The Costarella Conquest Part 5

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'We'll go with your choice-the stir-fried pork, bacon, smoked tofu, garlic shoots, garlic chives and chilli oil-and I'll pick the vegetable dish.'

'Which will be?'

'Stir-fried wild bamboo pith, snow peas and quail eggs with ginger and garlic.'

'We'll probably end up with garlic breath.'

'We can try was.h.i.+ng it away with wine.'

He ordered an expensive bottle of sauvignon blanc.

The waitress departed, having a.s.sured them of prompt service.

Laura heaved a satisfied sigh as she sat back and relaxed, happy to enjoy the ambience of the restaurant and the company of the man she was with.

'How was your week?' she asked.

He gave her a very sensual smile. 'All the better for ending here with you. How was yours?'


He raised a quizzical eyebrow.

She made a rueful grimace. 'I couldn't get you out of my head.'

He laughed. 'I'm glad the problem wasn't entirely mine. The question is whether to feed the fever or starve it?'

'I'm all for feeding tonight.'

'So am I.'

His eyes said he wanted to eat her all up and Laura couldn't deny she wanted to taste him again, too, but she wasn't ready to commit herself to becoming lovers on such short acquaintance.

'I meant here at the restaurant, Jake. I don't really know you, do I?' She eyed him seriously. 'My father obviously likes you very much, which isn't a great recommendation. I think from your visit last Sunday, you can draw a fairly clear picture of my life, but I don't have one of yours, apart from your mentioning that your mother has pa.s.sed away. What about the rest of your family?

He shrugged. 'Both my parents died when I was eighteen. I was their only child. I've been on my own ever since. My life is not complicated by having to manage relations.h.i.+ps, Laura. As I saw you doing last Sunday.'

'You move to your own beat,' she said wryly.


'No live-in girlfriends along the way to here and now?'

He shook his head. 'I haven't met anyone I wanted to be with every day.'

She nodded, extremely wary of the live-in situation herself. 'It's a big ask, day in, day out. I can't see myself even wanting to try it.'

He smiled, eyes twinkling with understanding. 'You wish to be a free spirit.'

'I've seen my mother compromise too much,' she shot at him.

'Not all men are like your father, Laura,' he said seriously. 'My parents' marriage was very happy. I grew up in a loving home. I wish I still had it.'

She felt a stab of envy, though his loss triggered sympathy, as well. 'You were lucky to have what you did, Jake, but I guess missing that home life leaves you feeling very lonely.'

His eyelids dropped to half-mast, narrowing the flash of dangerous glitter. Some powerful emotion was coursing through him, belied by the offhand tone he used in his reply. 'It's been ten years, Laura. I've learnt to live with being alone.'

She didn't think so. She sensed anger in him at the loss, a deep abiding anger, so intense there was an edge of savagery to it. The image of a lone wolf endlessly prowling for some measure of satisfaction leapt into her mind.

Had he been looking for it in the career he had chosen? The bankruptcy business was centred on loss and he'd spoken almost pa.s.sionately about the trauma of it and wanting to help when she'd taken him out to the garden last week. It had surprised her at the time. The conviction started to grow in her that he was not like her father. Not at all like him.

Which made the pleasure she could share with him much more acceptable.

'The self-sufficient man,' she said, smiling.

'Who doesn't want to be alone tonight.'

His smile was definitely wolfish, exciting her with the wild thought of howling at the moon together, mating on top of a mountain under the stars. Ridiculous since they were in the middle of a city, but the female animal inside her was strongly aroused, wanting to explore intimate possibilities with Jake Freedman.

The waitress returned with the bottle of wine and filled their for them. Jake lifted his in a toast. 'To learning a lot more about each other.'

Laura nodded agreement. 'I'll drink to that.'

She clicked her gla.s.s to his and they both sipped the wine.

'I heard you tell Eddie that you worked out at a gym. Do you go often?'

'Usually after work. It's a good way of winding down.'

And every woman in the place would be eyeing him off, Laura thought, wondering if he also used the gym for casual pick-ups. She couldn't imagine him not having a very active s.e.x life. Which, she strongly suspected, he kept completely separate from his work life.

'You said last Sunday you didn't want to want me, Jake,' she reminded him. 'Is that because it's difficult to avoid it touching on your career with me being my father's daughter?'

He made an ironic grimace. 'I think it's a complication we'd both prefer not to have.' He leaned forward, his dark riveting eyes shooting a blaze of purpose at her. 'Let's shut the door on it. Just do what we want to do together, regardless of other issues. Are you brave enough to go down that road with me, Laura? Strong enough to make the choice for yourself?'

The challenge propelled her pulse into overdrive. Brave? Strong? She wanted to belief that of herself, but was it really true? She'd always s.h.i.+ed clear of intimate entanglements, afraid of how they might affect her. The couple of s.e.xual experiments she'd allowed herself had been more out of curiosity-a desire for knowledge-than a wish for a closer, more possessive attachment.

Jake Freedman tapped something far more primal in her and that was scary because it was uncontrollable. She wanted to explore it, to feel whatever he could make her feel, but she couldn't quite override the sense of danger with him. Already he had taken up far too much possession of her mind. Would that go away with pa.s.sion spent or would she end up losing the mental independence she needed for self-survival?

She could not-would not-end up like her mother.

'I like to come and go as I please, Jake,' she said firmly. 'I don't think I'd mind joining you along the road now and then, but...'

Her mouth dried up as a dazzling grin spread across his wickedly handsome face.

'Fine...perfect...we can draw a map and meet when the time is right for both of us.'

She laughed with nervous excitement. He was so obliging, so tempting, so incredibly s.e.xy, and surely there was nothing too scary about having an intermittent adventure with him.

The waitress arrived with their entrees. Laura had chosen the fried salt-and-pepper silken tofu with spicy coriander salad and Jake had decided on the Northern-style lamb and fennel dumplings. Both dishes looked and smelled deliciously enticing.

'We divide them in half. Right?' she said eagerly.

'Sharing is the deal,' he agreed, obviously enjoying her keen antic.i.p.ation. 'Go ahead. Divvy up.'

Jake watched her halve the portions on each plate, liking her meticulous care, liking everything about her, especially the determination to run her own life as she saw fit. It freed him of any guilt over pursuing what he wanted with her. She was not looking for a happy-ever-love with him. She didn't believe in it.

Given what he'd seen of her parents' marriage, he understood where she was coming from and why she would shy clear of serious attachments. Alex Costarella had wrought damage on his own family, as well as on many others'. He'd robbed Jake of his parents, but unlike them, Laura was alive and kicking. She would survive. An intermittent relations.h.i.+p with him should not create a problem for either of them.

'We should start with the dumplings and finish with the salad,' she said authoritatively.

'Yes, ma'am.'

It startled her into a laugh. 'I didn't mean to be bossy.'

He grinned. 'I don't mind taking advice from a serious foodie. In fact, I would like you to extend my education on gourmet delights.'

She blushed. 'You're teasing me. I think I'll just shut up and eat.'


She ate with obvious relish. It was a pleasure watching her appreciating each different taste. 'Please feel free to comment,' he urged. 'I wasn't really teasing you, Laura. I want you to share your thoughts on these dishes with me.'

'Tell me what you think,' she countered.

He did and she happily responded.

The whole meal was a pleasure, not only for the wonderful variety of tastes, but also Laura's delight in them. She made it a great sensory experience and not only on the palate. The licking of her lips, the heavenly rolling of her eyes, the rise and fall of her lush b.r.e.a.s.t.s when she sighed with satisfaction, the warm smiles that fuelled a burning l.u.s.t to have all of her...Jake itched to sweep her off to bed and take his fill of Laura Costarella.

He couldn't recall ever having enjoyed an evening with a woman so much. It was impossible to tolerate the thought of it ending here. He had to persuade her to want what he wanted. And not just tonight. He knew one night wouldn't satisfy him. Not now.

They finished up with nougatine and rum truffle candy bars to nibble as they sipped the last of the German Riesling he'd ordered to accompany their dessert.

'This has been fantastic, Jake. Thank you so much for giving me the experience.' Her beautiful blue eyes twinkled. 'Definitely a more than fair exchange for my Sunday lunch.'

'Apart from Neil Perry, what other top Sydney chefs would you like to try out?' he asked, determined on tempting her into his company again.

She reeled off a number of names, then shook her head. 'I can't afford to go to their restaurants but one day I hope to. In the meantime, I drool over their cook books.'

'I can afford them, Laura, but I don't want to go alone. Nor do I know as much about food as you do. I'm happy to pay for you to be my educator, my companion, to share your knowledge and pleasure with me. Will you do that?'

She hesitated, frowning over his proposition.

'An adventure into fine dining,' he pressed.

'With you footing the bill,' she said, wincing over the inevitable cost.

'Why not? It's my idea.' Not to mention the desire running hot behind it.

'It's're buying me, Jake.'

He shook his head. 'Buying your interest, your knowledge. Expanding my own. Say yes, Laura. It will be fun together. As tonight has been.'

Which was undeniable.

'You're right,' she said on a sigh of surrender. 'It's no fun alone. I'm sorry I can't pay my way but I simply don't earn enough with only a part-time job.'

He waved a dismissive hand. 'Don't worry about it. I'll consider it an investment in broadening my life.' He flashed her a mischievous grin. 'You could bring a garden rose for me to smell at our next restaurant. You're right about the hothouse ones sold by street vendors. They have no scent.'

She laughed, a lovely ripple of sound that was headier than the wine. 'You actually went out and tried them?'

'I did.'

'Well, there's hope for you yet.'

'Hope for what?'

'For being more aware of nature's beautiful gifts.'

'I'm very aware of one sitting directly opposite me.' He reached across the table and took one of her hands in his, lightly rubbing his thumb over its palm as his eyes bored into hers, every forceful atom of his mind willing her to concede to the strong s.e.xual attraction between them. 'Spend the night with me, Laura. I've booked a room in the Intercontinental Hotel. It's only a short walk from here. Let's satisfy what was left unsatisfied last Sunday.'

It was blunt.

It was honest.

It promised nothing more than it said.

It had to be this way or no way.

Despite all he liked about her, she was still Alex Costarella's daughter and that fact would separate them when the time for retribution came. Jake had been moving towards that destination for ten years. Whatever he had with Laura could only be a brief sidetrack.


A WILD MELEE of emotions pumped through Laura's heart. The response of her body to Jake's proposition was instantaneous; her stomach contracting in sheer yearning for the satisfaction he promised, her thighs pressing together to contain the rush of excitement at their apex, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s tingling with the need to be touched, held, given the same sensual caressing he was using on her hand.

The simple answer was yes.

She wanted to go with him, wanted to feel how it would be, wanted to know, but the surge of desire was so compelling it frightened her. This wasn't just curiosity. Nor was it an experiment over which she had control.

And there were other considerations.

She was supposed to be spending the night at Eddie's apartment. Her brother would worry if she didn't turn up there so he would have to be told, though she need not actually speak to him. A text message would suffice. Eddie would undoubtedly repeat what he'd said before-make d.a.m.ned sure you keep it at s.e.x and don't get hooked on him.

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The Costarella Conquest Part 5 summary

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