Ingersollia Part 36

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466. The Select Committee Afraid

These gentlemen are in great fear for the future of our most holy and perfectly authenticated religion, and have, like faithful watchmen, from the walls and towers of Zion, hastened to give the alarm. They have informed Congress that "Joss has his temple of wors.h.i.+p in the Chinese quarters, in San Francisco. Within the walls of a dilapidated structure is exposed to the view of the faithful the G.o.d of the Chinaman, and here are his altars of wors.h.i.+p, Here he tears up his pieces of paper; here he offers up his prayers; here he receives his religious consolations, and here is his road to the celestial land." That "Joss is located in a long, narrow room, in a building in a back alley, upon a kind of altar;"

that "he is a wooden image, looking as much like an alligator as like a human being;" that the Chinese "think there is such a place as heaven;"

that "all of Chinamen wors.h.i.+p idols;" that "the temple is open every day at all hours;" that "the Chinese have no Sunday;" that this heathen G.o.d has "huge jaws, a big red tongue, large white teeth, a half dozen arms, and big, fiery, eyeb.a.l.l.s. About him are placed offerings of meat, and other eatables--a sacrificial offering."

467. The G.o.ds of the Joss-House and Patmos

No wonder that these members of the committee were shocked at such a G.o.d, knowing as they did, that the only true G.o.d was correctly described by the inspired lunatic of Patmos in the following words: "And there sat in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks one like unto the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine bra.s.s as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars; and out of his mouth went a sharp, two-edged sword; and his countenance was as the sun s.h.i.+ning in his strength." Certainly, a large mouth, filled with white teeth, is preferable to one used as the scabbard of a sharp, two-edged sword. Why should these gentlemen object to a G.o.d with big fiery eyeb.a.l.l.s, when their own Deity has eyes like a flame of fire?

468. A Little Too Late

Is it not a little late in the day to object to people because they sacrifice meat and other eatables to their G.o.d? We all know, that for thousands of years the "real" G.o.d was exceedingly fond of roasted meat; that He loved the savor of burning flesh, and delighted in the perfume of fresh warm blood.

469. Christianity has a Fair Show in San Francisco

The world is also informed by these gentlemen that "the idolatry of the Chinese produces a demoralizing effect upon our American youth by bringing sacred things into disrespect and making religion a theme of disgust and contempt." In San Francisco there are some three hundred thousand people. Is it possible that a few Chinese can bring "our holy religion" into disgust and contempt? In that city there are fifty times as many churches as joss-houses. Scores of sermons are uttered every week; religious books and papers are plentiful as leaves in autumn, and somewhat dryer; thousands of bibles are within the reach of all.

470. An Arrow from the Quiver of Satire

And there, too, is the example of a Christian city. Why should we send missionaries to China, if we cannot convert the heathen when they come here? When missionaries go to a foreign land the poor benighted people have to take their word for the blessings showered upon a Christian people; but when the heathen come here, they can see for themselves.

What was simply a story becomes a demonstrated fact. They come in contact with people who love their enemies. They see that in a Christian land men tell the truth; that they will not take advantage of strangers; that they are just and patient; kind and tender; and have no prejudice on account of color, race or religion; that they look upon mankind as brethren; that they speak of G.o.d as a Universal Father, and are willing to work and even to suffer, for the good, not only of their own countrymen, but of the heathen as well. All this the Chinese see and know, and why they still cling to the religion of their country is, to me, a matter of amazement.

471. We Have no Religious System

I take this, the earliest opportunity, to inform these gentlemen composing a majority of the committee, that we have in the United States no "religious system;" that this is a secular government. That it has no religious creed; that it does not believe nor disbelieve in a future state of reward or punishment; that it neither affirms nor denies the existence of a "living" G.o.d.

472. Congress Nothing to Do with Religion

Congress has nothing to do with the religion of the people. Its members are not responsible to G.o.d for the opinions of their const.i.tuents, and it may tend to the happiness of the const.i.tuents for me to state that they are in no way responsible for the religion of the members. Religion is an individual, not a national matter. And where the nation interferes with the right of conscience, the liberties of the people are devoured by the monster Superst.i.tion.

473. Concessions of the Ill.u.s.trious Four!

But I am astonished that four Christian statesmen, four members of Congress in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, who seriously object to people on account of their religious convictions, should still a.s.sert that the very religion in which they believe--and the only religion established by the living G.o.d-head of the American system--is not adapted to the spiritual needs of one-third of the human race. It is amazing that these four gentlemen have, in the defense of the Christian religion, announced the discovery that it is wholly inadequate for the civilization of mankind; that the light of the cross can never penetrate the darkness of China; "that all the labors of the missionary, the example of the good, the exalted character of our civilization, make no impression upon the pagan life of the Chinese;" and that even the report of this committee will not tend to elevate, refine and Christianize the yellow heathen of the Pacific coast. In the name of religion these gentlemen have denied its power and mocked at the enthusiasm of its founder. Worse than this, they have predicted for the Chinese a future of ignorance and idolatry in this world, and, if the "American system" of religion is true, h.e.l.l-fire in the next.

474. Do not Trample on John Chinaman

Do not trample upon these people because they have a different conception of things about which even this committee knows nothing.

Give them the same privilege you enjoy of making a G.o.d after their own fas.h.i.+on. And let them describe him as they will. Would you be willing to have them remain, if one of their race, thousands of years ago, had pretended to have seen G.o.d, and had written of him as follows: "There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth; coals were kindled by it, * * * and he rode upon a cherub and did fly." Why should you object to these people on account of their religion? Your objection has in it the spirit of hate and intolerance. Of that spirit the Inquisition was born. That spirit lighted the, made the thumb-screw, put chains upon the limbs, and lashes upon the backs of men. The same spirit bought and sold, captured and kidnapped human beings; sold babes, and justified all the horrors of slavery.

475. Be Honest with the Chinese

If you wish to drive out the Chinese, do not make a pretext of religion.

Do not pretend that you are trying to do G.o.d a favor. Injustice in his name is doubly detestable. The cannot sanctify his dagger by falling on his knees, and it does not help a falsehood if it be uttered as a prayer. Religion, used, to intensify the hatred of men toward men, under the pretense of pleasing G.o.d, has cursed this world.

476. An Honest Merchant the Best Missionary

I am almost sure that I have read somewhere that "Christ died for _all_ men," and that "G.o.d is no respecter of persons." It was once taught that it was the duty of Christians to tell to all people the "tidings of great joy." I have never believed these things myself, but have always contended that an honest merchant was the best missionary. Commerce makes friends, religion makes enemies; the one enriches, and the other impoverishes; the one thrives best where the truth is told, the other where falsehoods are believed. For myself, I have but little confidence in any business, or enterprise, or investment, that promises dividends only after the death of the stockholders.

477. Good Words from Confucius

For the benefit of these four philosophers and prophets, I will give a few extracts from the writings of Confucius that will, in my judgment, compare favorably with the best pa.s.sages of their report:

"My doctrine is that man must be true to the principles of his nature, and the benevolent exercises of them toward others."

"With coa.r.s.e rice to eat, with water to drink, and with my bended arm for a pillow, I still have joy."

"Riches and honor acquired by injustice are to me but floating clouds."

"The man who, in view of gain, thinks of righteousness; who, in view of danger, forgets life; and who remembers an old agreement, however far back it extends, such a man may be reckoned a complete man."

"Recompense injury with justice, and kindness with kindness."

There is one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one's life: Reciprocity is that word.

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