Contemporary American Literature Part 8

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The Land of Little Rain. 1903.

*The Basket Woman: Fanciful Tales for Children. 1904.

Isidro. 1905.

The Flock. 1906.

Santa Lucia. 1908.


Lost Borders. 1909.

*The Arrow Maker. 1911. (Play.) (Also in _Drama_, 1915.) *A Woman of Genius. 1912.

The Green Bough. 1913.

The Lovely Lady. 1913.

Love and the Soul-Maker. 1914.

The Man Jesus. 1915.

The Ford. 1917.

Outland. 1919. (Originally published under the pseudonym, "Gordon Stairs," London, 1910.) No. 26 Jayne Street. 1920.



Am. M. 72 ('11): 178 (portrait).

Bookm. 35 ('12): 586 (portrait).

Cur. Lit. 53 ('12): 698 (portrait.) Freeman, 1 ('20): 311.

New Repub. 24 ('20): 151.

R. of Rs. 47 ('13): 241 (portrait).

Review, 3 ('20): 73.

Sunset, 43 ('19): 49 (portrait).

+Irving (Addison) Bach.e.l.ler+ (New York, 1859)--novelist.

His outstanding books are:

Eben Holden. 1900.

A Man for the Ages. 1919. (Lincoln, the hero.)

For bibliography, see _Who's Who in America_.

+Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon (Mrs. Selden Bacon)+--novelist.

Born at Stamford, Connecticut, 1876. A.B., Smith College, 1898.

Mrs. Bacon has made a special study of child life.


Smith College Stories. 1900.

The Imp and the Angel. 1901.

Fables for the Fair. 1901.

The Madness of Philip. 1902.

Middle Aged Love Stories. 1903.

*Memoirs of a Baby. 1904.

The Domestic Adventurers. 1907.

*Biography of a Boy. 1910.

While Caroline Was Growing. 1911.

Margarita's Soul. 1909. (Under the pseudonym "Ingraham Lovell.") Open Market. 1915.

When Binks Came. 1920.


Am. M. 69 ('10): 765, 766 (portrait).

Bk. Buyer, 20 ('00): 191 (portrait).

Bookm. 27 ('08): 159.

Critic, 40 ('02): 332 (portrait), 335.

Outlook, 78 ('04): 288 (portrait).

+Ray Stannard Baker ("David Grayson")+--man of letters.

Born at Lansing, Michigan, 1870. B.S., Michigan Agricultural College, 1889. Studied law and literature at University of Michigan; LL.D., 1917.

On the _Chicago Record_, 1892-7. Managing editor of McClure's Syndicate, 1897-8, and a.s.sociate editor of _McClure's Magazine_, 1899-1905. On the _American Magazine_, 1906-15. Director of Press Bureau of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace at Paris, 1919.

His studies of country life under the pseudonym "David Grayson" are widely popular.


Adventures in Contentment. 1907.

Adventures in Friends.h.i.+p. 1910.

The Friendly Road. 1913.

Hempfield. 1915.

Great Possessions. 1917.


Acad. 86 ('14): 137.

Am. M. 78 ('14)138.

Bookm. 43 ('16): 1 (portrait), 394.

Bookm. (Lond.) 39 ('11): 290; 47 ('14): 107.

McClure's, 24 ('04): 108, 110 (portrait).

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Contemporary American Literature Part 8 summary

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