Spirit Luo Ring Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 – Water Jade City

Xia Feilong’s eyes swept over the face of the Grand Elder Xia Lai, who seemed to be particularly hostile to Xia Yan.  Despite being an elder holding an exalted position within the Xia family including being patriarch, he is still restricted in many places. As the Grand Elder fervently opposed Xia Yan’s mother’s soul entering the shrine, there was nothing he could do.

“Xia Yan, you don’t have to say so much, the elders here and myself are all helpless in this matter. Even if we allow your mother’s soul into the Ancestral shrine, the family will not agree.” Xia Feilong stated with no hints of pity to the poor kid.

Xia Changhe’s face was ashen and he furiously glared at Xia Lai before saying, “I think that this is something that we should let the whole family vote on. If the majority agrees then…”

Before Xia Changhe even finished his sentence, Xia Lai roared at Xia Yan, “This is something I strongly oppose.  That evil woman was from the Dark Continent, which is the mortal enemy of our Imperial Dragon Continent. Hmph, she will never become a member of our Xia family. Heh heh, however, if you really want her soul to enter the Ancestral temple, there is a way.”

“What way?”, Xia Yan said.  His face was completely pale, his heart was at the bottom of the abyss before he heard Xia Lai’s words.  At the mention of a way, he was pleasantly surprised and fixed his gaze on Xia Lai.

Xia Lai shot Xia Yan a glance and smiled evilly saying, “Unless you can become our Water Jade City’s Archbishop! If that really happens, there is nothing you cannot accomplish. Our Xia family will have to obey the Archbishop’s Orders!”

(TL note: Templar in the synopsis has been changed to Archbishop)

“Pfttt~”, the other elders suppressed their laughter, their eyes wide open, then shook their heads and sighed.

Become the Archbishop? That was only possible for a master in the spirit realm. Not just any master either, but only the strongest master could challenge the Archbishop of the Holy Temple and succeed, taking the t.i.tle.

The Holy Temple was the highest authority within the province and within the Holy temple there is one Archbishop beside twelve bishops. The Xia family’s Patriarch, Xia Feilong, was among the twelve bishops of Water Jade City’s Holy Temple. In addition, the Water Jade City’s Holy Temple’s twelve bishops included the other two Patriarchs of the three big families in Water Jade City.  Three others were prestigious elders within Water Jade City, and the last six were the most outstanding pract.i.tioners selected from the tens of towns that Water Jade City administered.

Of course, the three bishops positions that the three patriarchs occupied were the three most powerful positions within the Holy Temple besides the Archbishop. The Xia family’s pride rested in their position as a bishop.

“The Archbishop?” Xia Yan absentmindedly repeated those words. The Archbishop of the Holy Temple was an unattainable existence. Even the Patriarch, Xia Feilong, was scared for a moment even to think of becoming the Archbishop.

“Hehe, Xia Yan, if you can accomplish this, I will agree to let that evil woman’s soul into the Ancestral Temple!” Seeing Xia Yan’s face paling, Xia Lai felt satisfied and started laughing in front of the Patriarch and all the elders.

His att.i.tude towards Xia Yan, in fact, drew the silence of the other elders and Patriarch. However, even Xia Feilong would not dare to blame the Grand Elder for acting inappropriately.

After a brief moment of silence, Xia Yan eyes suddenly sharpened and he stared firmly at Xia Lai, articulating clearly, “Okay, wait for me! I, Xia Yan, will not make you wait too long. Archbishop, that position will be mine!”

Xia Yan’s said this with his back perfectly straight.

Having said those profound words clearly, Xia Yan turned around and exited the chamber. He did not immediately return to the small courtyard within the Xia family’s backyard, but instead he headed towards the Xia family’s Martial Skills Hall.

“I want to enter the Violet Leaf School to cultivate!”

“I must enter the Violet Leaf School to cultivate!”

“Only if I can become a strong pract.i.tioner, can I then challenge the Archbishop and become the Archbishop!” Xia Yan walked swiftly but every step was heavy with these thoughts.

Xia Yan at this moment had only one goal in mind!

Xia Yan had never gone to the Xia Family Martial Skills Hall in the past because he was not welcome there. But now, he had to try, despite the Xia family’s recommendation being necessary to enter the Violet Leaf school and gain better cultivation and learning opportunities.

Xia Yan’s face was ashen, as cold as ice in the harsh winter, revealing nothing.

After Xia Yan left the conference hall, the third elder Xia Changhe sighed, contemplating Xia Yan’s bitter life. If his achievements in cultivating were as high as his father then his status would not be so low in the Family. What a shame, what a shame…

Xia Changhe shook his head….

When Xia Lai saw Xia Yan’s thin and wiry body exit the chamber, a cold look flashed through his face as he sneered and coldly laughed, “A useless b.a.s.t.a.r.d dares to brag. Hmph, as the evil woman’s son, he must have evil schemes. In my opinion, he should be cast out of our Xia family!”

Hearing his words, the other elders and the Patriarch said nothing. Xia Lai’s nerves trembled a bit looking at the other elders, and he said nothing more about the subject. He knew that if he really wanted to expel Xia Yan, the third elder would definitely be opposed, not even accounting for the other elders.

At the entrance of the Martial Skills Hall, looking at the large letters spelling “Martial Skills Hall” on the large gate, Xia Yan thrust out his chest and tightly squeezed his fists.  His eyes were bright with determination.

Suddenly a person came out of the Martial Skills Hall. Only outstanding family members had the right to enter the Martial Skills Hall to cultivate. Within the Martial Skills Hall, an elder of the family personally instructed those of the younger generation in cultivation. Also, some of the elders would even teach some martial skills. These martial skills were unique non-mainstream within the Xia family.

In the Imperial Dragon Continent, martial skills cla.s.sified as either mainstream or non-mainstream techniques.  Mainstream techniques were divided into levels according to the power of the skill: Divine, Heaven, and Human. However, even the lowest mainstream technique, a Humanly skill was very difficult to obtain. In a household like the Xia family, they had very little Human martial skills, not to mention Divine and Sky martial skills.

In most of these martial arts, there is a focus on the entry of the Heart, which is used to help open the meridians of pract.i.tioners.

Xia Yan saw the shadow of a figure, the person coming out of the Martial Skills hall.  Her body was slim, adorned with a black dress. This person was the Patriarch’s daughter, Xia Zixin. Before his mother died, Xia Yan used to play with her all the time. However after his mother’s death, as Xia Yan and Xia Zixin grew up, Xia Zixin came to see Xia Yan less and less. After Xia Yan turned ten, he rarely saw Xia Zixin.

Xia Yan knew that Xia Zixin had already distanced herself from him, but he did not blame her in his heart. However, sometimes he thought of her and would laugh in self-ridicule. Seeing the pretty Xia Zixin appear, Xia Yan was a little surprised. As his heart was still bitter from the Conference hall, he did not take the initiative to greet her

Seeing Xia Yan, Xia Zixin’s bright red lips moved up and down a few times, her face revealing a sense of disappointment, but she ultimately remained silent. Xia Yan thought he heard a small sigh, then Xia Zixin walked past him like a fragrant wind and dissipated.

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Spirit Luo Ring Chapter 3 summary

You're reading Spirit Luo Ring. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Ye Shui Han. Already has 2025 views.

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