Willie the Waif Part 4

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"Yes," said Bob. "Ain't it prime? I know'd yer'd be glad."

Mrs. Blair was almost as excited as the children themselves, at the idea of the visitor, and she declared she would have to be up an hour earlier, in order to be ready for the lady.

The next morning Willie very much wanted his brother to stay at home with him to see the lady, but Bob knew he must not do that.

"It won't do to lose a day now, Willie," he said. "I must go an' earn some money, else wot'll we do?" And with a brave face he shouldered his broom and marched off.

True to her promise, Miss Elton found her way that morning to Mrs. Blair's.

She had some difficulty in following Bob's directions, for they were not very clear. But she arrived there at lasts and found Willie eagerly watching for her at the window.

"Why, Willie, my little man," she said, "you didn't come to see me last night."

"No," said Willie, with glistening eyes. "I 'ain't been well; but---but,"

hesitatingly, "I'm glad you've come to see me."

[Miss Elton sat down, and drew the boy to her side.] She thought what a frail little fellow he looked, with his flushed cheeks and s.h.i.+ning eyes.

She talked to him for some time about himself and his brother, and then she said---"Now, Willie, I want you to make haste and get well.

Do you know why?"

Willie shook his head.

"Well," she said, "Christmas will be here in two weeks' time.

Do you know what Christmas is?"

"No," said Willie, "I 'ain't ever see'd one."

Miss Elton smiled.

"You know who Jesus is?" she asked.

"Yes" said Willie. "We talks to 'im every mornin' an' night, Bob an' me; an' we're tryin' to be good."

"That's right," said Miss Elton. "Well, Jesus used to live down here on the earth once, and we called the day He came Christmas Day. So Christmas Day was His birthday. You know how He loves little children, and wants them to be happy, and we want to make them happy too. So what do you think we are going to do?"

"Dunno," said Willie.

"We are going to give the children a treat at the mission-room.

We want you all to come and have tea there, and some nice games afterwards; but I'm not going to tell you everything, because I want to surprise you.

That is why I want you to get well."

"Can Bob come too?" he asked.

"Of course; we must have Bob," she answered. "We couldn't get on without him."

For Some moments Willie stood looking at her as though he wanted to say something. Miss Elton waited for him to speak. At last she said gently: "Well, dear, what is it?

"I wish----" he hesitated. "I wish you'd _sing_."

"Would you like me to?" she asked, smiling. "What shall I sing?"

"'Bout 'Suffer little children.'"

During the singing Mrs. Blair came into the room. Miss Elton spoke to her very kindly for minutes, and asked some questions about Willie, thanking her for what she had done for the children.

"Lor', ma'am," she said, "who could help it; such children as they are?

It's wonderful the way that boy looks after the little chap; and as for the little one, why, with his angel-face and pretty ways he'd get round the hardest woman."

"It's very good of you, Mrs. Blair, and G.o.d will give you your reward, you may be sure. Will you take this," slipping some money into her hand, "and get Willie some food? He wants nourishment, poor little fellow!

I must come and see him again. I want him to be well enough to come to the treat we are giving to the children at the mission-room. Perhaps you would come up in the evening, and see them at play?"

"Thank you kindly, ma'am," she replied. "I'd be glad to come."

Before Miss Elton left she made Willie very happy giving him a book of coloured pictures, telling him it was to keep him from being lonely while Bob was at work.



After Miss Elton's visit Willie found plenty to amuse himself with that day, and he was very anxious for Bob to come home that he might tell him the news. Mrs. Blair went out and bought some meat and other things with the money the lady had given her, and the little fellow feasted like a king. Some of the good things he insisted on saving for Bob, and it was in a state of high glee that he watched his brother eating his supper that night. The picture book was a source of great amus.e.m.e.nt to them.

Many of the pictures they recognized, having heard the stories at the mission-room, and it seemed as though Willie would never tire of looking at them, especially one which showed Jesus blessing little children.

The boys looked forward with great interest to the coming treat, and often wondered what kind of a thing it would be, for they had never been to anything of the sort in their lives. Miss Elton kept her promise, and came several times to see Willie, always giving Mrs. Blair something to buy food with, so that it would not be necessary for him to go out in the cold and wet to sell his matches.

It was a red-letter day for Bob when, once, Miss Elton happened to come along just where he was at work. He saw her coming some time before she recognized him, but when she stopped to speak to him he was so excited that he scarcely knew what he was doing.

"Why, Bob," she exclaimed, "this is the first time I have seen you at business. How beautifully clean you have made your crossing!"

Bob coloured with pleasure. It was not often that people praised him, and he hardly knew what to make of it.

"How is my little friend Willie to-day?" she asked.

"Please'm, 'e's gittin' better now 'e don't 'ave to come an' stay out 'ere with me," was the answer.

Bob could always find his tongue when any one asked him about Willie.

"I'm so glad," said Miss Elton. "I want him to come to the treat."

"Yes," said Bob, "'e ants to come."

"Do you always sweep this crossing?" she inquired.

"Yes'm," was the answer. "It's best jist to stay in one place.

Folks git to know yer, yer see. I have my reg'lar ones as gives me a penny most days. They wouldn't do that if I s.h.i.+fted about."

"I see," said Miss Elton. "Well I shall always look out for this crossing now," and with a bright smile and a coin as a parting gift she went on her way. But her heart ached for the little sweeper as she thought of the small old-looking face above the ragged clothes, thinking too of the numbers more who were like him in the great city, and how little she could do for them.

The two weeks quickly pa.s.sed away, and the long-looked-for day of the treat arrived. Miss Elton found time in the morning to come round to Mrs.

Blair's to see if Willie was able to come.

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Willie the Waif Part 4 summary

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