Hoyle's Games Modernized Part 54

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6. B to B 4 6. Kt to B 3

Again the best moves for both sides. Black could not play 6. ... B to Q B 4, because of 7. B takes P: ch., K takes B; 8. Q to R 5: ch., P to Kt 3; 9. Q takes B, &c.


All games which commence with any other move than 1. P to K 4, or in which Black replies with any other move than 1. ... P to K 4, are called Close Games. These Openings are resorted to either by the first player, if he has to meet an opponent who is well versed in book knowledge, or by the second player, if he is afraid to trust himself in the wide field of the Open Games, with all the numerous variations and combinations, which the first player, knowing what Opening he proposes to adopt, might have prepared.

The Close Games require a considerable knowledge of p.a.w.n-play, which is a specialty, only to be acquired by long experience. In the Open Games the attack is mostly made with pieces, while in close or irregular games the p.a.w.ns are pushed forward, and the pieces are posted behind them in strategical positions, and only come into action after the dispositions of the plan of campaign are matured. Any attempt at full treatment at the Close Games would therefore be out of place in an elementary treatise.

The French Defence and the Sicilian Defence are, however, exceptions. They are very frequently played. To these, therefore, it will be necessary to devote special attention. {406}



1. P to K 4 1. P to K 3

This move of Black const.i.tutes the _French Defence_. It gives a safe but dull game, with the exception of a few variations. The game may continue as follows:

2. P to Q 4 2. P to Q 4 3. P to K 5 3. P to Q B 4

To prevent the establishment of a centre. It may be taken as a principle--always try to prevent or break the formation of a centre.

4. P to Q B 3 4. Kt to Q B 3 5. P to K B 4 ...

In antic.i.p.ation of Black's probable 5. ... Q to Kt 3, when White would have to develop his K Kt.

... 5. Q to Kt 3 6. Kt to B 3 6. B to Q 2 7. P to Q Kt 3 ...

In order to play his Bishop to K 3, which he cannot do now, because the Kt P would be _en prise_.

... 7. R to B sq.

8. B to K 3 8. Kt to R 3 9. B to Q 3 ...

To prevent 9. ... Kt to B 4, attacking Bishop and Queen's p.a.w.n. 9. ... Kt to K Kt 5 would be loss of time, as White would play 10. B to Kt sq., and then drive the Knight back. {407}

... 9. P takes P 10. P takes P 10. Kt to Q Kt 5 11. P to K R 3 ...

The White Bishop cannot move, because of Kt to B 7: ch., and if 11.

Castles, Black would win the exchange with 11. ... Kt takes B; 12. Q takes Kt, B to Kt 4.

... 11. Kt takes B: ch.

12. Q takes Kt 12. B to Kt 5: ch.

13. K to B 2 (or Q Kt to Q 2) ...

With a very good game for Black.



1. P to K 4 1. P to K 3 2. P to Q 4 2. P to Q 4 3. Kt to Q B 3 3. Kt to K B 3 4. P to K 5

P to K 5 on White's third move having been found unsatisfactory, the modified form here given is now fas.h.i.+onable.

... 4. K Kt to Q 2 5. P to B 4 5. P to Q B 4

Again the attempt to break the centre.

6. P takes P 6. Kt to Q B 3

As the p.a.w.n cannot be defended, Black utilises his time by bringing an additional piece into play.

7. Kt to B 3 7. B takes P 8. B to Q 3 8. P to B 3

Again an attack upon the centre.


9. P takes P 9. Kt takes P 10. Q to K 2 10. Castles 11. P to Q R 3 11. P to Q R 3 The game is so far even.



1. P to K 4 1. P to Q B 4

This move of Black const.i.tutes the _Sicilian Defence_, its main object being to prevent White from establis.h.i.+ng a centre.

2. Kt to Q B 3 2. Kt to Q B 3

White might also play 2. B to B 4, or 2. Kt to K B 3; the development of the Q Kt is, however, generally adopted.

3. Kt to B 3 3. P to K 3 4. P to Q 4 4. P takes P 5. Kt takes P 5. Kt to B 3 6. Kt (Q 4) to Kt 5 6. B to Kt 5 7. P to K R 3 7. B takes Kt: ch.

8. Kt takes B 8. P to Q 4

Black remains with an isolated Queen's p.a.w.n after the exchanges which follow; but as in most forms of the Sicilian Defence, Black's Queen's p.a.w.n is weak, the position arising from Black's text-move is not inferior to any other he can obtain.

9. P takes P 9. Kt takes P 10. Kt takes Kt 10. Q takes Kt 11. Q takes Q 11. P takes Q 12. B to K B 4 12. Castles 13. Castles 13. B to K 3 Even game.



The _Queen's Gambit_, 1. P to Q 4, P to Q 4; 2. P to Q B 4, P takes P; 3. P to K 3, or 3. P to K 4, or 3. Kt to K B 3, &c., is rarely played, because the Gambit p.a.w.n cannot, as in the King's Gambit, be defended by Black with the Knight's p.a.w.n; therefore the offered Gambit is usually declined (say, by 2. ... P to K 3), and the games take the form of close openings. The Queen's Gambit Declined is a very popular Opening in tournaments.


The Fianchetto takes various form--viz., the _King's Fianchetto_, wherein White commences with 1. P to K Kt 3, and 2. B to Kt 2; and the _Queen's Fianchetto_, where White plays 1. P to Q Kt 3, and 2. B to Kt 2; the _King's Fianchetto Defence_, where Black defends with 1. ... P to K Kt 3, and 2. ... B to Kt 2; and the _Queen's Fianchetto Defence_, where Black defends with 1. ... P to Q Kt 3, and 2. ... B to Kt 2. The _Double Fianchetto_ is where either White or Black develops both Bishops at Kt 2.

The shape of White's development against either Fianchetto defence should be as under:


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Hoyle's Games Modernized Part 54 summary

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