The Female Gamester: A Tragedy Part 4

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ANDREWS. [After some pause] Good heav'n! that she could injure me so deeply------ My credit------but I cannot bear to expose her!

Means have been us'd to stop all further mischief, On some suspicions of mine own before.

So for the present, must appear to doubt it. [Aside.]

[To THOMAS] For this, I owe you my most grateful thanks.

I've ever found you faithful to my interest; Yet, as your zeal may have alarm'd your fears, Speak not of this, until I weigh it further, Not even to your wife.

THOMAS. I shall obey. [THOMAS goes off]

ANDREWS. What an unhappy man!--It is impossible-- I ne'er knew one in ev'ry thought more pure Than she was once--and now to be so chang'd-- I will not see her more--and yet--O heav'n!-- 'Tis demonstration only can convince me.

Ah! lovely woman, didst thou ne'er design But in thy proper sphere alone to s.h.i.+ne, Using with modesty each winning art, To fix, as well as captivate the heart, Love's purest flame might gild the nuptial days, And Hymen's altars then for ever blaze.



An apartment in Mr. ANDREWS's house.


Mrs. ANDREWS. I'm quite amaz'd at what you have related. [She walks to and fro much agitated.]

MARIA. I must not now discover, how her husband Receiv'd the tidings of a secret key: She would not rest, until reveng'd of mine. [Aside.]

Mrs. ANDREWS. Can you now help me? I am much distress'd.

MARIA. You know I am devoted to your service.

Mrs. ANDREWS. So I have ever thought.--Heav'n! what a state!

Compell'd to sooth ev'n those my soul abhors. [Aside.]

MARIA. Madam, I'm griev'd to see your spirits sinking.

But hear me, and I think I can propose A scheme by which it may be so contriv'd, As to retort this charge on your fair character, Cruel as false, respecting the lord Belmour, On your base neighbour Wilson, the inventer, With honour to yourself.

Mrs. ANDREWS. What, and he innocent?

MARIA. Hath he not wrong'd you?------beyond all redress?

Labour'd to blast your spotless fame for ever, Whilst you are innocent?

Mrs. ANDREWS. Yet much to blame. [Aside.]

MARIA. Wherefore, your honour calls aloud for vengeance.

Mrs. ANDREWS. True; his harsh, cruel, groundless, information Hath to my poor mind's peace been most injurious.

MARIA. It is the only means I can devise, At once to wipe away this foul aspersion, And all the other mischiefs that may follow.

Mrs. ANDREWS. But how, I pray? none bear more fair repute.

MARIA. Yet vers'd in gallantry.

Mrs. ANDREWS. So I have heard.

MARIA. That answers well; suppose then, in a letter, You mention earnestly, his having made Some overtures injurious to your honour, And should he persevere, that you'll disclose This breach of truth and friends.h.i.+p to your husband?

Then, let this letter, as it were by chance, Fall in my master's way.--Consider this.

Mrs. ANDREWS. [Pauses] A most ingenious thought!--but to pursue it--[Pauses again.]

Shall I at such dark villainy connive!-- Are there no means to 'scape the tongue of calumny, But by imbibing her infectious breath, And blasting innocence with sland'rous falsehood?

Chang'd howsoe'er I be, yet my soul shudders Ev'n at the thought of an unjust revenge-- I ne'er could reconcile it to myself.

MARIA. Again I say, your own defence demands it.

It is the sole resource you have to save you.

Mrs. ANDREWS. I am myself the cause of all these miseries. [Aside.]

I see great difficulties in this matter.

MARIA. I, not any--do you but write this letter; The rest be mine--but soft!--my master's voice--

Mrs. ANDREWS. What shall I do? I would not meet him now.

MARIA. You must not, till our purpose is effected.

Be not distress'd--I'll urge a fit excuse.

So, to your chamber, and prepare the letter, No patience can submit to such indignities. [Goes off.]

Mrs. ANDREWS. I dread the very thoughts of this--and yet-- To rest beneath so vile an accusation-- It cannot--must not be--I should be false, And to myself unjust--and then, revenge Upon this slanderer--I'm much perplex'd. [Goes off.]


Changes to another room in Mr. ANDREWS's house.

Enter Mr. ANDREWS, leaning on THOMAS and another person; CONSTANTIA attending him.

THOMAS. This outward room is large, the air more free.

ANDREWS. Faint!--very faint!--support me to yon couch. [They seat him on a couch.]

I hop'd at length heav'n's goodness had determin'd To give my soul its so long wish'd-for peace.

CONSTANTIA. Of late, these fierce attacks give fresh alarm.

Preserve him, heav'n,--O sir! behold your daughter.--

ANDREWS. Tir'd nature hath got respite for a while, Yet weaken'd much--my final rest is near.

[To the servants.] Withdraw awhile; but wait within a call.

Constantia! stay; come nearer to your father.

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The Female Gamester: A Tragedy Part 4 summary

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