Hoyle's Games Modernized Part 43

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26. Q to B 3 26. Q to K 3

Black has lost a move by not playing 25. ... Q to Q 2, for now he cannot move his Queen away from the protection of the Knight, and the Knight {360} he cannot move, because his K B P would then remain _en prise_. If he moved 26 ... K to Kt 2, defending Kt and P, White would win his Queen by playing either Kt to B 5: ch., &c., as pointed out after Black's 23rd move; he is consequently forced to move as in the text.


27. Q to K 3 ...

To prevent Black from playing 27.... R to Q 7, which would be a powerful move, as it would attack White's p.a.w.ns on the Queen's side.

... 27. Q to B 5 (?) 28. Kt (R 4) to B 5 ...


+---------------------------------------+ #R --------------------------------------- #P #P #P #K --------------------------------------- #P #Kt #Kt #P #P --------------------------------------- #P ^Kt --------------------------------------- #Q ^P --------------------------------------- ^P ^P ^Q ^Kt ^P --------------------------------------- ^P ^P ^P --------------------------------------- ^R ^K +---------------------------------------+ White.

FIG. 8.


(The position being highly instructive, it is ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 8. White sacrifices a piece on the chance of Black not seeing the right defence. In which case the subtle threat is as follows--

... 28. P takes Kt 29. Kt takes P 29. Kt to Kt sq.

Defending the threatened R P.

30. Q to Kt 3 ...

And wins, as the mate with Q to Kt 7 cannot be prevented.)

... 28. P takes Kt

Black would have done better not to take the Knight, but to play 28. ... Kt to Kt sq.

29. Kt takes P 29. Kt to K sq. (!)

(As pointed out above, if Black had made what seems to be the obvious move, viz., to defend the R P with 29.... Kt to Kt sq., White would win with 30. Q to Kt 3 and mate to follow at Kt 7 with the Queen.)

30. Q takes P: ch. 30. K to Kt sq.

31. Q to Kt 5: ch. 31. K to R 2

And the game is drawn by White giving "Perpetual check." That is the utmost he can hope, being a piece _minus_. {362}


First three moves as before. First three moves as before.

P to B 3[78] Castles 4. ------------- 4. --------- Kt to B 3[79] Kt to B 3

P to Q 4 P to Q 3 5. --------- 5. --------- P takes P P to Q 3

P takes P B to K Kt 5 (?) 6. ------------------ 6. --------------- B to Kt 5: ch. (!) P to K R 3

B to Q 2 (!) B to R 4 7. -------------- 7. ---------- B takes B: ch. P to K Kt 4

Q Kt takes B B to K Kt 3 8. ------------ 8. ------------ P to Q 4[80] P to K R 4

P takes P Kt takes Kt P 9. ------------ 9. ------------- K Kt takes P P to R 5

Q to Kt 3 Kt takes P 10. ----------- 10. ----------- Q Kt to K 2 P takes B

Castles Kt takes Q[81]

11. ------- 11. -------------- Castles B to K Kt 5

With an even game. Kt to B 7 12. --------- R to R 4

Q takes B 13. ---------- Kt takes Q

R P takes P 14. ----------- Kt to Q 5

Kt to B 3 15. --------- P to B 3


And Black should win, as he threatens to play 16. ... P to Q 4, attacking Bishop with p.a.w.n and Knight with King, &c.


First three moves as before.

P to B 3 P takes Kt 4. --------- 9. ---------- Kt to B 3 B takes P

P to Q 4 Q to Kt 3 5. --------- 10. --------- P takes P B takes R

P takes P B takes P: ch.

6. -------------- 11. -------------- B to Kt 5: ch. K to B sq.

Kt to B 3 12. B to Kt 5 7. ------------ Kt takes K P

Castles 8. ----------- Kt takes Kt

And wins, for Black can only play 12. ... Kt to K 2, to which White replies 13. R takes B, or R to K sq., or Kt to K 5, &c. This variation should be carefully studied, for Black will frequently fall into the trap thus laid for him.

From considerations of s.p.a.ce, it is only possible to give two or three variations of each opening, and these in a very condensed form. For further examples the reader is referred to Hoffer's _Chess_ (see note on first page of this article).


The Evans Gambit is in reality only a sub-variation of the Giuoco Piano, but might aptly be called, {364} in contradistinction to it, Giuoco Presto, the former being slow, the latter lively.


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Hoyle's Games Modernized Part 43 summary

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