Messenger No. 48 Part 45

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It would not have been possible to put up a decently-sized shanty, because the trees were so near together; but there was ample opportunity for a hundred boys to find comfortable places in which to sleep, and the foliage would shelter them sufficiently well except in case of a rainstorm.

Although it hardly seemed necessary, Jet insisted that the prisoner should be made fast to one of the trees in a sitting posture, and not until this had been done was the balance of the work attended to.

First the provisions were carried into the natural camp, and stored in the center, then the other goods were cared for in the same manner, and nothing but the boat remained to mark their landing.

"It's goin' to be a hard job; but she's got to come here too," Jim said, when they stopped for a moment to rest.

"Do you think we can do it?"

"Oh, yes, she isn't so heavy but that we could take her around a carry, and I reckon it's to be done here."

"How long before the moon rises?"

"Somewhere about midnight."

"Then suppose we try to find out for certain if those camping on Dollar Island are the ones we want to keep in sight?"

"I'm willing if you say the word."

"Then come on. That fellow is safe enough, and we shall be just so much farther ahead with our work."

Jim led the way back to the boat, removed his shoes and stockings as a precaution against making a noise, Jet doing the same, and the two started, with the small guide paddling instead of rowing.

The faint glimmer of light served as a beacon, and toward it they advanced slowly until the boat's bow struck the sh.o.r.e.

Jim motioned for his companion to help him pull her up, and then stole through the woods as noiselessly as a shadow.

The gloom was so dense that it was necessary Jet should hold on to the leader's coat, otherwise they would speedily have been separated, and a watcher ten feet away could not have said a human being was pa.s.sing.

Thanks to the fire-light, it was not a difficult matter for the two to go straight to the camp, and in a comparatively short time they were where it was possible not only to see the occupants, but to hear everything which was said.

Jet's spirits rose very high as he recognized the two he had followed so long, and now all previous discomforts and suffering were forgotten in the knowledge that he was once more carrying out Harvey's instructions to the letter.

The men had built quite a comfortable looking hut in the center of the island, where it would not be seen from the water, and near by was the boat, turned bottom-up as if they did not expect to use her for some time.

The fact that they allowed themselves a camp-fire at a time when it could be distinguished from a distance was probably owing to the fact that visitors seldom visited this particular lake after dark, since the absence of deer in the vicinity prevented hunters from scouring the banks with a jack light.

Both were ready for trouble, however, as could be told by the guns stacked within reach while they smoked and drank in front of the cheery blaze, and Jet was forced to admit to himself that these men could not be made prisoners with as much ease as in case of the other.

For some time the boys watched in silence, mentally jotting down all the details of the camp for future reference, and then Sam said, with a yawn:

"This is what I call mighty dull sport."

"It ain't very lively, for a fact; but I reckon it's way ahead of what poor Joe's having."

"If it's so bad now what will it be in another week? I don't think I can stand it very long."

"There's nothin' to prevent your goin' any time you get ready; but here I stay for quite a spell."

"What about more liquor an' grub?"

"There won't be any trouble in getting all we want as long as the money holds out."

"And by fall you'll have bark on your back."

"Better that than a striped coat. It isn't so bad as you make out, though. We can move our camp whenever we feel like a change, an' then there's plenty of fis.h.i.+n' an' sich like that the swells call sport."

Sam's only reply was another prolonged yawn as he stretched himself out at full length, and Bob replenished the fire without moving from his seat.

Jet understood that it was time for them to take their departure.

When the men got ready to turn in for the night, one or the other might take a fancy to have a look around to make sure they had no unwelcome visitors, in which case the spies would be discovered.

Motioning Jim to follow his example, he started toward the sh.o.r.e, moving at a snail's pace to prevent a noisy disturbance among the foliage, and not until they were in the boat once more paddling toward the opposite bank did he feel at liberty to draw a long breath.

Arriving at the point from which they started, Jim insisted on carrying the boat to the clump of cedars, and this required so much time and labor that it was nearly midnight before they could seek the well-earned rest.

Even then Jet took pity on the prisoner, and removed the gag sufficiently long to give him food and water, the small guide standing over him with the c.o.c.ked revolver, lest he should make an outcry.

"What are you boys countin' on doin' with me?" he asked, when his hunger and thirst had been appeased.

"Deliver you to the officers in a day or two."

"Am I to be kept trussed up in this fas.h.i.+on until then?"

"It's pretty rough, I know; but there's no other way out of it. You'd treat us the same or worse if the tables were turned, and we're bound to take care of ourselves."

"I don't reckon it would do any good if I was to swear I wouldn't so much as yip?"

"Not a bit, for we shouldn't dare run the risk you would break your word."

The prisoner had nothing more to say; but obligingly held his mouth open so that Jet might replace the gag, and after this had been done the boys wrapped themselves in their blankets, lying down in the softest spot they could find.

"How are we ever goin' to get the best of them fellers?" Jim whispered when they were ready to go to sleep.

"I don't know; but we must cook up some kind of a plan."

"Don't you think it would be better to send for the officers, an' let them do the job?"

"I'm afraid the fellows will make another move before anybody could get here. You heard what Sam said, and it shows he is so discontented that he'll be insisting on breaking camp very soon, unless he turns his back on this place entirely."

"That's all right enough; but at the same time I don't see that we can do anything without somebody to help us," Jim said, with a sigh, and then he rolled over as if determined not to rack his brain with the perplexing subject any longer.

Neither of the boys slept very soundly on this night. The fact of the prisoner in their midst, and the problem which they must solve shortly, prevented that feeling of restfulness which is necessary for profound slumber.

The sun had not yet risen when Jet awakened, shook Jim into consciousness, and made his toilet in the tiny stream which wound its way through the camp.

"We'll feed the prisoner the first thing, and then keep watch of the island," Jet proposed, and this task was performed as quickly as possible, neither captive nor jailors indulging in conversation during the operation.

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Messenger No. 48 Part 45 summary

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