Dark Civilization Volume 1 Chapter 17

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Book 1 Chapter 17: A Ragtag Group of Survivors!

With Ye Chen's level of strength, he could dish out a formidable attack every second. Over the course of a minute, dozens of zombie would be felled by his relentless slaughter. Therefore, it wasn't surprising when the battle ended after a few fleeting minutes.

"Harvest the corpses post haste, we leave immediately after." Ye Chen commanded coldly.

Ye Zhu and Bai long were still gawking at the mountain of corpses in astonishment. Only after hearing Ye Chen's voice did they awaken from their shock. Immediately, they rushed to have the corpses dissected in search of mutagenic flesh.

It didn't take very long for them to finish their work. Bai Long took the role of slicing open the torso of each corpse while Ye Zhu searched the exposed innards for traces of mutagenic flesh. It was a brilliant display of teamwork.

With dissection work done with, Ye Chen scanned his surroundings once more to affirm that there weren't any more incoming zombies. Walking carefully, he headed beside a gla.s.s window and peered through from the corner. The zombies outside were shuffling about in an odd manner, each with their heads raised.

Ye Chen could tell that the zombies were acting this way in order to heighten their senses when in search of fresh blood.

Upon further inspection of situation outside, Ye Chen was made aware that there were no other hiding spots other than a spa.r.s.e couple of cars parked nearby. With so many zombies outside and no convenient source of cover nearby, they would be discovered almost instantly.

As Ye Chen understands it, first stage zombies had eyesight three times better than the average man. Their sight was somewhat similar to infrared vision. It allowed them to see living creatures in shades of red. However, anything that wasn't alive would be perceived as a dull grey.

After surveying for a few moments, Ye Chen turned around with furrowed brows and headed towards the two by the elevator, saying: "We leave through the back door."

The two nodded in reply and followed Ye Chen further into the hotel. As they weren't aware of where exactly the back door was, they had to investigate every pa.s.sageway they came across. Of course, these pa.s.sageways were infested with zombies, but they didn't pose much of a threat for the trio.

Soon, they discovered the back door within a small room at the back. The back door seemed to be locked and there was an old security guard zombie stationed by it. It immediately lunged forward in attack as soon as it laid eyes on Ye Chen.

With casual ease, Ye Chen buried his fireman's axe between the zombie's eyes and swiped the ring of keys conveniently strapped to its waist.

Unlocking the back door revealed a straight path leading towards the main road. There were only seven or eight zombies outside. Not far in the distance stood a minimart with a dozen or so zombies shuffling about its entrance.

Opening the door immediately drew the attention of all the seven or eight zombies, causing them to attack. However, they were soon dealt with after a few swipes of Ye Chen's axe. As the three proceeded down an unoccupied lane, three figures came rus.h.i.+ng desperately out of the minimart nearby. Behind the three escaping figures were a horde of more than twenty zombies hot on their trail.

Yue Heng cursed his bad luck. It had already been a huge ordeal for him to infiltrate the minimart. Yet before he could even indulge in what little food he swiped, he was discovered by a lone wandering zombie. With no other choice, he was forced to retreat out the entrance in a mad dash.

As he ran, he noticed a group of three people standing before an opened back door in the distance. As he got closer, he identified them as two men and one woman equipped with an a.s.sortment of bladed weapons. With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, he turned to his two companions, shouting: "Over there!!"

The two youths trailing behind who were each lugging a handful of food, nodded in agreement. They immediately turned to escape in the direction of the hotel's back door.

As he ran closer to the hotel's back door, he noticed that the three armed strangers were still standing there in a daze. It was as though they failed to notice the horde of zombies behind scrambling towards them in a ravenous frenzy. Frustrated, Yue Heng shouted: "Hurry up and RUN!! The zombies are coming!!"

However, it was as though even his shout failed to reach them. Just as before, they stood there motionlessly glancing at the horde of incoming zombies.

"Dammit, they couldn't have been shocked stupid, could they?" Yue Heng thought inwardly as he grinded his teeth in frustration. He rushed beside Ye Chen's group and exclaimed: "Hurry up and get into the building, or you'll die!"

The sight of Ye Chen's indifference towards his warning made him mad. Even though he wanted to scold the guy further, the horde of zombies behind wouldn't allow any more time. With no other choice, he dashed into the building with his companions and proceeded to lock the door. One's own survival takes precedence after all!

However, soon after the door was shut, he heard a loud banging outside. Startled, he glanced out the small window in the door. What entered his sight shocked him to his very core. His eyes almost popped out of their sockets as he beheld the leading black haired youth brandish his axe as he charged into the horde of zombies while wearing an icy glare.

These formidable and savage zombies fell like straw under the cleaving axe of this mysterious youth. One cleave was all it took to part two or three zombies at their waist. A one-sided slaughter ensued!

"Holy c.r.a.p! Is he still human?"

The three were dumbstruck as their perception of reality shattered.

The slaughter was over in under a minute. The more than twenty zombies were undoubtedly slain as they lay inert upon the floor. Ye Zhu and Bai Long had already begun dissecting the corpses.

Yue Heng scrubbed his eyes in bewilderment, doubtful of whether he had been hallucinating.

Good Heavens!

There were more than twenty of them; any one of them could squash him like a tiny insect. Yet that youth hacked them up like a bunch of watermelons.

Yue Heng gulped nervously before carefully opening the door. Along with his two companions, he timidly approached Ye Chen's group. His scalp tinged with a throbbing numbness as he gazed upon the corpses littering the floor. Stuttering, he said: "Y-you guys…."

Bai Long smiled cheerfully as he split open a corpse's torso, saying: "You guy sure are lucky to chance upon us. With so many zombies, that door wouldn't have lasted for long."

Yue Heng knew that his words were true. After another nervous gulp, he cautiously inquired: "A-are you people sent by G.o.d?"

Bai Long was taken aback, however he instantly recovered and laughed heartily while saying: "That's right, I truly am THE savior sent by the heavens. The impeccable yet elegant, devilishly handsome and truly awe inspiring, Xiao Bai Long! Brothers, if you have any eligible older or younger sisters, or perhaps an attractive cousin from a distant relative, please do not hesitate to have them introduced. I don't mind introverted women; it's all good as long as they're pretty."

"I'll introduce you your mother!" Yue Heng was immediately made aware that he'd been played, causing him to roll his eyes in frustration. Realizing that these strangers weren't so difficult to get along with, he allowed himself to relax more and talk with a little more confidence. Curiously, he inquired: "These zombies are so strong, how'd you manage to kill them? Don't tell me you're not human? Are you perhaps a mythical werewolf, or a vampire?"

Bai Long pursed his lips, saying: "Have you ever seen such a handsome werewolf? Kid, you've read too many fantasy novels. Are you gonna ask me next if I'm a transformer, or even an ultraman or whatever?"

Yue Heng was so overwhelmed that he could puke up a mouthful of blood. Wordlessly, he glared at Bai Long.

"Enough, let's go." Seeing how everything has been taken cared of, Ye Chen turned and headed towards a narrow path. Ye Zhu and Bai Long immediately stood up to follow.

"See you around, friend." Bai Long waved his arm as he left.

Yue Heng was startled at their sudden departure.

"Boss, let's go with them!" Immediately, one the youths behind him exclaimed.

Yue Heng instantly awoke from his daze and hurriedly rushed over, saying: "Wait up, where are you going? Let us come with you."

"Hm?" Ye Chen turned his head around. With a glance, he said: "We've no room for freeloaders here."

Yue Heng immediately said: "Relax, we won't touch any of your food. We have our own!"

Ye Chen shook his head, replying: "You're much too feeble, the lot of you. You'll only weigh us down."

Yue Heng was astonished, seemingly on the verge of tears, he stammered: "W-we won't be a burden…."

"The answer's still no." Ye Chen adamantly shook his head.

Ye Zhu tugged on her brother's sleeve, saying: "Brother, you're afraid that they'll perish sooner if they follow along. But with their strength, they won't last much longer if they stay here either. We can protect them for a bit if they follow us."

Ye Chen hesitantly gave her a glance before turning to gaze at Yue Heng and his companions, declaring: "We're headed towards a very dangerous place. You may follow if the risk of death isn't enough dissuade you."

Despite his harsh warning, Yue Heng and his companions were overjoyed to be allowed into their group.

Immediately after, the group headed out along the narrow path. All the way, Bai Long, Yue Heng and the rest would be responsible for killing the few zombies that strayed over. Ye Chen would stay back and watch, only encountering a horde of ten or more zombies would spur him into action.

After walking for some distance….

Ye Chen suddenly caught the scent of a damp, rancid stench wafting out from around the corner. He instantly ceased advancing and peered towards the corner where the stench originated. There, beside an open manhole, he spotted a pig-sized creature lying there. With pitch black fur, razor sharp claws and a long, protruding set of front teeth, it was undoubtedly a mutant rat!

"c.r.a.p!" Yue Heng widened his eyes as he hurriedly spoke, saying: "Retreat, that's a mutant beast, they're many times stronger than those zombies!" After saying so, he turned to flee. Yet after a few steps, he was surprised that no one followed behind him. Doubtfully, he turned around, only to see Bai Long and the others huddling beside the wall, completely disregarding him. The shock almost made him puke out a mouthful blood. From among them, Ye Chen headed out steadily towards the mutant rat with his fireman's axe in hand.

Translator's Notes:

Yue Heng's name means mountain peak and everlasting.

Puking blood is a metaphorical way of expressing anger/frustration in Chinese. In some instances, it may even be used to convey shock or amazement.

It seems like the author mistakenly numbered this chapter 16 when it should be 17, making the actual chapters for book 1 twenty three.

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Dark Civilization Volume 1 Chapter 17 summary

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