. Pac. R. R. Rep. Vol. XII, Book 11, pp. 140-291; 216 species observed in Oregon and Was.h.i.+ngton.--1877.

BENDIRE, C. Notes on some of the Birds found in Southeastern Oregon, particularly in the Vicinity of Camp Harney, from November, 1874 to January 1877. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., XIX, pp. 109-149; 191 species.--1879. MEARNS, E. A. Partial List of the Birds of Fort Klamath, Oregon, Collected by Lieutenant Willis Wittich, U. S. A., with Annotations and Additions by the Collector. Bull. N. O. C., IV, pp. 161-166, 194-199; 111 species.--1880. HENSHAW, H. W.

(See Nevada.)--1880. JOHNSON, O. B. List of the Birds of the Willamette Valley, Oregon. Am. Nat. XIV, pp. 485-491, 635-646; 140 species.--1886. ANTHONY, A. W. Field Notes on the Birds of Was.h.i.+ngton County, Oregon. Auk, III, pp. 161-172; 120 species.--1888. MERRILL, J.

C. Notes on the Birds of Fort Klamath, Oregon. With remarks on certain species by William Brewster. Auk, V, pp. 139-146, 251-262, 357-366; 168 species.--1902. ANTHONY, A. W. List of Birds in the Vicinity of Portland, Oregon. Bailey's 'Handbook of Birds of the Western United States,' pp. xliii-xlviii; 145 species.--1902. LORD, W. R. A First Book upon the Birds of Oregon and Was.h.i.+ngton, 16mo, 304+iv pp. ills.

J. K. Gill Co., Portland.--1904. MILLER, L. H. The Birds of the John Day Region, Oregon. The Condor, VI, pp. 100-106; 71 species.--1905.

FINLEY, W. L. Among the Sea Birds off the Oregon Coast. The Condor, VII, pp. 110-127; 161-169.--1909. JEWETT, S. G. Some Birds of Baker County, Oregon. The Auk, XXVI, pp. 5-9; 83 species.--1911. Peck, M. E.

Summer Birds of Willow Creek Valley, Malheur County, Oregon. The Condor, XIII, pp. 63-69; 74 species.


1844. BAIRD, W. M. and S. F. List of Birds Found in the Vicinity of Carlisle, c.u.mberland County, Pa. Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, XLVI, pp. 261-273; 201 species.--1845. BAIRD, S. F. Catalogue of Birds Found in the Neighborhood of Carlisle, c.u.mberland County, Pa. Lit. Rec.

and Journ. Linn. a.s.soc. of Penna. College, I, pp. 249-257; 203 species.--1861. BARNARD, V. A. A Catalogue of the Birds of Chester County, Pa. Times of Arrival in Spring. Ann. Rep. Smiths. Inst., 1860, pp. 434-438; 191 species--1869. TURNBULL, W. P. The Birds of East Pennsylvania and New Jersey ... 1 vol. roy. 8vo, and also 4to, xii+62 pp.; 342 species.--1880. WARREN, H. B. The Birds of Chester County, Pa. Forest and Stream, XIII, pp. 1024, 1025; XIV, pp. 6, 25; 218 species.--1886. PARKER, H. G. List of Birds near Philadelphia with the Dates That Sets of Eggs Were Taken. Orn. and Ool. XI, pp. 70, 71; 76 species.--1887. PENNOCK, C. J. Birds of Chester County, Pa. The Oologist. IV, pp. 1-10; 234 species.--1889. RESSEL, C. B. Birds of Chester County, Pa. Orn. and Ool., XIV, 97-101, pp. 112-116, 129, 130; 199 species.--1890. WARREN, B. H. Report on the Birds of Pennsylvania.

With Special Reference to the Food Habits. Second Edition. Harrisburg, 8vo, xiv+434 pp.; 100 col. plls.--1891. STONE, W. The Summer Birds of Harvey's Lake, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, with Remarks on the Faunal Position of the Region. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1891, pp. 431-438; 54 species.--1892. DWIGHT, J., JR. Summer Birds of the Crest of the Pennsylvania Alleghanies. Auk, IX, pp. 129-141; 84 species.--1893. JACOBS, J. W. Summer Birds of Greene Co., Pa. 8vo, 15 pages; 90 species. Published by Author, Waynesburg, Pa.--1893.

TODD, W. E. C. Summer Birds of Indiana [65 species] and Clearfield [55 species] Counties, Pa. Auk, X, 1893, pp. 35-46.--1894. STONE, W.

The Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 8vo, vii+185 pp. Del.

Valley Orn. Club, Phila. 346 species.--1895. ROTZELL, W. E. Birds of Narbeth, Pa., and Vicinity. The Citizen, June 22 and 29, and reprinted in pamphlet, 8 pp.; 108 species.--1896. BAILY, W. L. Summer Birds of Northern Elk Co. Auk, XIII, pp. 289-197; 69 species.--1896. YOUNG, R.

T. Summer Birds of Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania. Auk, XIII, 1896, pp. 278-285; 59 species--1897. MONTGOMERY, T. H., JR. A List of the Birds of the Vicinity of West Chester, Chester Co., Pa. Am. Nat., 1897, pp. 622-628, 812-814, 907-911; 145 species--1897-1910. STONE, W.

Editor. Numerous Notes on and Short Lists of Eastern Pennsylvania Birds. Proc. Del. Valley Orn. Club, Phila.--1899. RHOADES, S. N. Notes on Some of the Rarer Birds of Western Pennsylvania. Auk, XVI, pp. 308-313; 65 species.--1901. BURNS, F. L. A Sectional Bird Census, at Berwyn, Pa. Wilson Bull. No. 36, pp. 84-103; 62 species.--1904.

TODD, W. E. C. The Birds of Erie and Presque Isle, Erie Co., Pa. Annals Carnegie Museum, II. pp. 841-596, 4 plates; 237 species.--1904. TODD, W. E. C. The Mammal and Bird Fauna of Beaver County, Pa. Bausman's History of Beaver County, II, 1904, pp. 1195-1202; 178 species.


1899. HOWE, R. H., JR. and STURTEVANT, E. The Birds of Rhode Island.

Published by Authors. 8vo, 111 pp.; 291 species.--1908. Commissioners of Birds. A Check-List of Rhode Island Nesting Birds, pp. 1-26; 104 species.


1868. COUES, E. Synopsis of the Birds of South Carolina. Proc. Bost.

Soc. Nat. Hist., XII, pp. 104-127; 294 species.--1879. LOOMIS, L. M. A Partial List of the Birds of Chester County, S. C. Bull. N. O. C., IV, pp. 209-218; 140 species. (See also additions and notes. Auk, II, 1885, pp. 188-193; VIII, 1891, pp. 49-59, 167-173; IX, 1892; pp. 28-39; XI, 1894, pp. 26-39, 94-117.)--1885. HOXIE, W. Notes on the Birds of the Sea Islands. Orn. and Ool., X, pp. 13-27, 29, 44-46, 62, 63.

(Also Corrections and Additions. _Ibid._, XI, 1886, pp. 33, 34.) 238 species.--1890. LOOMIS, L. M. Observations on Some of the Summer Birds of the Mountain Portions of Pickens County, Auk, VII, pp. 30-39, 124-130; 76 species.--1891. LOOMIS, L. M. June Birds of Caesar's Head, S. C. Auk, VIII, pp. 323-333; 52 species.--1910. PHILIPP, P. B. List of Birds Observed [in the Carolinas]. Auk, XXVII, pp 312-322. (See also Wayne, _Ibid._, p. 464.)--1910. WAYNE, A. T. Birds of South Carolina. Cont. from Charleston Museum, I, 8vo, xxi+pp. 254; 337 species.


1886. FOX, W. H. List of Birds Found in Roane County, Tennessee, During April, 1884, and March and April, 1885. Auk, III, pp. 315-320; 114 species.--1895. RHOADS, S. N. Cont. Zool. Tenn., Proc. Acad. Nat.

Sci., Phila., 1895. pp. 463-501. Also Auk, XIII, 1896, p. 181; 223 species.--1910. HOWELL, A. H. Notes on the Birds of Kentucky and Tennessee. Auk, XXVII, pp. 295-304. Tenn.; 161 species.


1865-6. DRESSER, H. E. Notes on the Birds of Southern Texas. Ibis., 2nd Ser. I, pp. 312-330, 466-495, II, pp. 23-46; 272 species.--1878.

MERRILL, J. C. Notes on the Ornithology of Southern Texas. Being a List of Birds Observed in the Vicinity of Fort Brown, Texas, from February, 1876, to June, 1878. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. I, pp. 118-173; 252 species.--1878. SENNETT, G. B. Notes on the Ornithology of the Lower Rio Grande, Texas, from Observations made during the Season of 1877. Edited, with Annotations, by Dr. Elliott Coues. Bull. U. S.

Geol. and Geograph. Survey, Vol. IV, pp. 1-66; 151 species.--1879.

SENNETT, G. B. Further Notes on the Ornithology of the Lower Rio Grande of Texas, from observations made during the spring of 1878.

Edited, with Annotations by Dr. Elliott Coues. Bull. U. S. Geol.

and Geograph. Survey of the Territories, V, 3, pp. 371-440; 168 species.--1882. BROWN, N. C. A Reconnaissance in Southwestern Texas.

Bull. N. O. C., VII, pp. 33-42! 104+6? species observed near Boerne, Kendall County.--1882. NEHRLING, H. List Of Birds Observed at Houston, Harris, Texas and vicinity, and in the Counties Montgomery, Galveston, and Ford Bend. Bull Nutt. Orn. Club, VII, pp. 6-13, 166-175, 222-225; 209 species.--1887. LLOYD, W. Birds of Tom Green and Concho Counties, Texas. Auk, IV, pp. 181-193, 289-299; 253 species.--1888. BECKHAM, C.

W. Observations on the Birds of southwestern Texas. Proc. U. S. Nat.

Mus., X, 1887, pp. 635-696; 283 species.--1891. CHAPMAN, F. M. On the Birds Observed near Corpus Christi, Texas, during parts of March and April, 1891. Bull Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., III, pp. 315-328; 33+66 species.--1892. ATt.w.a.tER, H. P. List of Birds Observed in the vicinity of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Auk, IX, pp. 229-238; 337-345; 242 species.--1892. RHOADS, S. N. The Birds of Southeastern Texas and Southern Arizona, Observed during May, June, and July, 1891. Proc.

Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., pp. 98-126. Annotated lists of 100+8 species observed at Corpus Christi, and 124+2 species observed in Southern Arizona.--1900. CARROLL, J. J. Notes on the Birds of Refugio County, Texas. The Auk, pp. 337-348.--1905. MONTGOMERY, T. H. JR. Summer Resident Birds of Brewster County, Texas. The Auk, XXII, pp. 12-15; 47 species.--1911. LACEY, H. The Birds of Kerrville, Texas, and Vicinity. The Auk, XXVIII, pp. 200-219; 202 species.


1858. BAIRD, S. F. Birds found at Fort Bridger, Utah. Pac. R. R. Rep.

IX, pp. 926-927; 104 species.--1873. MERRIAM, C. H. Report on the Mammals and Birds of the Expedition to Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. Sixth Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. for 1872, 1873. Birds, pp. 670-715. A list of 176 Utah birds.--1873. RIDGWAY, R. Notes on the Bird-fauna of the Salt Lake Valley and the adjacent portions of the Wahsatch Mountains. Bull. Ess.e.x Inst., V, pp. 168-173. Remarks on Allen's "List of Birds Collected in the Vicinity of Ogden" and list of Birds found breeding near Salt Lake City.--1874. HENSHAW, H. W. An annotated list of the Birds of Utah. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist., N. Y., XI, pp. 1-14; 214 species.--1877. RIDGWAY, R. (See Nevada.)


1901. HOWELL, A. H. Preliminary List of Summer Birds of Mount Mansfield, Vt. Auk, XVIII, pp. 337-347; 86 species.--1902. PERKINS, G.

H. A Preliminary List of the Birds Found in Vermont. 21st Ann. Rep.

Vt. State Bd. Agric., pp. 85-118; 261 species. See also HOWE, R. H., JR., Cont. N. A. Orn. II, pp. 5-22.--1903. DAVENPORT, E. B. Birds Observed on Mt. Mansfield and the West End of Stowe Valley at the Base of the Mountain, in the Summer of 1902. Wilson Bull., XV, pp. 77-86; 74 species.--1907. DAVENPORT, E. B. Birds of Windham and Bennington Counties. Bull. No. 2, Vermont Bird Club (Burlington, Vt.), pp. 5-14; 176 species.--1908. ALLEN, F. H. Summer Birds of Southern Vermont, Auk, XXV, pp. 56-64; 86 species.


1890. RIVES, WM. C., M. D. A Catalogue of the Birds of the Virginias.

Proc. Newport Nat. Hist. Soc., Doc.u.ment VII, Newport R. I. 8vo.

100 pp.; 305 species.--1902. DANIELS, J. W. Summer Birds of the Great Dismal Swamp. Auk, XIX, 15-18 pp.; 41 species.--1910. EMBODY, G. C. A List of Birds Observed at Ashland, Va. Auk, XXVII, pp. 169-177; 114 species.--1912. BAILEY, H. B. Notes on Birds Breeding in the Mountains of Virginia. The Auk, XXIX, pp. 79-84; 94 species.

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