Hoyle's Games Modernized Part 47

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... Q to K 2 5. --------------- 14. -------- Kt to Q R 4[89] Castles

B to Kt 5: ch. P takes B 6. -------------- 15. ---------- P to B 3 R to K sq.

P takes P Castles 7. --------- 16. --------- P takes P R takes P

B to K 2[90] B to K B 4 8. ------------ 17. -------------- P to K R 3 Q to Kt 3: ch.

Kt to K B 3 Q to B 2 9. ----------- 18. -------------- P to K 5 Q takes Q: ch.

Kt to K 5 R takes Q 10. --------- 19. ------------- Q to B 2 R to K 8: ch.

P to K B 4 R to B sq.

11. ---------- 20. -------------- B to Q 3 R takes R: ch.

P to Q 4 K takes R, &c.

12. ---------------- 21. -------------- P takes P _e.p._ ...

B takes P White has the better p.a.w.n 13. ---------- position on the Queen's side.

B takes Kt


This Opening, invented by the Spaniard Ruy Lopez in the sixteenth century, is still resorted to in tournaments and matches, where caution and safety are essential. Instead of developing the Bishop to Q B 4 with the intention of an attack upon Black's weakest point--viz., the K B P, White plays 3. B to Q Kt 5, threatening 4. B takes Kt, and 5. Kt takes P. In answer to 3. B to Kt 5, Black may play 3. ... P to Q R 3; 3. ... K Kt to B 3 (best); 3.

... K Kt to K 2 (not so good); 3. ... B to B 4; 3. ... Kt to Q 5 (not to be recommended); 3. ... P to Q 3 (a safe, but dull defence); 3. ... P to B 4 (risky); and 3. ... P to K Kt 3, the latter involving the development of the K B to Kt 2.

White's replies are, in answer to 3. ... P to Q R 3; 4. B takes Kt; or 4. B to R 4. And in answer to 3. ... Kt to B 3; 4. Kt to B 3; 4. P to Q 3; 4. Q to K 2; 4. P to Q 4, or 4. Castles. {378}

The main defences are 3. ... P to Q R 3, and 3. ... Kt to B 3. The latter is to be preferred; for to a certain extent the White Bishop is not in such a favourable position at Kt 5 as at R 4; it should, therefore, not be driven into a better one.


1. P to K 4 1. P to K 4 2. Kt to K B 3 2. Kt to Q B 3 3. B to Kt 5

These moves complete the Ruy Lopez Opening.

... 3. P to Q R 3 4. B to R 4 ...

White could here temporarily win a p.a.w.n with 4. B takes Kt, Q P takes B, 5. Kt takes P. But 5. ... Q to Q 5 wins it back for Black; it is, therefore, useless to exchange the powerful King's Bishop.

... 4. Kt to B 3 5. P to Q 3 5. P to Q 3

This is the quietest form of the Lopez and may be adopted with safety.

6. Kt to B 3 6. B to Q 2 7. Castles 7. B to K 2 8. P to Q 4 8. P to Q Kt 4 9. P takes P 9. Q Kt takes P 10. Kt takes Kt 10. P takes Kt 11. B to Kt 3 11. Castles 12. B to Kt 5 12. P to Q R 4

A good move, as it antic.i.p.ates White's advance of the Q R P, and thus renders the Queen's side safe.

13. B takes Kt 13. B takes B 14. P to Q R 4 14. P to Kt 5

It would be bad to play here 14. ... P takes P, {379} because it not only would give White an open Rook's file, but also _isolate_ Black's R P and Q B P, a weakness from which he could not recover against the best play.

Neither side has so far gained any material advantage.


Repeat the first five moves on either side.

P to B 3 Kt to Kt 3 6. ----------- 9. ----------- P to K Kt 3 P to Q Kt 4

Q Kt to Q 2 B to B 2 7. ----------- 10. -------- B to Kt 2 P to Q 4

Kt to B sq. Castles 8. ----------- 11. -------- Castles Q to Q 3

Even game.


Repeat first four moves on either side.

P to Q 3 B takes Kt 5. -------- 9. ------------ B to B 4 Kt P takes B

P to B 3 Kt takes P 6. ------------ 10. ---------- Q to K 2 (!) Kt takes P

Castles R to K sq.

7. ------- 11. ---------- Castles P to K B 4

P to Q 4 Kt to Q 2 8. --------- 12. --------- B to Kt 3 Q to B 3

Even game.


Repeat first four moves as above.

Castles 5. ---------- Kt takes P

P to Q 4 6. ----------- P to Q Kt 4

{380} Kt takes P 7. --------------- Kt takes Kt[91]

P takes Kt 8. ------------ P to Q 3[92]

P takes P 9. -------------- Kt takes P[93]

B to Kt 3 10. --------- B to K 2

Q to B 3 11. ------------- R to Q Kt sq.

Not 11. ... B to Kt 2, because of 12. B takes P ch., Kt takes B; 13. Q takes B, &c.

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Hoyle's Games Modernized Part 47 summary

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