Little Mittens for The Little Darlings Part 6

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"Berry well; succeed."

"When de day breaks, what becomes ob de pieces?"

"I--I--don't 'xactly know, sar. Trow em in de ash barrel?"

"No, sar! dey jes let em alone. He! ho!"

Then another brother got up, and made such a low bow that his black wig tumbled over his eyes, showing his brown hair behind. He poked it back again, and began to sing this--all the rest playing on fiddles, bones, and triangles, as hard as they could:

"Come, brothers, now unite with us, and join us, one and all, The Stars and Stripes shall not come down, shall never, never fall: We've got two splendid captains, to their country ever true; McClellan, and great Winfield Scott, and the Red, White, and Blue.

_Chorus._ "Then hurrah for the Union, Hurrah for the Union, Hurrah for the Union, And the Red, White, and Blue."

"Ah! now's the time for the bouquet!" I whispered to Annie; and I took it out from under the seat, and threw it as hard as I could. The little dog who lived with Annie, thought I did it for him to catch. He bounced upon the stage, barking and wagging his tail till he nearly wagged it off; and seized the bouquet, while Annie's brother tried to get it away; and they chased each other up and down the room, the minstrels and the company all laughing ready to kill themselves. What fun it was!

At last Annie's brother got about a quarter of the flowers away from the dog; and then he put his hand on his heart, and made a bow lower than the first; and Annie was afraid he had almost broken the bone in his back.

After this funny concert was over, the musicians, who had been sent for from New York, began to play dancing tunes; and all the company went into another large parlor, and commenced to dance; while Annie's brothers and their friends got scrubbing brushes, and soap, and hot water, and scrubbed and rubbed, and scrubbed and rubbed, till they nearly scrubbed the noses off their faces; but it was not very long before they came in, looking as white and clean as could be; only Annie thought they had made a great mistake--taking out their splendid breastpins. She said, "Why, Aunt f.a.n.n.y, those breastpins are so _brighty bright!_ oh, how I wish I had one! Don't you?"

"Yes, dear," I answered; "and I will go and ask the jeweller to give me one for you to keep. You shall choose it yourself."

This was delightful! and Annie and I danced and laughed, and had some ice cream in a snug little corner together; and she sat up ever so late, without wanting to shut her blue eyes once; and when the company went away they kissed Annie, and shook hands with the handsome, gentlemanly little boys, and thanked them for their nice, funny concert. I don't know but what some of them kissed one or two of the youngest of Annie's brothers. I did; but that's because I'm only Aunt f.a.n.n.y, which makes a difference, you see. I'm so little, that half the time the children forget I am quite old. They catch hold of me, and make me play so hard, that I am afraid I shall never get to be a very mouldy old lady, sitting in a corner, with my head tied up in a flannel petticoat, to keep off the draught. I'm afraid I shall always be frisky. What do _you_ think about it, you little apple dumplings?

Would you like to hear the rest about the breastpin? Well, I will tell you. Annie chose the one with the great red stone in the middle and ten white ones all round it; and I went the very next day to the jeweller in New York, and said:

"See here, Mr. Jeweller, here are all your breastpins, and I am very much obliged to you; but I want you to _give_ me one, for a darling."

"What kind of a darling, Mrs. Aunt f.a.n.n.y?"

"Well, she is four years old, and has rosy cheeks, dark brown hair, large blue eyes, and a little dimpling, dainty mouth, full of small white pearls. They are not set in gold, like the pearls in your gla.s.s case. No, indeed! they grew fast in her dear little head; and she eats bread and milk with them.

"But let me tell you, Mr. Jeweller, that she has something far more precious than what I have been relating. Shut up in her innocent breast is a beautiful heart, which is full of love to all around her; and it gently whispers to her, 'Ilken Annie, be obedient to your parents, kind to everybody, and faithful in praying night and morning, to the dear Saviour, to watch over and protect His little lamb, and all she loves.'

Oh, Mr. Jeweller, you cannot find such a precious jewel as ilken Annie's heart, in all your store."

Something came into the good jeweller's eyes, and fell upon his cheeks.

They were two bright tears; and he softly said, "No; I have no such treasures here, and none now in my home; for, not long ago, G.o.d took my one little white lamb, my wee darling. She has gone to heaven, and my house is empty."

I felt very, very sorry for him--but I could not speak. He wrapped up the breastpin in a piece of paper, and gave it to me for Annie; and I sent it to her with this fine poetry:

My dear "ilken" Annie, Your loving Aunt f.a.n.n.y Has got this fine breastpin On purpose for you; So that, when in town, With your new hat and gown, And this red and white breastpin, You'll be quite a view.

Then the girls and the boys Will make a great noise, And cry, "Goody gracious!

_What_ a breastpin! just see!

'Tis the color of roses!

And real, I supposes; I wish your Aunt f.a.n.n.y Would buy one for _me_."

Then you'll say, "But she can't, For she isn't _your_ aunt, But _my_ little auntie That lives down the lane; And I'm ilken Annie, So winsome and cannie, With my 'hankfun' and 'too bad!'

'And try, try again.'

"I have a dear mamma, And good and grave papa, And such a kind grandmamma, Gentle and sweet, And my three, four, five brothers, Like three, four, five mothers, To love me and tend me, And guide my young feet."

And now, little maiden, With so much love laden, I pray that to you May all "good gifts" be given; And happiness rare, Without shadow of care; And then--this life ended, Your home may be--HEAVEN.

And so ilken Annie got her breastpin from me; and I received in return some kisses from her; and I think I had the best of the bargain. And what is more--I do believe, if you will go down to Staten Island and call upon her, she will show you the garters, which must be finished by this time; and the breastpin, if it isn't lost; and the poetry; and Grip, the dog; and the stone young lady in the garden; and the cunning little bridge; and ever so many dimples in her sweet face; and be _so_ kind to you! Perhaps she will say, "Shall I read the Bible to you."

Wouldn't that be lovely? Come! let's you and I go down together, this very minute! Oh, dear me! I quite forgot that the boats don't run in the evening. Never mind! we'll go some other time.

Till then, don't quite forget

Your loving

AUNT f.a.n.n.y.

When the reading of these little stories was finished, it was found that twelve more pairs of nice warm mittens were ready for our brave soldiers; and the Little Mother sent them to George, with so much love, and so many prayers for his welfare, and the safety of his comrades--that it did seem as if G.o.d's blessing would rest upon every soldier who wore them.

And now, little darling, reading this, or having a kind mamma or friend to read it to you--won't you pray for the soldiers? Will you say this little prayer to-night:

"O my Heavenly Father: Please watch over all the soldiers. Send Thy Holy Spirit into their leaders: then love and peace will surely come; and there will be no more of this dreadful war. I pray for this, in the name of Jesus, my dear Saviour. Amen."


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Little Mittens for The Little Darlings Part 6 summary

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