Dark Civilization Volume 1 Chapter 1

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Book 1 Chapter 1: Rebirth


Experiencing severe pain transmitted from his chest, Ye Chen reluctantly opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a world stained in blood. From his ears, he could hear low excited growls followed by the crunching of bones; the experience was truly blood-curdling.

Am I going to die?

Ye Chen was bitter, having struggled for ten grueling years, spending his days in intense caution, even clenching his weapon in his sleep, waking from the slightest disturbance. Yet today, because of a minor negligence of not masking the scent after successfully hunting and killing a Cerberus, he was pursued  by a Blood-horn beast.

Just like that, he felt his body slowly being devoured; perhaps such a death was as good as any?

While Ye Chen was entertaining such a morbid line of thought, he couldn't help but laugh bitterly. After acknowledging that he could not overturn the situation and his death was imminent, he actually felt a sense of relief.

During high school, his parents died in a tragic car accident, leaving his younger sister as his sole companion, yet when the apocalypse struck, his sister fell victim to the infectious maw of a zombie.

Now that he thought abought it, he wondered for what reason had he to continue living?

Perhaps it was the same reason as everyone else, living just to survive….

Throughout these ten years, he relied on his fear of death as well as his thirst for life, aimlessly staggering on the brink of life and death, struggling like a ragged dog, gasping, to the extent where he doubted, was he still human?

Death perhaps, could be perceived as a release!

Perhaps having figured it out, Ye Chen felt himself relieved from a heavy burden, he wholeheartedly relaxed.

Lil' sis, I'll be with you soon.

His consciousness gradually dimmed, falling into a deep slumber.

"Big brother, time to wake up."

A crisp and gentle voice entered his ears, followed by a cool and delicate hand pinching his nose, which instantly jolted him from his slumber. With a 'whoosh' he flipped out of bed and subconsciously retreated. However halfway through the motions, his back slammed into the wall, causing intense pain.

What's going on?

As his consciousness gradually cleared, Ye Chen discovered that he was no longer under the b.l.o.o.d.y maw of the Blood-horn beast, but on top of a soft, comfortable bed.

As he raised his head, the sight that greeted him seemed to cause time to stretch into eternity.

Beside the bed, under the lights stood a delicate and charming girl, with long eyelashes, curved lips, a face br.i.m.m.i.n.g with a smile, she was a indeed beautiful. Her smile caused her eyes to curve into a pair of crescent moons, on her exquisite cheeks were two shallow dimples. The air around seemed to have ceased flowing, time itself seemed to pause during this moment.

"Big brother, what are you dawdling about for, its time to get ready. Today is your graduation day, it'd be terrible if you were late." The girl blinked her large eyes while talking with puffed cheeks.

This familiar appearance and voice, fell like droplets of rain on Ye Chen's heart. For a while, he felt everything a dream, not daring to believe that the sister that fell to a zombie during the beginning of the apocalypse was actually standing right before him alive and well!

Wait a sec!

University graduation?

Ye Chen felt a shudder; doesn't that mean that today is the 1st of July 2013, also known as that day the apocalypse struck? Could it be that he was reborn back into that very day ten years ago?

Ye Chen gave the room a look over; it was still quite dark outside, the surroundings were not very s.p.a.cious. The antique clock hanging on the wall chimed incessantly with an ominous 'dong dong', on the yellowing walls were plastered a couple of dated posters as well as two old photos displaying a young couple with compa.s.sionate smiles seeming  quite endearing and amiable. Far off, there stood a desk stacked with various books.

This appears to be his room while he was studying at university.

Ye Chen stared blankly for quite a while before determining that he was indeed not in a dream, but actually back in time ten years ago! Such a bizarre occurrence did not sent him into a panic, but merely stupefied him for a while. He immediately calmed down, after a moment of deep silence, he walked off the bed and solemnly told his sister Ye Zhu saying: "Lil' Sis, in a while I want you to take our bank card and take out all of our savings!"

Ye Zhu was startled, confused she asked: "All of it? What do you plan to do with it?"

Ye Chen patted her head while gazing at her dotingly saying: "Rest a.s.sured, I won't do anything insensible."

Ye Zhu gave him a look filled with suspicion, yet did not say another word. Ever since their parents died in that car accident, it was Ye Chen who provided for her in their place, whether it be school fees or rental fees, Ye Chen had to earn enough by working while managing his studies. She remembered that on one occasion, during the third year of middle school, she was envious of her cla.s.smate's gorgeous leather wallet, when Ye Chen found out; he secretly went to a work site and helped do various odd jobs for a week, exhausting himself severely in order to save up enough to buy her that exact wallet.

It was because he figured that as a girl, his younger sister had to maintain a favorable impression. Ye Chen rather had less to wear and eat than be a miser when it comes to his sister, be it clothes or accessories, he would always pick ones of better quality, all so that she would never be ashamed in front of her peers.

On recalling the event, Ye Zhu felt her nose tingle and tighten, she nodded her head gently, turned and approached the bedside. Underneath the bed, below a dusty wooden plank, she took out a rag. Within it was wrapped a sparkling white bank card, no thief could possibly have guessed that Ye Chen would store his wallet in such a place.

"Then, off I go." Ye Zhu took the bank card, and carefully placed it in the inner pocket of her jeans, followed by a smile.

Ye Chen nodded, saying: "Take care on the way."

Ye Zhu's gave a playful laugh which sounded like an oriole's song, with that, she turned to leave.

After Ye Zhu left, Ye Chen withdrew the smile on his face and resumed his cold demeanor, he approached the antique clock and observed that it was 6:20 in the morning, if he wasn't mistaken, the apocalypse would strike at around 7:00 this very night, he only had roughly 12 hours to prepare!

Ye Chen calmly calculated his next move, since he was given another chance, he would definitely not allow the tragedy to repeat itself!

In the previous life, it was because he went to attend his graduation leaving his sister alone at home, which resulted in her suffering death at the hands of a d.a.m.ned zombie.

On top of the desk, under a lamp stood an old photo frame, within it was a family picture featuring a young couple in the center, on both sides stood a boy and a girl around fifteen and eleven years of age respectively.

"Dad, Mom." Ye Chen gazed at the photo with eyes glistening, quietly he spoke: "I will take good care of Ye Zhu, absolutely!"

He turned to approach the bedside and proceeded to pack anything useful he could find. During the apocalypse, roughly 70% of people will turn into zombies, a cheap rental housing like this simply cannot stand up to a zombie a.s.sault, he definitely had to secure a safer residence.

After a while, Ye Chen was done packing, both their belongings were packed into a small suitcase. Inside it contained a few sets of clean clothes, as for everything else; they were largely pointless, like blankets and textbooks for example.

Ye Chen approached the desk and gazed deeply at the photo frame. After a long silence, he decided to take it along, placing it into his suitcase. After which, he sat on his bed in deep thought, carefully planning his next move.

This apocalypse was no trifle, at 7:00 tonight; an explosion during a scientific experiment in North America will result in a virus leaking out and spreading throughout the world at the speed of light, instantly enveloping the entire world denying any chance of a prior indication.

Under the influence of such a virus, those with weak const.i.tutions as well as those suffering from major illnesses, will be instantly mutated into vicious zombies. These zombies were not the lumbering and weak zombies as seen in the movies, but were shockingly powerful, equivalent to the combined strength of three adult men. The steel sheeted door of a rental apartment would be shredded almost instantly!

Other than zombies, the animals all over the world would instantly experience a mutation. Transformed into brutal and bloodthirsty beasts, the animals would become far more terrifying that the likes of zombies!

Before long after he had sunken into deep thought, Ye Zhu returned from her errand. She had to bend over in order to access the concealed inner pocket in her jeans, which was currently bulging, inside it was filled with money.

"Brother, where are you going?" Ye Zhu instantly caught sight of the suitcase positioned in the center of the room.

Ye Chen received the money from Ye Zhu without confirming the amount. If he remembered correctly; there should be around twelve thousand, enough for him to procure a sizable amount of food.

"Come with me and don't ask anything, when the time is right, I will tell you everything." Ye Chen spoke gravely.

Ye Zhu was startled, seeing Ye Chen's grave expression, she deeply felt an ominous sensation. She did not ask further, when it came to Ye Chen, she believed in him with all her heart.

Not matter what he plans to do; he was still her older brother!

That alone was reason enough!

Ye Chen carried the suitcase, and led the way. Right now, it was still morning, there still weren't many pedestrians on the streets. Ye Chen proceeded directly towards the bus stop where he would normally catch a bus to university. Standing there, he silently waited.

Ye Zhu quietly followed behind him, although she was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with questions, she kept them to herself.

Not long after, the bus arrived. Ye Chen gave a quick estimation, from here towards the bus station, followed by the ride from the station towards city centre, would take up around 4 hours, meaning he had just 8 hours left to prepare.

On the bus, Ye Chen paid for 2 tickets and motioned towards a seat by the window. Leaning against it, he gazed outside while sinking back into contemplation.

Hangzhou city centre was like a jungle of iron and steel, the towering skysc.r.a.pers as well as the numerous pedestrians and heavy traffic only added to the flouris.h.i.+ng hustle and bustle.

Ye Chen led Ye Zhu towards a five-star hotel and requested for a penthouse suite, with four separate rooms and a living room. After dropping off their luggage and grabbing lunch, Ye Chen left Ye Zhu at the hotel and went alone towards the supermarket.

Ye Chen did not buy anything from the meat and veg aisle, but went straight to the snacks aisle. He grabbed two large bags and filled them with sweets and chocolate.

Sweets were a rich source of calories; furthermore they have a long shelf life which made them perfect for storing.

Ye Chen still remembered that during the days of the apocalypse, a single piece of candy could be traded for a low grade piece of leather armor. From that, he could deduce how precious a piece of candy would become.

Other than sweets and chocolates, Ye Chen also bought plenty of eggs; around five hundred of them. His way of buying things left the other shoppers speechless, even the shopping a.s.sistants were dumbfounded. 

Translator's Notes:

The surname Ye means leaf in Chinese, Ye Chen's Chen means morning/dawn while Ye Zhu's Zhu means bamboo.

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Dark Civilization Volume 1 Chapter 1 summary

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