Cousin Hatty's Hymns and Twilight Stories Part 7

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May I be better all the week, For what to-day has taught; May I G.o.d's love and favor seek, And do the things I ought!


[Ill.u.s.tration: T.]

'Twas morning, and the pleasant light Shone on the hills, the trees, the flowers, And made a far-off country bright, A lovely land, but not like ours.

A mother led her little child Forth from his father's door away; And with the flowers he played, and smiled As beautiful and bright as they.

But when, at noon, the warm sun beat Upon the sweet boy's forehead fair, Tired and thirsty from the heat, He asked in vain for water there.

The bottle, filled with water clear At early day, was empty now; The mother laid her child so dear Beneath an old tree's spreading bough.

She turned away, and heard the sound Of water, gus.h.i.+ng like the rain; She raised her boy from off the ground, He drank, and played and smiled again.

They travelled on for many a day, The mother and her little child; And found a home, far, far away, At last, among the deserts wild.




The bird within its nest Has sung its evening hymn, And I must go to quiet rest, As the bright west grows dim.

I see the twinkling star, That, when the sun has gone, Is s.h.i.+ning out the first afar, To tell us day is done.

If on this day I've been A selfish, naughty child, May G.o.d forgive the wrong I've done, And make me kind and mild.

May he still bless and keep My father, mother dear; And may the eye that cannot sleep Watch o'er our pillows here,

And guard us from all ill, Through this long, silent night, And bring us, by His holy will, To see the morning light.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Letter S.]

Spring has come, dear mother!

I've a violet found, Growing in its beauty From the cold, dark ground.

You are sad, dear mother, Tears are in your eye; You're not glad to see it; Mother, tell me why?

I remember.--Last year, Where our Willie lies, Grew the earliest violet, Blue as were his eyes.

Then you told me, mother, That the flowers would fade, And their withered blossoms On the earth be laid.

But you said, as springtime Would their buds restore, Willie would in heaven Be forevermore.

Weep no more, dear mother!

Violets are in bloom; And your darling Willie Lives beyond the tomb.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Letter L.]

"Little children, when rejoicing In the merry Christmas morn, 'Mid your sports remember ever 'Tis the day that Christ was born.

"When on earth, the blessed Saviour Said, 'Let children come to me,'

And the little ones he folded In his arms, how tenderly!"

"But the Saviour is in heaven, And we cannot see him now; We cannot receive his blessing, In his presence cannot bow."

"Listen. In the holy Bible, Jesus Christ tells every child That the way to gain his blessing Is by being good and mild."

"Here on earth you may not see him; But when this short life is done, You shall live with him forever Where there is no setting sun."

"So remember, Christmas morning, That on earth the Saviour came; And that still he guards and blesses Every child who loves his name."


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Cousin Hatty's Hymns and Twilight Stories Part 7 summary

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