Messenger No. 48 Part 43

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The man was sitting in front of a small fire, over which he had evidently been cooking, for the frying-pan was close at hand, and the odor of bacon could be distinguished in the air.

Most likely he had just finished his morning meal, and was now solacing himself with a pipe.

The stolen gun had been leaned against a tree close by the hut, and about a half a dozen yards from its new possessor, but on the opposite side from where the boys were crouching.

"What are you goin' to do?" Jim whispered.

"We've got to get hold of him somehow, and by that means prevent Bob and Sam from knowing what we are about."

Jim nodded to show that he agreed fully in this a.s.sertion.

"I don't s'pose you'd dare to shoot him."

"Of course not; that would be murder."

"Then how is it to be fixed?"

Jet studied the situation for several minutes, and whispered:

"We must manage to creep around on the other side, and get hold of the gun first. Then I'll cover him with my revolver, and you must do the same with the other weapon. When he sees that both of us have got the drop on him, I reckon there won't be much trouble in keeping him quiet."

Jim did not stop to argue the matter.

According to his opinion the sooner the job was finished, the better, and he started off at right angles with the camp, Jet following him.

The boys moved so slowly and cautiously that not so much as a leaf was disturbed, and the man by the fire heard nothing to arouse his suspicions.

Jim made a needlessly long detour.

Many times before it was ended Jet felt convinced that the guide had made a mistake, and once he stopped the boy to say so; but the latter replied, in the tone of a fellow who knows perfectly well where he is:

"We're all right. The camp is just over there, and I want to come in sight of the lake once more before turning toward it."

Twenty minutes later Jim pointed ahead with a gesture of triumph.

Jet could see dimly through the foliage the outlines of the hut; but the trees hid the man from view.

Now the progress was even more slow and cautious. It seemed at times as if Jim hardly moved, so afraid was he of making a noise; but the advance was certain, and finally he stopped, motioning for Jet to come beside him.

The two were hardly more than a dozen feet from the weapon, and about the same distance farther away was the man they hoped to make prisoner.

His pipe had gone out, his head was sunk on his breast, and there was every indication of his having fallen asleep.

"Can you get the gun?" Jet whispered.

Jim nodded his head.

"Then creep up to it. I'll have the revolver ready, and jump in if he awakens. In case he's still asleep we'll go toward him until he opens his eyes. Start now," and Jet drew his weapon.

The boys advanced side by side until Jim grasped the gun, and then Jet motioned for him to rise to his feet, he setting the example.

They stepped forward softly, each with his weapon leveled at the half-reclining man, who did not so much as move until the boys were close upon him.

Then he lazily opened his eyes, and turned his head ever so slightly.

"Throw up your hands; but don't make the slightest noise, or I'll shoot you as I would a dog!" Jet said, sternly.

The fellow obeyed the first order with alacrity as he saw the muzzles of the weapons within a few inches of his head, and said in a careless tone:

"I reckon you didn't care about lendin' me your outfit."

"That's just the size of it, and there is other business to be settled."

By this time the prisoner had caught a glimpse of Jim's face, and he added with a smile:

"Come to collect that two dollars, eh?"

"We mustn't stand here chinning," Jet said, as he pressed the muzzle of the revolver to the back of the man's head. "Look around for something to tie him with, Jim, and be quick about it."

"What are you up to now?" the fellow growled.

"It won't take long to find out, and I shall be forced to waste this cartridge if you make any row."

"I thought I was behavin' myself in proper shape."

"So you are just at present; but I am ready for any change of plans, and want you to understand fully how little it would take to induce me to send a bullet into your worthless head."

This was sufficient to silence the prisoner.

"I can't find anything but the boat's painter," Jim cried. "Shall we use that?"

"Yes, and be quick about it."

The rope was soon detached from the craft, and, as Jim approached with it, Jet said to the man:

"Now put your hands behind you."

This order was obeyed without a murmur, and the small guide began to tie them securely.

The painter was of sufficient length to serve as bonds for the fellow's legs also, and when he was thus trussed up Jet began fas.h.i.+oning a gag from a piece of pine wood.

Having had this instrument of torture applied to himself on two occasions, he was well prepared to put it on in a proper fas.h.i.+on, although the prisoner begged abjectly to be spared the indignity.

"We have got to take care of ourselves, and I wouldn't trust to your oath if you should swear from now till Christmas."

When it was impossible for the fellow to move or speak, Jet made a thorough search of his clothing, and succeeded in finding, among several unimportant things, the telegram Jim had supposed was sent many hours ago.

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Messenger No. 48 Part 43 summary

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