Hoyle's Games Modernized Part 39

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This increasingly popular version of the game of Pool is in fact a combination of Pool and Pyramids. The fifteen coloured Pyramid b.a.l.l.s are placed on the table by means of the "triangle," in the same way as for Pyramids, whilst the white ball is used by each player as the cue-ball throughout the game. Six Pool b.a.l.l.s are used, viz., the Black, Pink, Blue, Brown, Green and Yellow b.a.l.l.s, the positions and values of which are set out in Rule 2 (_vide infra_).

Each player is bound to play at a Red ball first, and, having taken it (or another Red ball or b.a.l.l.s), then at a Pool ball, and again, if successful, at a Red ball, and so on. Whilst any Red b.a.l.l.s remain on the table the Pool b.a.l.l.s, after having been pocketed, are replaced on their respective spots; but after all the Red b.a.l.l.s have been taken, the players play at each Pool ball in rotation in their order as coloured on the marking board, viz., Yellow, Green, Brown, Blue, Pink, and Black, until every ball has been pocketed, when the game is ended.

Much amus.e.m.e.nt is often caused by a player being "snookered"--in other words, by his ball being so obstructed by other b.a.l.l.s that he cannot hit a Pool or Pyramid ball direct, but has to play it off a cus.h.i.+on, when, in the event of a miss, the value of the ball played at is counted to each of the other players' scores. (_Vide_ Rules 7 and 11.) {332}

At "Snooker" safety-play is of little or no use. A player must try to get on the Pool b.a.l.l.s, particularly on those of highest value, as often as he can. Still, safety-play can be indulged in to some extent at the end of the game, when only the Pool b.a.l.l.s are left on the table, and a player should remember to play for hazards with a fair amount of strength, and thus avoid leaving a ball over a pocket for an opponent to profit by.

Bad hazard strikers should think twice before joining in Snooker Pool, even for small stakes, with better players than themselves, as, with the high values of the Pool b.a.l.l.s, large scores can be run up by an expert, and those players who own the lowest scores at the end of the game have to make heavy disburs.e.m.e.nts, as they have to pay every one whose score is higher than their own. The scores are best kept on a slate.


(Reprinted _verbatim_, by permission of Messrs. Burroughes and Watts, Limited.)

1. This game is played on a Billiard Table, and may be played by any number of players. Any one wis.h.i.+ng to join after the commencement of the game may do so at the end of a round, but does not play until last. Any player wis.h.i.+ng to leave off during the game must declare his intention of doing so in lieu of playing, when it shall be his turn to play, but shall be counted as a player until another round be played.

2. Fifteen red b.a.l.l.s are placed on the table as in {333} "Pyramids," and six coloured[71] b.a.l.l.s, placed thus: Yellow on left-hand spot of D [the half-circle], Green on centre spot of D, Brown on right-hand spot of D, Blue on middle spot of table, Pink at apex of triangle, Black on the billiard spot. The value of the b.a.l.l.s shall be: Red 1, Yellow 2, Green 3, Brown 4, Blue 5, Pink 6, Black 7.

3. The player must first play at a Red ball, and may not play at a coloured ball until he shall have first pocketed a Red ball, but after taking a coloured ball, shall again play on and take a Red ball before he can again play on any coloured ball.

4. A player having taken a Red ball, and then pocketed a coloured ball, must replace the latter on the original spot before playing another stroke.

For every coloured ball not replaced each player shall pay a penalty of one point for each stroke made by him, until such ball be replaced.

5. A player is responsible that all the b.a.l.l.s are in their proper place before he plays. He is liable to a penalty of one point for every ball not in its right place previous to making a stroke. The striker may be called upon to replace any ball not in its right place.

6. When all the Red b.a.l.l.s have been pocketed, the coloured b.a.l.l.s shall be played at according to their value. (_Vide_ Rule 2.)

7. For each ball pocketed by the striker he shall receive its value from each player, all forfeits having been first deducted; and if he has incurred any penalties pay their value to each player.

8. If the player shall strike one or more b.a.l.l.s, and {334} then pocket his own ball, he shall pay the value of the ball first struck, and shall forfeit any points he may have gained during that stroke.

9. If a striker shall pocket a ball, and then cannon on to one or more coloured b.a.l.l.s and pocket them, he shall receive the value of the ball he originally played at, and shall pay the value of the highest coloured ball he may have pocketed in the same stroke. This does not apply in the case of Red b.a.l.l.s, any number of which may be pocketed in the same stroke.

10. If a Red ball is covered by a coloured ball, and such coloured ball be pocketed, it shall count, provided the player was ent.i.tled to play at that coloured ball. Only the coloured ball aimed at may be taken. It counts even if it goes in off other b.a.l.l.s. Only one coloured ball may be taken at the same stroke.

11. For making a miss, or making a miss and running in, the striker shall lose one point, except when he must play on a coloured ball, when he loses the value of that ball.

12. When playing on a Red ball, if the striker misses, and hits a coloured ball, and at the same stroke accidentally pockets one or more Red b.a.l.l.s, he loses the value of the coloured ball first hit, and cannot score. The Red b.a.l.l.s so pocketed shall be replaced on the table.

13. For striking a wrong ball, the striker shall pay the value of the ball hit.

14. When the Red b.a.l.l.s are all pocketed, if the player shall pocket a coloured ball, and then cannon on to one or more coloured b.a.l.l.s and pocket them, he shall receive the value of the ball he first played at, and shall pay the value of the highest coloured ball he may have pocketed in the same stroke. {335}

15. When the Red b.a.l.l.s are all pocketed, if the player pocket his own ball as well as the coloured ball played at, the ball which is pocketed shall be placed on the table, and the player shall lose the value of the coloured ball.

16. If the White ball be touching a coloured ball, the striker cannot score; he must play his stroke and shall be liable to any penalties incurred.

17. If more than one error be committed in the same stroke, the highest penalty only shall be exacted. Penalties shall not hold good after one complete round shall have been played.

18. If a player force a ball off the table, he shall pay the value of that ball, or, in the case of the White ball, as if he had made a _coup_.[72]

19. For making a foul stroke, or fouling another ball, a player cannot score.

20. For playing out of turn, the striker shall pay one point to each player besides any penalties incurred, but shall not receive any points he may have won.

21. No ball may be temporarily taken up. No Red ball shall be replaced on the table except when forced off, or for a foul stroke, or under Rules 12 and 15.

22. When it is required to replace a coloured ball and its spot is occupied, it is to be placed on the nearest vacant spot. In the case of the Brown, if the green and yellow spots are vacant, it is to be put on the green spot; if all the spots are occupied, then as near as possible to its own spot in the direction of the top of the table.

23. All disputes are to be decided by a majority of the players or by the referee.



The game of Chess is a battle between two armies, numerically equal, of which the two players are the generals. The battle-field upon which this mimic warfare takes place is called the chess-board. This is a square board divided into sixty-four equal alternate white and black squares, and should be so placed that each player shall have a white square at his right.


The forces consist of thirty-two "men," each side having eight Pieces and eight p.a.w.ns, of a light and dark colour (known as "white" and "black"), to distinguish the opposing forces from each other.

In print the pieces and p.a.w.ns are pictorially represented as on p. 337.

At the commencement of the game, the pieces are placed as shown in Fig. 1.

It is to be noticed {337} that the white king occupies a black square, and the black king a white square.

The horizontal divisions are called "rows," and the vertical divisions are called "files."


^K One King = K. #K ^Q One Queen = Q. #Q ^R ^R Two Castles, or Rooks = R. #R #R ^B ^B Two Bishops = B. #B #B ^Kt ^Kt Two Knights = Kt. #Kt #Kt Eight p.a.w.ns = P.

^P ^P ^P ^P #P #P #P #P ^P ^P ^P ^P #P #P #P #P


A piece or p.a.w.n has the power to take any adverse piece or p.a.w.n, according to the laws which govern its movements. The King alone, as will presently be seen, is inviolable. If the King is attacked, the fact must be notified by the warning {338} "Check," and if the King cannot by some means escape from the attack, the game is at an end.


+---------------------------------------+ #R #Kt #B #Q #K #B #Kt #R --------------------------------------- #P #P #P #P #P #P #P #P --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ^P ^P ^P ^P ^P ^P ^P ^P --------------------------------------- ^R ^Kt ^B ^Q ^K ^B ^Kt ^R +---------------------------------------+ White.

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Hoyle's Games Modernized Part 39 summary

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