The Proposal at Siesta Key Part 25

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Her words struck something in him. "They did?"

"Yep. I didn't think it was going to happen at first, but when I started telling them how unhappy I was and how I needed to do something for me, they understood. I'm relieved."

"Jah. I bet so." He got to his feet. "You know what? A slice of pie sounds mighty gut after all. What kind did Beverly serve today?"


"Oh, yum."

She chuckled. "Beverly's pies would make anyone reconsider ever leaving this place."

"I hope there's some left," he murmured, though he knew there was something far more tempting than pie calling him back to Pinecraft.


She's gone," Eric announced after he shut the inn's front door and came into the kitchen.

Amy had just stormed out in a fit of tears and a clattering of suitcases. Then, just to make things worse, she'd declared to everyone on the sidewalk that she was going to go check in at the Best Western down the street.

Even Wilma next door had heard-and she had hearing aids!

It was pandemonium. So much of it was transpiring at her inn, Beverly was tempted to climb on one of those giant Pioneer Trails buses parked by the post office and happily let it take her wherever it was going. At least then she might be able to get a whole two hours of peace and quiet.

But for now, Beverly and Tricia stared at each other in shock.

"We got that," Tricia murmured in response. "I think the whole street knows it, too."

He winced. "Sorry about that. Amy is rather dramatic."

Beverly thought the girl was a lot of things but held her tongue. "Was something wrong with her room?"

"Wrong? Oh, not at all," he murmured, completely oblivious to the fact that Tricia was practically rolling her eyes. "She was mad at me."

Remembering the embrace that she'd walked in on, Beverly shrugged. "I'm sure it will pa.s.s."

"No, I don't think so."

"What was she mad about?" Tricia asked.

"You don't have to tell us," Beverly said quickly.

"No, it's not a secret." Looking reflective, he said, "When I told her that she should come visit me, she thought it was some kind of cryptic code that I was about to propose. Tonight, I told her that wasn't going to happen-at least not anytime soon-and it didn't go over real well."

"Wow!" Tricia exclaimed.

Beverly made sure to keep her response far more tempered. "I'm sorry she got so upset."

"Me, too," he said.

"You seemed close," Beverly said, though that was pretty much an understatement.

"We were. But maybe not in the ways that mattered," he mused, sending a wry look Tricia's way. "I didn't want to break up with her, but I wasn't ready to propose." He frowned. "Especially not when she was acting like she expected it."

"Relations.h.i.+ps are so hard," Tricia said as she opened the freezer and pulled out a pint of ice cream.

Beverly walked over and pulled down three bowls. "What are you going to do about Amy?"

He smiled. "I'm going to let her cool her heels, then take her to the airport when she feels like answering my phone calls."

"That's it?"

"Yep. She's not going to forgive me anytime soon. Amy is a rather excitable girl. She doesn't do things in half measures."

Grabbing the ice cream scoop, Tricia said, "I didn't get that impression, either."


Tricia flushed. "Oh, um, I just meant that she talks a lot."

Eric laughed. "That she does." Walking to the drawer, he pulled out three spoons. "I'm sorry for the commotion, but her visit will be over soon. Her flight leaves in a few hours."

"At least you won't be taking Michael, too," Tricia said. "I'm really going to miss him."

"Me, too," Eric replied. "He and I have shared some great conversations. He's got a way about him, don't you agree, Bev?"

"Yes." After glancing at the kitchen door, Beverly lowered her voice. "I don't know how Penny is going to take his leaving. They've gotten really close."

"Really close," Tricia whispered as she gathered up the pint and deposited it back in the freezer.

Glancing at the swinging door, Beverly said, "I heard them talking in the dining room just now. I'm not sure, but I think Michael just told her exactly what date he's leaving."

"Poor Penny," Tricia said.

"Maybe it won't go too badly," Eric offered.

"I don't think there's any doubt that they're going to be really sorry to tell each other good-bye," Tricia said as she grabbed a bowl and carried it to the kitchen table. "If I were Penny, I'd even find these next couple of days hard."

"At least we have ice cream to eat," Eric said with a grin. "I vote we stay in here for a while and let them have their privacy."

Grabbing her own spoon and bowl, Beverly joined him and Tricia. "I think that's a good idea. I don't want to interrupt their conversation." Or anything more romantic than that.

After taking a couple of spoonfuls, Tricia quipped, "The good news is that we're not gonna have to brace ourselves for Penny to yell and scream. Penny is a much quieter girl than Amy," she added, then looked immediately shame-faced. "Sorry, Eric."

He shrugged. "Don't worry about it. I'm disappointed, but, seeing how she acted here, I was beginning to realize she wouldn't ever fit in with us here at the inn."

Beverly almost choked on her bite of strawberry ice cream. That had sounded exactly like he was planning to stay with her in Pinecraft.

It was a relief when Tricia started giggling. "Sorry again, Eric, but you've got to admit that she really, really tried to like it here. Especially the incredible, sugary sand."

"And the fantastic, warm weather and beautiful, flowery foliage," Beverly murmured, reciting two of her least favorite Amy phrases.

"I liked her description of you the best, Bev," he said as he spooned up a bite of chocolate chip.

"Oh? How did she describe me?"

His lips twitched. "As a 'green-eyed G.o.ddess of the kitchen.'"

One by one, they each burst into laughter. But Beverly couldn't help but feel a little sad at the same time. Eric, too, would be leaving soon. And Beverly was surprised to realize that she was going to miss him. She was going to miss him a lot.

FOR PENNY, THE LAST week had gone by far too quickly. Seeing Michael had been the highlight of each day. They'd played cards, sat outside on the back patio together, laughed with Tricia, and simply enjoyed each other's company.

Michael had also healed. His color returned, he gained a few pounds, and he worked hard when the physical therapist came by to help him adjust to his fancy new prosthesis. His return to health would have been a true celebration . . . if it hadn't meant that it was also time to leave her.

Now, gripping the folded note that Michael had just placed in her hand, Penny attempted to maintain her composure. "Danke." After meeting his gaze, she allowed her eyes to drift around the dining room. But she might have had her eyes closed. She didn't see the watercolors of Sarasota, the Battenberg lace curtains, the silky sheen of the recently polished furniture.

"It's not a gift, Pen. It's my schedule for the month and all my contact information. You know, so we can stay in touch."

"You know my parents aren't going to want me to start writing you on the computer."

"That email address is only if you need it," he said patiently, "but I know you can call me from the kitchen here."

She didn't want to call him. She didn't even want to think about him being gone . . . and that he'd asked her to go but she had refused. "It will be long-distance."

"You could call me and leave a message and then I'll call you back. You could do that, right?"

Reluctantly, she nodded. "Of course I can. I mean, jah, I can do that."

His expression softened as he leaned closer. "Please don't forget about me, Penny. I'll be looking forward to your calls. And like I said, I'll write to you, too."

This was something that they'd been talking about ever since he'd told her that he was going to be leaving. Over and over he'd told her how important she was to him. How much he wanted to stay in her life, even if he was living far away from her.

"I'll write." Her bottom lip trembled. Mad at herself, she pressed one of the linen breakfast napkins over her lips. It was a futile attempt to conceal her pain.

"Penny, please. Don't do that. Don't pretend you don't care."

"I care. I just don't want you to see me cry."

Reaching out, he pulled her hands away from her face, then enfolded her in his arms and held her close. Immediately, she relaxed against him, feeling the smooth cotton of his s.h.i.+rt against her cheek, savoring how secure and safe she felt in his arms.

"This isn't over, Penny," he whispered over the top of her head. "I'm going to go on this tour and we're going to write and talk and make plans to see each other soon. Even if I have to come here every other month."

Every other month. Every sixty days. It sounded like both a blessing and an insurmountable period of time. Lying through her teeth, she said, "That won't be so bad."

"Not at all," he murmured as he ran a hand along the lines of her shoulder blades. "Who knows? Maybe over time you'll feel more comfortable with my family and you'll even want to join us for a short trip someplace nearby."

Maybe, in time, she could do that. After all, if he was willing to do so much, surely she could, too? "I'd like that," she whispered.

He pulled away but kept his arms loosely wrapped around her waist. "Penny, no matter what, promise me that you'll keep true to our proposal at the beach. Don't forget to keep moving forward and staying positive."

"I won't." She wasn't going to forget one single moment between them. "Will you try to remember it, too?"

"I won't ever forget." With a look of regret, he dropped his hands and stepped away. "It's getting late. The sun will set within the hour. Now, do me a favor and say good-bye."

"Already? But you aren't leaving for the airport until tomorrow morning."

"I'm leaving too early in the morning to see you. And I don't want you walking home in the dark."

"I'll be okay."

"I have other things to do, too," he continued, though Penny was pretty sure he was lying. "I still have to finish getting packed, pay Beverly, and get myself mentally prepared to go out on the road. I won't be able to do any of that if I'm only thinking about you."

She was in no hurry to leave his side, but she knew what he was saying had merit. It wasn't going to be any easier to tell him good-bye in an hour or two. After taking a fortifying breath, she did what she had to do. "Well, then, good-bye, Michael Knoxx."

"Good-bye." His voice sounded thick. Husky. "I promise I won't forget."

"I won't forget, either. Good-bye. And G.o.d bless you."

For a moment his eyes drifted to her lips and she was sure he was going to kiss her.

And she knew she would let him. Suddenly, Penny knew she needed that kiss, needed that memory to hold close to her heart when she lay in bed at night and thought about him being surrounded by scores of adoring fans.

But instead of pressing his lips to hers, he resolutely took another step away. "Go, now, Penny," he said softly. "And may the Lord bless you each day with His warm rays of light."

His words were beautiful, his expression was tender.

But her heart was breaking.

So she did as she was asked and left.


Two weeks later, Michael was beginning to feel as if he'd never left the tour. After meeting his family in Brownsville, they'd flown to Denver, then St. Louis, and now had been in Canton, Ohio, for twenty-four hours.

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The Proposal at Siesta Key Part 25 summary

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