The History of Dartmouth College Part 53

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Oliver Willard, Esq., 750 acres land and 20.

. s. d.

Capt. Zadock Wright 3 7 6 Lieut. Joel Matthews 1 13 9 Mr. Paul Spooner 1 13 9 Mr. John Laiton 1 13 9 Mr. Christopher Billings 6 9 Mr. Charles Killam 16 10-1/2 Mr. Timothy Lull 1 0 3 Mr. Asa Taylor 13 6 Mr. Zebulon Lee 16 10-1/2 Mr. John Johnson 11 3 Mr. Matthias Rust 11 3 Capt. Francis Smith 9 0 0 Mr. John Stevens, Jr. 7 10 0 Mr. Robert Miller 6 0 0 Mr. Abel Stevens 7 10 0 Mr. Reuben Jerold 2 5 0 Mr. Willard Smith 6 0 0 Mr. Adam Clark 2 5 0 Mr. Charles Spalding 6 0 0 Mr. Daniel Short 6 0 0 Mr. Josiah Russel 2 5 0 Mr. Josiah Russel, Jr. 3 15 0 Mr. Daniel Woodward 3 15 0 Mr. William Cutler 3 15 0 Mr. Josiah Colton 3 15 0 Mr. Joseph Smith 6 0 0 Mr. John Stevens 7 10 0 Mr. William Bramble 3 15 0 Mr. Joshua Dewie 3 15 0 Mr. Elisha Marsh 6 0 0 Mr. Christopher Pease 6 0 0 Mr. John Strong 4 10 0 Mr. David Bliss 15 0 Mr. Elijah Strong 1 10 0 Mr. Ebenezer Bliss 3 15 0 Mr. Daniel Pinneo 6 0 0 Mr. Thomas Miner 3 0 0 Mr. Nathaniel Holbrook 3 15 0 Mr. Henry Woodward 3 0 0 Mr. Abel Marsh 4 10 0 Mr. Lionel Udal 4 10 0 Lebanon Proprietors, 1440 acres.

Mr. Thomas Storrs, 20 acres.

Capt. Nathaniel Hall, 50 acres.

John Salter, Esq., 50 acres.

Mr. Nathaniel Storrs, 50 acres.

Mr. Constant Southworth, 100 acres.

Mr. Huckens Storrs, 100 acres.

Mr. Amariah Storrs, 20 acres.

Mr. Nehemiah Easterbrook, 50 acres.

Capt. Samuel Storrs, 50 acres.

Mr. Aaron Storrs, 200 acres.

Mr. Huckens Storrs, Jr., 100 acres.

Mr. Jedediah Hebard, 100 acres.

Mr. Oliver Griswould, 100 acres.

Mr. Levi Hyde, 100 acres.

Mr. Israel Gillet, 100 acres.

Mr. Rufus Baldwin 1 10 0 and 100 acres.

Mr. John Gillet 1 10 0 and 100 acres.

Mr. Eliezer Robinson, 2 5 0 and 50 acres.

Mr. Charles Hill 7 10 0 Major John Slapp 1 10 0 Mr. Joseph Wood 3 15 0 Mr. Silas Waterman 1 2 6 Mr. John Griswold 15 0 Mr. David Bliss 15 0 Mr. Joseph Martin 1 2 6 Mr. Benjamin Fuller 7 6 Mr. Azariah Bliss 3 15 0 Mr. William Dana 7 10 0 Mr. William Downer 3 7 6 Mr. Joseph Tilden 4 14 6 Mr. Samuel Mecham 1 7 0 Mr. Benjamin Wright 2 14 0 Mr. Benjamin Parkhurst, 50 acres land.

Mr. David Rowland, 200 acres.

Mr. Josiah Wheeler, 50 acres.

Mr. Jacob Burton 67 acres, and 1 0 0 Mr. Ebenezer Ball, 33 acres.

Mr. Thomas Murdock, 33 acres and 0 10 0 Mr. Elisha Crane, 33 acres and 10 0 Mr. Philip Smith, 33 acres and 1 0 0 Mr. Joseph Hatch, 33 acres and 1 0 0 Mr. Josiah Burton, 20 acres.

Mr. Israel Brown, 27 acres and 0 10 0 Mr. Daniel Baldwin, 13 acres and 1 10 0 Mr. Francis Fenton, 33 acres.

Capt. Hezekiah Johnson, 80 acres and 1 0 0 Mr. John Serjeant, 40 acres and 2 10 0 Mr. Timothy Bush, 40 acres and 2 0 0 Mr. Peter Thatcher, 40 acres and 15 0 Mr. Daniel Waterman, 24 acres and 15 0 Mr. John Slafter, 40 acres and 1 0 0 Mr. Samuel Hutchinson 2 10 0 Mr. Medad Benton 2 0 0 Mr. John Hatch 2 10 0 Mr. Samuel Partridge 2 5 0 Mr. Elisha Partridge 10 0 Mr. Jonas Richards 10 0 Mr. John Hutchinson 1 0 0 Mr. Elisha Burton 1 10 0 Mr. Nathan Messenger 5 0 Mr. John Wright 1 0 0 Mr. Aaron Wright 1 10 0 Mr. Francis Smalley 1 0 0 Mr. Joseph Ball 1 0 0 Mr. Jonathan Ball 5 0 Mr. Samuel Brown 2 5 0 Mr. Samuel Waterman 7 6 Mr. Samuel Partridge, Jr. 10 0 Mr. Ebenezer Jaques 7 6 Mr. Timothy Smith, 90 acres land.

Mr. Jonathan Curtiss, 120 acres and 3 15 0 Mr. Benjamin Davis, 40 acres.

Mr. John Ordway, 90 acres.

Maj. Joseph Storrs, 110 acres.

Mr. John House, 100 acres.

Mr. Jonathan Freeman, 40 acres.

Mr. Nathaniel Wright, 40 acres.

Mr. Otis Freeman, 40 acres.

Mr. Gideon Smith, 21 dollars.

Mr. Nath. Woodward, 16 acres land.

Mr. Isaac Bridgman, 40 acres.

Mr. Knight s.e.xton, 80 acres and 15 0 0 Mr. James Murch 30 0 0 Mr. Simeon Dewey, 50 acres land and 7 10 0 Mr. Benjamin Rice 7 10 0 Mr. Asa Parker, 50 acres.

Mr. Edm. Freeman, Jr., 40 acres.

Mr. Isaac Wallbridge, 40 acres and 18 0 Mr. David Mason 2 0 0 Mr. Jeremiah Trescot 18 0 Mr. Habakkuk Turner 7 10 0 Mr. Samuel Rust 15 0 Mr. Edmond Freeman, 50 acres.

Mr. William Johnson, Jr. 1 2 6 Rev. Gideon n.o.ble, 40 acres.

Mr. Abner Barker, 30 acres.

Mr. Prince Freeman, 50 acres.

Mr. Abel Johnson 1 2 6 Mr. William Johnson 3 15 0 Mr. Russel Freeman 18 0

It should be remarked that many of the above named were unable to fulfill their promises. The College received in all about 10,000 acres of land.


"Met according to adjournment, November 12, 1770. The following vote was pa.s.sed:

"_Whereas_, John Wright, David Woodward, Edmund Freeman, Otis Freeman, Isaac Walbridge, Isaac Bridgman, and John Bridgman, have agreed to give the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, D.D., 300 acres of land in this town, voted, that the above-mentioned persons may give deed of 300 acres of land in the land now lying undivided among the proprietors, as follows, namely, to begin at Lebanon line at the bound of a lot of land lately given by the Hon. Benning Wentworth, Esq., to the Trustees of Dartmouth College; then in the east line of said lot about 300 rods, to the southwest bound of the 17th hundred-acre lot west of the half-mile line, then south sixty-four degrees, east about 168 rods, or so far as that a line to run parallel with the first-mentioned line and running to Lebanon will make 300 acres, said land to lie to the above-mentioned persons for so much in their next division on the respective original rights they now own; _i. e._ to John Wright 40 acres, to David Woodward 50 acres, to Isaac Bridgman 50 acres, to Edmund Freeman 40 acres, to Isaac Walbridge 40 acres, to Otis Freeman 50 acres, to John Bridgman 30 acres. And whereas, the persons whose names are hereafter mentioned have covenanted and agreed to give to the Trustees of Dartmouth College, for the benefit of said college, the following quant.i.ties of land, namely, Knight s.e.xton 100 acres, Joseph Storrs 100 acres, John House 100 acres, John Ordway 100 acres, Jonathan Curtice 140 acres, Tim. Smith 100 acres, Edmund Freeman 50 acres, Prince Freeman 50 acres, Jonathan Freeman 50 acres, Nathaniel Wright 50 acres, Nathaniel Woodward 20 acres, Simon Dewey 50 acres, Benjamin Davis 50 acres, Asa Parker 50 acres, voted, that the above-named persons may give a deed of all the undivided land lying east of the piece aforementioned, and south of the hundred-acre lots in the 1st and 3d ranges of hundred acres in the 1st division of hundred-acre lots, and west of the two-mile road, and north of Lebanon line, it being about 1,000 acres, be it more or less, to lie for so much to the original rights aforementioned as the present owners of said rights have subscribed to give, reserving proper allowance for highways for the benefit of the town."


"We the subscribers hereby severally promise for ourselves, our heirs, etc., to pay to the Rev. Mr. Eleazar Wheelock, or such other person or persons who shall be appointed to receive the same the sums respectively affixed to our names for the founding and supporting a school for the education of Indian youth and others to be paid in land whereon to build a proper house or houses and in provisions and in materials for building such house or houses which shall be judged necessary for the support of said school, provided said school be fixed in the first society in Hebron and there continued. Witness our hands this 17th January, 1765.

David Barbur 80 Alex Phelps 50 John Phelps 50 Asahel Phelps 20 Joshua Phelps 16 Ebenezer Gilbert 16 Increase Porter 20 Benjamin Sumner 10 Obadiah Horsford 50 Silva.n.u.s Phelps 15 Israel Morey 20 Stephen Palmer 5 Aaron Stiles 10 Isaac Ford 10 Ichabod Buell 10 Lijah Buell 10 Alexander Mack 6 Stephen Stiles 7 Eliphalet Case 10 Benjamin Day 20 Asa White 2 Eliphalet Youngs, Jr. 2 Saml. Phelps 5 Israel Post 20 Nathl. Phelps 10 Stephen Barbur 30 Neziah Bliss 15 Samuel Fielding 2 Oliver Phelps 2 Pelatiah Porter 15 Eleazar Strong 10 Thomas Post 15 Saml. Gilbert, Jr. 20 Thos. Summer 5 Abijah Rowlee 10 Danl. Tillotson 20 Ephraim Wright 2 Saml. Jones 20 Danl. Porter 15 Oliver Barbur 8 Worthy Waters 10 Zebulon Strong 2 Jonathan Birge 1 Story Gott 25 Solomon Huntington 4 Solomon Tarbox 15 Elisha Mack 10 David Carver 10 Adam Waters 10 Samuel Bicler, Jr. 14 Ichabod Phelps 20 Ichabod Phelps, Jr. 10 Eliphalet Young 10 Samuel Gilbert 65 Benjamin Buell 20 Thomas Tarbox 10

Mr. Wheelock's correspondence indicates that the School was kept one year at Hebron, by Mr. Alexander Phelps.

"At a meeting of the First Company of the Delaware Purchasers (so called), held by adjournment at the Town-house in Norwich, on the 3d day of January, A. D. 1769,

"Voted that this Company do now grant to the Indian Charity School under the care of Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, D.D., of Lebanon, six miles square of land, to be laid out on the westermost part of this Company's purchase upon Delaware River, upon condition said School shall be erected on the Susquehannah Purchase (so called).

"The above is a true copy of the vote of the First Company of the Delaware Purchasers.

"Test Elisha Tracy, Clerk for said Company."

"At a meeting of the Second Company of the Delaware Purchasers (so called), held by adjournment at the Town-house in Norwich, on the 3d day of January, A. D. 1769,

"Voted that this Company do now grant to the Indian Charity School under the care of the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, D.D., of Lebanon, six miles square of land, to be laid out for the use of said School on the westermost part of this Company's purchase of land upon Lacawack River, upon condition said School shall be erected upon the Susquehannah Purchase, so called.

"The above is a true copy of the vote of the Second Delaware Company.

"Test Elisha Tracy, Clerk for said Company."

In September, 1768, Messrs. Williams, Woodbridge, Sergeant, Willard, Brown, Goodrich, Gray, Pixley, Jones, Curtis, Bement, Wilson, Stoddard, Bouton, Dean, Fuller, and others, proposed to give various sums, ranging from $5 to 150, provided the College, should be located, agreeably to their wishes, at Stockbridge, Ma.s.s. During the same year, Zephaniah Batch.e.l.ler writes from Albany, stating that Captain Abraham J. Lansing will give, in all, more than two hundred acres of land, suitably located for buildings and other uses, and worth 2,500, provided the College is located at Lansingburg, N. Y.

"Province of New Hamps.h.i.+re, June 18, 1770. At a proprietor's meeting, lawfully warned and held at my dwelling-house in Lyme in the province above said, voted to lay out to the use and benefit of Dartmouth College fifteen hundred acres of land, ... provided said Trustees shall fix or build said college in the towns.h.i.+p of Lyme, south of Clay Brook.

"A true copy of file

Test Jonathan Sumner, Proprietor's Clerk.

Lyme, June 18, 1770."

"January 22, 1770. Proprietors' meeting at Hampton.

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The History of Dartmouth College Part 53 summary

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