Ingersollia Part 22

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If a G.o.d created the universe, then, there must have been a time when he commenced to create. Back of that time there must have been an eternity, during which there had existed nothing--absolutely nothing--except this supposed G.o.d. According to this theory, this G.o.d spent an eternity, so to speak, in an infinite vacuum, and in perfect idleness.

286. Fancy a Devil Drowning a World

One of these G.o.ds, according to the account, drowned an entire world, with the exception of eight persons. The old, the young, the beautiful and the helpless were remorselessly devoured by the sh.o.r.eless sea. This, the most fearful tragedy that the imagination of ignorant priests ever conceived, was the act, not of a devil, but of a G.o.d, so-called, whom men ignorantly wors.h.i.+p unto this day. What a stain such an act would leave upon the character of a devil!

287. Some G.o.ds Very Particular About Little Things

From their starry thrones they frequently came to the earth for the purpose of imparting information to man. It is related of one that he came amid thunderings and lightnings in order to tell the people that they should not cook a kid in its mother's milk. Some left their s.h.i.+ning abodes to tell women that they should, or should not, have children, to inform a priest how to cut and wear his ap.r.o.n, and to give directions as to the proper manner of cleaning the intestines of a bird.

288 The G.o.ds of To-day the Scorn of To-morrow

Nations, like individuals, have their periods of youth, of manhood and decay. Religions are the same. The same inexorable destiny awaits them all. The G.o.ds created by the nations must perish with their creators.

They were created by men, and like men, they must pa.s.s away. The deities of one age are the by-words of the next.

289. No Evidence of a G.o.d in Nature

The best minds, even in the religious world, admit that in the material nature there is no evidence of what they are pleased to call a G.o.d.

They find their evidence in the phenomena of intelligence, and very innocently a.s.sert that intelligence is above, and in fact, opposed to nature. They insist that man, at least, is a special creation; that he has somewhere in his brain a divine spark, a little portion of the "Great First Cause." They say that matter cannot produce thought; but that thought can produce matter. They tell us that man has intelligence, and therefore there must be an intelligence greater than his. Why not say, G.o.d has intelligence, therefore there must be an intelligence greater than his? So far as we know, there is no intelligence apart from matter. We cannot conceive of thought, except as produced within a brain.

290. Great Variety in G.o.ds

G.o.ds have been manufactured after numberless models., and according to the most grotesque fas.h.i.+ons. Some have a thousand arms, some a hundred heads, some are adorned with necklaces of living snakes, some are armed with clubs, some with sword and s.h.i.+eld, some with bucklers, and some have wings as a cherub; some were invisible, some would show themselves entire, and some would only show their backs; some were jealous, some were foolish, some turned themselves into men, some into swans, some into bulls, some into doves, and some into Holy-Ghosts, and made love to the beautiful daughters of men: Some were married--all ought to have been--and some were considered as old bachelors from all eternity. Some had children, and the children were turned into G.o.ds and wors.h.i.+ped as their fathers had been. Most of these G.o.ds were revengeful, savage, l.u.s.tful, and ignorant. As they generally depended upon their priests for information, their ignorance can hardly excite our astonishment.

291. G.o.d Grows Smaller

"But," says the religionist, "you cannot explain everything; and that which you cannot explain, that which you do not comprehend, is my G.o.d."

We are explaining more every day. We are understanding more every day; consequently your G.o.d is growing smaller every day.

292. Give the Devil His Due

If the account given in Genesis is really true, ought we not, after all, to thank this serpent? He was the first schoolmaster, the first advocate of learning, the first enemy of ignorance, the first to whisper in human ears the sacred word liberty, the creator of ambition, the author of modesty, of inquiry, of doubt, of investigation, of progress and of civilization.

293. Casting out Devils

Even Christ, the supposed son of G.o.d, taught that persons were possessed of evil spirits, and frequently, according to the account, gave proof of his divine origin and mission by frightening droves of devils out of his unfortunate countrymen. Casting out devils was his employment, and the devils thus banished generally took occasion to acknowledge him as the true Messiah; which was not only very kind of them, but quite fortunate for him.

294. On the Horns of a Dilemma

The history of religion is simply the story of man's efforts in all ages to avoid one of two great powers, and to pacify the other. Both powers have inspired little else than abject fear. The cold, calculating sneer of the devil, and the frown of G.o.d, were equally terrible. In any event, man's fate was to be arbitrarily fixed forever by an unknown power superior to all law, and to all fact.

295. The Devil and the Swine

How are you going to prove a miracle? How would you go to work to prove that the devil entered into a drove of swine? Who saw it, and who would know a devil if he did see him?

296. How can I a.s.sist G.o.d?

Some tell me that it is the desire of G.o.d that I should wors.h.i.+p Him?

What for? That I should sacrifice something to Him? What for? Is he in want? Can I a.s.sist Him? If he is in want and I can a.s.sist Him and will not, I would be an ingrate and an infamous wretch. But I am satisfied that I cannot by any possibility a.s.sist the infinite. Whom can I a.s.sist?

My fellow men. I can help feed the hungry, clothe the naked, enlighten ignorance. I can help at least, in some degree, toward covering this world with a mantle of joy I may be wrong, but I do not believe that there is any being in this universe who gives rain for praise, who gives suns.h.i.+ne for prayer, or who blesses a man simply because he kneels.

297. Can G.o.d be Improved?

If the infinite "Father" allows a majority of his children to live in ignorance and wretchedness now, what evidence is there that he will ever improve their condition? Will G.o.d have more power? Will he become more merciful? Will his love for his poor creatures increase? Can the conduct of infinite wisdom, power and love ever change? Is the infinite capable of any improvement whatever?

298. That Dreadful Apple!

According to the theologians, G.o.d prepared this globe expressly for the habitation of his loved children, and yet he filled the forests with ferocious beasts; placed serpents in every path; stuffed the world with earthquakes, and adorned its surface with mountains of flame.

Notwithstanding all this, we are told that the world is perfect; that it was created by a perfect being, and is therefore necessarily perfect.

The next moment, these same persons will tell us that the world was cursed; covered with brambles, thistles and thorns, and that man was doomed to disease and death, simply because our poor, dear mother ate an apple contrary to the command of an arbitrary G.o.d.

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Ingersollia Part 22 summary

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