Dark Civilization Volume 1 Chapter 5

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Book 1 Chapter 5: Mutant Ant!

Ye Chen indifferently observed the corpses lying on the ground. Holding the watermelon knife; he first approached the two charred corpses to dissect them. It seemed like his luck was down, there was no mutagenic flesh among either of them.

Ye Chen did not allow the fact to disappoint him, mutagenic flesh was uncommon to begin with, only appearing at a rate of one among ten zombies, and even that was an optimistic estimate. Soon after, he approached the still twitching zombie and casually chopped off its neck and parted its torso.

Black blood flowed out to cover the ground, with a flash in his eyes, Ye Chen discovered a piece of mutagenic flesh the size of two fingertips, double the size of the piece he harvested from that little girl zombie. He took out a plastic bag from his belt, covered his hand with it before harvesting the mutagenic flesh, after which, he kept it in the plastic bag. He couldn't quite consume it yet with it still covered in zombie blood which contained harmful viruses.

With the mutagenic flesh in the bag, he approached the woman zombie with her predominantly severed head, ripped off her clothes and sliced into her skin, completely disregarding the twin peaks before him. Moments later, he stood up; there wasn't any mutagenic flesh to be found on the woman zombie.

Ye Chen did not dawdle and took off immediately, the explosion definitely alerted every free roaming zombie on the floor below.

Not long after he left, multiple zombies came scampering towards the stairs below, snarling viciously. Upon discovering the zombie corpses, they glared around restlessly, noticing the scent of warm blood, they rushed up the stairs….

Ye Chen had retreated back into the room where he first hunted zombies, closing the door behind him, he locked the door before taking out the mutagenic flesh in the bag. After cleansing it thoroughly, he consuming it.

Upon absorbing the mutagenic flesh, Ye Chen could feel his physical strength soar, increasing his power by dozens of pounds, his immunity against viruses also received a boost. With his increased prowess, the watermelon knife became much easier to wield, increasing his attack speed!

But it was in vain----

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The door was being hammered from the other side, causing it to tremble visibly.

Ye Chen furrowed his brows; he gripped the watermelon knife tightly, approaching the peephole, he glimpsed the sight of three figures madly hammering away at the door. With such vicious appearances, they were definitely zombies.

Ye Chen did not panic, he backed up a few steps and with a deep breath, he began to formulate a plan. Within moments, he hurried into the living room and began moving the two sofas around the television, pus.h.i.+ng them into a 'T' formation positioned right behind the door, after which, he entered the kitchen and emerged procuring a kitchen knife and two frying pans. Lastly, he even brought out a mop he found in the washroom.

With his preparations set, Ye Chen released the locking mechanism, under the unrelenting pressure exerted by the zombies, the door slammed open, yet it could only be forced open in a narrow crack, with the door jammed by the sofas, and the sofas pinned against the wall….

With only a narrow gap, a zombie forcefully squeezed itself through with bared fangs and flinging claws, yet it could get one claw through, unable to reach Ye Chen who was standing just inches away, this caused it to go bonkers, snarling madly, it struggled, eyes wild with malevolence.

Ye Chen was calm, as he gazed upon the reaching claw, he raised the watermelon knife and hacked at it vigorously, instantly lopping of the entire arm with one strike!

If it was before, with the st.u.r.diness of a zombie's arm, Ye Chen could at most cut into half of its arm, clearly, his strength has improved!

With one of its claws hacked off, the zombie flew into an unprecedented level of madness, causing it to shove with increased vigour. The sofas pinned behind the door began to creak under the intense pressure, seemingly on the verge of falling apart.

Ye Chen didn't waste any time; he lifted the mop, with its length, he could easily attack the zombie beyond its reach. With a powerful thrust, the tip shot towards the zombie's head striking it right between the eyes, the impact caused the zombie to grunt miserably as it head was flung backwards. Seeing an opportunity, the two zombies behind fought for the chance to enter the gap, finally, surpa.s.sing its compet.i.tion, a zombie emerged to the forefront.

Ye Chen's gaze was cold, repeating his earlier actions; he hacked off the zombie's claw and shoved the mop right at its face, targeting the eyes and mouth.


Suddenly, the sofa pinned behind the door began to crumble under the pressure, the wooden planks snapped and aluminum alloy frame began curling inwards like a cooked shrimp. Finally un.o.bstructed, the three zombies began pouring into the room, lunging towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was astonished, he didn't realize that sofa would cave before he was done killing the three zombies, from this, he could tell how terrifying their combined strength was.

As the first zombie neared, Ye Chen viciously slammed its head with a frying pan, 'clonk'; the frying pan was punctured, like a scarf, the punctured frying pan hung on the zombie's neck. With that, Ye Chen gave the handle a yank, toppling the zombie over.

When the second zombie ran close, Ye Chen sidestepped it whilst slamming the mop at its waist, with a crack, the mop snapped apart.

Ye Chen didn't even have time to breathe before the third zombie came lunging from behind. He immediately dropped himself on his back, reeled his legs in before sending out a powerful kick with both legs, impacting the zombie's chest sending it flying. Ye Chen immediately got up, rushed towards the zombie with the frying pan scarf and ruthlessly kicked it right between the eyes.

With a pathetic groan, the zombie was sent tumbling a few feet away, before Ye Chen could follow up on his a.s.sault, the zombie that was slammed with the mop had already recovered, flipping over its body, it pounced.

Ye Chen backed a step away, evading the zombie's pounce, in the instant before the zombie could muster its next a.s.sault, Ye Chen dished out a full powered slash. Like a flash, he lopped off the zombie's head, sending it hurtling away, now headless, the zombie began squirming hysterically before falling limp to the ground.

Time to finish the kill!

With a frigid glare, Ye Chen dashed towards the zombie on the ground wearing the frying pan.

With a vicious stomp utilizing all his might!


With this one stomp, Ye Chen instantly crushed the zombie's skull into a pulp, its pasty brain matter gushed out and spewed onto the ground like the remnants of a squashed melon.

Almost at the same moment, the last remaining zombie came lunging from behind Ye Chen. In that instant, he didn't even have the time to turn around!

In that moment where his life hung in the balance, Ye Chen could hear the zombie growl as it leapt, he did not turn around, instead, he dashed forward with the zombie chasing behind him, in the blink of an eye he was already approaching the wall without any means of escape!

The zombie once again leapt.

In the next moment, Ye Chen did not slow down in the least; instead he accelerated, running his feet onto the wall. As though he could walk on walls, he dashed upwards two steps before kicking off on the final step into a midair backflip, slas.h.i.+ng out the watermelon knife in his hand, plunging the blade into the zombie's skull!

With its head slit open, the zombie trembled before dropping to the ground.

All this happened in just a brief period of time, lasting a little less than a minute.

Before Ye Chen could catch his breath, he hurriedly went to shut the door before dropping himself on one of the damaged sofas. Panting exhaustedly, only after a brief respite was he able to recover his strength, after which he got up and approached the three zombie corpses. If he wasn't staring at their already split opened skulls, he would be having the misconception of them springing to life the moment he approached.

Ye Chen proceeded to dissect each of the corpses, yet all of them lacked mutagenic flesh, he couldn't help but feel the disappointment set in. After relaxing for a while, he once again headed out, moving towards the floor below.

Whilst walking down the stairs, the four dissected corpses remained strewn about, black blood staining the ground everywhere.

Ye Chen stepped on places unblemished by black blood while moving the corpses to the side, clearing a path so that if he were to end up being chased again, he wouldn't be entangled by these corpses when making his escape.

 After he was finished, Ye Chen descended the stairs to arrive at the floor below; this floor was clearly more s.p.a.cious, consisting of far more rooms. There were presidential suites, guest rooms, single rooms and many other varieties, the guest rooms alone consisted of thirty four per floor!

Walking on this floor's corridor, Ye Chen could hear nothing but a deathly silence, some of the rooms were ajar, some had bloodstains covering the doors, as he neared the center of the corridor, he came upon a mangled skull amidst a large bloodstain. He estimated that it was some poor b.a.s.t.a.r.d torn apart by the zombies.

Ye Chen tightened his grip on the watermelon knife, trying his best to keep his nerves under control, if his palms started sweating, it would worsen his grip. If this was still his previous life, he wouldn't even care to look at these zombies, they were simply considered too weak, he could very well end an entire horde with a slap! Compared to that, he was currently still too weak, merely facing three zombies were a life and death experience.

After all, his current strength only amounted to half of a zombie's.

In this long corridor were ten rooms on both sides, among them, three doors were ajar, perhaps the slightest disturbance would send zombies barreling out of them!

Ye Chen carefully made his way towards the first room that was ajar; a cold breeze could be felt blowing from behind it. Anyone who felt it would feel their scalps numb and have goose b.u.mps all over their skin.

Gripping the watermelon knife, Ye Chen slowly pushed open the door a little, glancing into the room from the side; he observed that the room's condition was pristine, not messy in the least.

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief; he approached the door and glanced at the other side, thoroughly scanning the entire room. Suddenly, he spotted something that gave him a jolt, on the living room floor laid some bizarre black creature. It was the size of a fist, jet black in colour, had feelers attached to its forehead and covered in a gleaming black exoskeleton.

Mutant ant!

Ye Chen instantly recognized the ident.i.ty of this bizarre creature, his heart filled with both surprise and delight.

Translation Notes:

It's pretty much inconsequential, but I have elected to change the three sofas that Ye Chen moved around the television to two for an easier method of visualizing the 'T' formation. RIP sofas.

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Dark Civilization Volume 1 Chapter 5 summary

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