Contemporary American Literature Part 63

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Mr. Torrence's plays for a negro theatre are worth special study.


The House of a Hundred Lights. 1900.

El Dorado, a Tragedy. 1903.

Abelard and Heloise. 1907. (Poetic drama.) Granny Maumee; The Rider of Dreams; Simon the Cyrenian. Plays for a Negro Theatre. 1917.



Atlan. 96 ('05): 712; 98 ('06): 333.

Bk. Buyer, 20 ('00): 96 (portrait).

Fortn. 86 ('06): 434.

New Repub. 10 ('17): 325.

+Horace Traubel+--poet, biographer.

Born at Camden, New Jersey, 1873, of part Jewish parentage. Worked as newsboy, errand boy, printer's devil, proof reader, reporter, and editorial writer. Editor of various publications, including _The Conservator_. Died in 1919.

Mr. Traubel is best known for his a.s.sociation with Whitman as friend, secretary, and literary executor. When Whitman went to Camden in 1873, he became a member of the Traubel household; and Mr. Traubel's account of his life there is of the greatest value for the study of Whitman.

Although Traubel's poetry was strongly influenced by Whitman, he worked out a philosophy of his own which is worth study. An interesting comparison can be made of his ideas with Whitman's and with Edward Carpenter's (cf. Manly and Rickert, _Contemporary British Literature_).


Chants Communal. 1905.

With Walt Whitman in Camden--a Diary. 1905 (Volume I). 1908 (Volume II).

1914 (Volume III).

Optimos. 1910. (Poems.) Collects. 1915.


Karsner, D. Horace Traubel, His Life and Work. 1919.


Am. M. 76 ('13): Nov., pp. 59 (portrait), 60.

Arena, 40 ('08): 128 (portrait), 183.

Cur. Lit. 39 ('05): 37 (portrait); 52 ('12): 590 (portrait).

Forum, 50 ('13): 708.

Freeman, 1 ('20): 46, 448.

*Open Court, 34 ('20): 49, 87.

+Jean Starr Untermeyer+--poet.

Born at Zanesville, Ohio, 1886. Educated at Putnam Seminary, Zanesville, and special student at Columbia. In 1907, she married Louis Untermeyer (q.v.).


Growing Pains. 1918.

Dreams out of Darkness. 1921.



Poetry, 14 ('19): 47. (Amy Lowell.) See also _Book Review Digest_, 1918, 1921.

+Louis Untermeyer+--poet, critic.

Born in New York City, 1885. Educated at the De Witt Clinton High School, New York. An accomplished pianist and professional designer of jewelry.

Married Jean Starr (q.v.), 1907. Business man. a.s.sociate editor of _The Seven Arts_ (cf. _Poetry_, 9 ['16-'17]: 214). Contributing editor to _The Liberator_. Socialist.

Mr. Untermeyer's early verse was influenced by Heine, Housman, and Henley, especially the last; but he has broken away from them to an individual expression of social pa.s.sions.


The Younger Quire. 1911.

First Love. 1911.

Challenge. 1914.

"---- and Other Poets." 1917. (Parodies.) These Times. 1917.

The New Era in American Poetry. 1919.

Including Horace. 1919.

Modern American Poetry. 1919. (Anthology.) The New Adam. 1920.

Modern British Poetry. 1920. (Anthology.)


Bookm. 47 ('18): 266. (Phelps.) Lond. Times, Nov. 17, 1921: 746.

New Statesman, 18 ('21): 114.

Outlook, 122 ('19): 644 (portrait).

Poetry, 4 ('14): 203; 11 ('17): 157; 14 ('19): 159; 17 ('21): 212.

Sat. Rev. 132 ('21): 737.

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Contemporary American Literature Part 63 summary

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