Good Morning, Miss Ghost Chapter 55

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Good Morning, Miss Ghost

Chapter 55 – Car Accident

Li Yan sent a pitiful gaze towards Han Meimei. She responded with a helpless look.

Sniffing, Li Yan followed Tang Qiang into his office. She never thought that after graduation, she would still have an opportunity to be called into a office for a one-on-one conference.

Seated in his respective seat behind the desk at front, Tang Qiang gestured at the other seat across, looking at Li Yan: "Why don't you have a seat."

Li Yan took a seat in a stiff manner. Tang Qiang eyed at her, asking: "Do you know who was the person from earlier?"

Li Yan shook her head, quietly saying: "No, not really…"

"He is called Luo Tiancheng, one of Kaihuang's directors. He is also a well-known broker."

"… Oh."

"And earlier you were prepared to bash him in with a water jug."

"… I just found him a bit dislikable."

Tang Qiang nodded his head, saying: "This I agree, he is indeed quite dislikable."

Li Yan: "…"

"But other than being dislikable, he's also a pervert. If you ever see him in the future, it would be best to take a detour."

"… Ok." Although you guys are compet.i.tors, there's no need to further insult him!? This is simply a cutthroat compet.i.tion![1]

"How are you and Mo Zhen getting along?" Finished speaking about Luo Tiancheng, Tang Qiang switched topics, asking Li Yan about her working conditions.

"Quite, quite fine." Not knowing why, Li Yan felt a bit of guilt.

"That's good then. Mo Zhen finds your work performance quite satisfactory. He even told me to shorten your interns.h.i.+p to a month. Keep it up."

Li Yan stared blankly. Did he actually tell Tang Qiang such things? He… didn't say anything about having a monthly salary of ten thousand?[2]

She suddenly felt a bit ashamed.

"Right, now that you are Mo Zhen's a.s.sistant, whenever he orders anything from now on should be sent to your place. What's your current address?"

"Kenny Manor, Huayuan Phase 3 No. 9."[3]

Tang Qiang: "…"

Why did he feel that this address sounded so familiar…

"Are you and Mo Zhen living together?"

Li Yan muddedly nodded her head: "Yes." Why does Tang Qiang not know about this matter? She thought these type of matters would be reported to the broker.

Seeing that Tang Qiang has no response, Li Yan diffidently added: "Zhen… Emperor Mo allowed me to move in, saying that it would be more convenient for work."

Tang Qiang puckered his lips, saying: "I understand, so it was like that. Yet, those boxes he ordered was still sent over here."

Li Yan let out an "Oh". Shortly after, her phone's SMS tone rang out. She eyed at Tang Qiang. Seeing that Tang Qiang did not show any particular objections, Li Yan then brought out her phone and read the message. "It's Emperor Mo. He's asking me how much longer it'll take."

Tang Qiang let out a cry in his heart, gazing at Li Yan saying: "There's no problems here anymore, you may return."

Li Yan let out a breath of relief and prepared to happily bid farewell to Tang Qiang, but then saw Tang Qiang pressing down on a b.u.t.ton on the receiver in front of him. "Han Meimei, find a security guard to come up and help transport the boxes to the parking lot."

"Understood, Director Tang."

Hanging up, Tang Qiang raised his head and glanced at Li Yan: "You may use the company's car to return."

"Thank you Director Tang." Li Yan faced Tang Qiang and squeezed out a brilliantly strained smile.

The security guard that came up helped carry the packages all the way to the parking lot and into the car's trunk. Throughout the process, Li Yan attempted multiple times to s.n.a.t.c.h the packages from the guard's hands. Attempted.

Gazing at the neatly placed boxes of snacks in the car's trunk, Li Yan fell into a deep state of thought. Although she has not driven ever since she tested to receive her driving license, but her driving license is certainly genuine in which she took great pains to receive it. Though a bit out of practice, there will always be a first time. Right now the traffic should be all right. Over there at the studio, the road is rather steep, but no cars typically by. If she drove slow and steadily, there should be no problems, right?

Li Yan closed the trunk and sat in the driver's seat, still feeling a bit hesitant. But when she thought how busy Mo Zhen usually is, she knew she couldn't possibly find the time to practice driving. Calming her heart down, Li Yan started the car.

As Li Yan drove the car out of company grounds, Tang Qiang was in his office on the phone with Mo Zhen.

"You allowed Li Yan to move in with you?"

"En, it would be more convenient for work."

"… Your reason is not very convincing nor is it persuasive."

Mo Zhen raised his eyebrows, then saying: "Alright, I'm chasing her."

Tang Qiang: "…"

"How's this for a reason?"

Tang Qiang took a deep breath, then raising both corners of his mouth: "I take back what I just said. Your first reason was fine."

"I'm serious about chasing her."

Tang Qiang: "…"

Couldn't you have at least pretended to take the hint or was it that you weren't listening!

Taking yet another deep breath, Tang Qiang switched to a rather serious mood: "Mo Zhen, Li Yan is a decent girl from a standard family. If you want to play, it does not have to be with your own a.s.sistant, surely?"

Mo Zhen pouted his lips, inexplicably feeling a bit angry: "You think I'm playing? I've never been so serious, Tang Qiang."

In this moment, Tang Qiang's mind flashed over numerous ideas. Only that after he finished processing, he ended up letting out a typical question: "What do you see in her?"

Whether it is appearance, personality, and background, Li Yan is definitely not the best girl Mo Zhen has seen. To be able to move Emperor Mo's heart… Is it possibly because of her strength?



"Everything of her, I completely love."

Tang Qiang: "…"

Augh! This sweet and sugary person is definitely not Emperor Mo!

Tang Qiang finally couldn't endure any longer and hung up.

Mo Zhen was at the studio, having waited for one hour and Li Yan still hasn't come back. Just now when he was on the phone with Tang Qiang, he mentioned that Li Yan had already departed. Why has she not arrived yet?

Can't help but to knit his brows, Mo Zhen wanted to give Li Yan call. But before he could the phone rang— it was Li Yan.

Picking up almost instantaneously, Mo Zhen spoke impatiently: "Where are you?"

"Zhen Zhen, I'll probably be a bit late until I can come to the studio… " Li Yan's voice was rather quiet, sounding a bit guilty.

"What happened?" Mo Zhen further wrinkled his brows, subconsciously increasing the volume of his tone.

"Earlier I got into a small car accident. I'm now at the Central Hospital…" Towards the end, Li Yan's voice trailed off to the point where it was no longer audible.

It felt as if an invisible rope suddenly began strangling his heart, rendering him out of breath. Mo Zhen tightened the grip on his phone. Taking a deep breath, Mo Zhen squeezed out the words from his throat: "You wait over there, I'll be right there."

Li Yan then heard the other party hanging up. Li Yan felt that she was really unlucky. She took a look around; s.h.i.+ning white walls. She helplessly let out a breath in her heart. She and the Central Hospital were still fated to be together.

Resting on top of the bed for a bit, not having even entered a state of sleep yet, the hospital room's door then boomed opened with a "peng".

Li Yan jolted up, quickly opened her eyes and turned towards the door.

Mo Zhen stood there, still wearing his uniform from the drama; even his weren't taken off. His chest vigorously rose up and down. Upon seeing his out of breath appearance Li Yan knew he ran all the way here.

"Zhen Zhen…" Li Yan gazed at Mo Zhen. Earlier at the company when talking with Tang Qiang, the amount of guilt she felt was incomparable to what she felt right now.

Mo Zhen didn't say a word, just walked towards the bedside, lowering his head and looked at Li Yan.

Li Yan's heart began panicking more and more. She opened her mouth, but before she could even utter a sound she was suddenly held in Mo Zhen's arms.

He embraced her very tightly, as if wanting to forever imprison her in his arms, never escaping.

"Were you trying to scare me to death?" Mo Zhen voice was a bit unstable, his m.u.f.fled voice coming from the top of Li Yan's shoulder.

"… Sorry. It was just that I was not careful and struck into a telephone pole. Just some scratches, nothing more.

Mo Zhen's arms tightened even further around Li Yan. He raised his head, unwaveringly staring at Li Yan: "Who allowed you to drive?"

Li Yan: "…"

This rapid switch in the mood was too fast, Li Yan was unable to catch up with Emperor Mo's rhythm.

"Li Yan, I'm telling you, do you dare to try touching a car again?"

Li Yan: "…"

I won't dare Emperor Mo. qaq[4]

After determining that there's no more problems with Li Yan, Mo Zhen led her out of the hospital. Driving her and the two boxes of snacks back home. Mo Zhen did not speak a word, simply driving the car in utter silence. Li Yan's heart felt perturbed.

Li Yan swallowed her saliva and laughingly asked: "Zhen Zhen, are we not heading towards the studio?"

"Not anymore. I requested half the day off from the director."

"Oh." Li Yan nodded his head. After a moment of silence, Li Yan, with a worried tone, asked: "Zhen Zhen, can you not tell Tang Qiang about today's matter?"

Mo Zhen eyebrows moved, eventually turning his head around to look a Li Yan: "What's the matter, he means a lot to you?"

"I'm scared he would fire me…" If he knew that not only was she was unable to drive a car, but also that she got into a car accident and got admitted to the hospital, even tiring out Mo Zhen… If she was the boss, she would fire such a person.

Mo Zhen eyed at Li Yan for a while. Concluding that she wasn't lying, Mo Zhen turned his head back on the road: "Rest a.s.sured. If he wants to fire you, I'll fire him first."

Li Yan: "…"


Arriving at Mo Zhen's house, it has still yet to hit 4 o'clock. Li Yan was excited to tear open the packages and to take a look inside at what is there to eat, but was drove off to the bed by Mo Zhen before she could.[6] Like a bedroom door's guardian, he stood there, waiting for Li Yan to fall asleep. When she did, Mo Zhen left the room.

Opening the refrigerator for a look, Mo Zhen pondered over what to eat for dinner. He then took out a pocket knife and teared opened the packages, placing the contents into the refrigerator. Mo Zhen then took a photo with his phone before heading into the living room and starting up his computer.

Logging into QQ,[7] the phone on the table rang. Seeing that the screen flickered the name "Tang Qiang", Mo Zhen couldn't help but sneer: "What's the matter?"

"I heard that Li Yan got admitted into the hospital due to a car accident?"

"Talking about it, I've wanted to ask you. I heard that you allowed her to drive?"

Tang Qiang: "…"

"Tonight I want to eat mitten crabs. Why don't you come over and cook?"

Tang Qiang: "…"

Why did he have to call him? Why?!

Finished with bullying Tang Qiang, Mo Zhen's heart finally felt a bit better. The QQ app then rang two times; Du Du's dumpling avatar flickered.[8] Mo Zhen laughed, clicking on Du Du's avatar.

The Smurfs: Little Uncle, Du Du will be eight years old the day after tomorrow! You have to come back and celebrate with the family yo!

Witch Princess: Du Du is so quick to becoming an old woman 233333[9]

The Smurfs: Little Uncle is mean, Du Du won't bother with you anymore qaq

Witch Princess: Be nice Du Du, Little Uncle will bring Little Aunt to visit you the day after tomorrow, okay?

Witch Princess: 【Blush】

Du Du was shocked in front of the computer for a half a minute. Du Du then turned her head around and shouted: "Mom! Little uncle found a Little Aunt!"

1: 就算是竞争对手,也不用这样恶意中伤对方吧?这简直是恶性竞争!

2: Roughly 156 USD.

3: 肯斯尼庄园第三期9号花园。

4: Was in the raws. Meant to be a crying face I believe.

5: #我的老板威武霸气#

6: 却被莫榛铁著一张脸赶到了床上。

7: I believe QQ is some kind of messaging service developed in China… never used it myself so I can't say.

8: qq滴滴地响了两声,嘟嘟的团子头像一闪一闪的。

9: Text-talk for laughing. Kind of like "lolololol" in a way?

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Good Morning, Miss Ghost Chapter 55 summary

You're reading Good Morning, Miss Ghost. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Ban Li Zi,板栗子. Already has 1408 views.

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