Lincoln Part 90

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145 the third day: Day by Day, 2:1819.

145 of all cases: Donald, Lincoln's Herndon, p. 44.

145 completed the furnis.h.i.+ngs: Herndon's Lincoln, 2:316317.

145 "of the room": WHH to Jesse W. Weik, Oct. 21, 1885, HWC.

145 "read the better": WHH to Weik, Feb. 18, 1887, HWC.

146 "Old Abe": The first time E. B. Washburne heard Lincoln called "Old Abe" was at the 1847 River and Harbor Convention in Chicago. Washburne, "Abraham Lincoln in Illinois," North American Review, 141 (Oct. 1885): 313.

146 "the old men": CW, 1:497. Lincoln was here referring to the discontent of young Whig politicians, like Herndon, but his remark applied equally to young lawyers.

146 David Davis: The standard biography, on which I have drawn heavily in the following paragraphs, is Willard L. King, Lincoln's Manager-. David Davis (Cambridge, Ma.s.s.: Harvard University Press, 1960).

146 of his feet: King, Lincoln's Manager, p. 74.

146 immense safety pin: Jane Martin Johns, Personal Recollections of Early Decatur, Abraham Lincoln, Richard f. Oglesby and the Civil War, ed. Howard C. Schaub (Decatur, Ill: Decatur Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, 1912), p. 62.

146 "mankind or thing": WHH, interview with David Davis, Sept. 19, 1866, HWC.

147 "honesty and fairness": King, Lincoln's Manager, p. 73.

147 actions for debt: Harry E. Pratt, "'Judge' Abraham Lincoln "JISHS 48 (Spring 1955): 2830; Duff, A Lincoln, chap. 17.

147 Old Tom: Francis Orlando Krupka, "Historic Structure Report: Abraham Lincoln Home" (Springfield, Ill: Lincoln Home National Historic Site, 1992), pp. 424439, gives a detailed account of Lincoln's horses.

147 "of a horse": King, Lincoln's Manager, pp. 77, 83.

147 "into this Cabbage": WHH, interview with David Davis, Sept. 19, 1866, copy, Lamon MSS, HEH.

148 lawyer for guidance: Duff, A Lincoln, pp. 212214.

148 to only $3: These cases before the Tazewell County Circuit Court are: People v. Nathaniel Wright et al. (Apr. term, 1850); John s.h.i.+bley v. Adam Funk et al. (Apr. term, 1851); Joseph F. Haines v. John Jones and William Gaither (Sept. term, 1852); Pearly Brown v. John P. Singleton (Spring term, 1852); Benjamin Seaman v. Peter Duffy (Oct. term, 1855)-all in the files of the Lincoln Legal Papers.

148 "for the job": CW, 2:332333. See the excellent statement on Lincoln's fees in Duff, A Lincoln, pp. 224228.

149 "some other occupation": CW, 10:20.

149 at one sitting: A recent discovery, this elaborate doc.u.ment is in the files of the Lincoln Legal Papers.

149 "in a ditch": Herndon's Lincoln, 2:334.

150 "must be wrong": Ibid.

150 the stenographic transcript: The recently discovered ma.n.u.script trial transcript of People of Illinois v. Peachy Quinn Harrison (Sangamon County Circuit Court, 1859) is in the Illinois State Historical Library. I have used a typed transcription of this doc.u.ment through the courtesy of the Lincoln Legal Papers. For astute commentary on this trial, see an unpublished paper by Cullom Davis, "Crucible of Statesmans.h.i.+p: The Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln" (Springfield, Ill: 1989).

150 "I forgive Quinn": People v. Peachy Quinn Harrison (Sangamon County Circuit Court, 1859), p. 72.

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