The Voyage of the Beagle Part 20

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Ti, liliaceous plant.

Tierra del Fuego. climate and vegetation of. zoology of. entomology of.

Tinamus rufescens.

Tinochorus rumicivorus.

Toad, habits of. not found in oceanic islands.

Torrents in Cordillera.

Tortoise, habits of.


Transparency of air in Andes. in St. Jago.

Transport of boulders. of fragments of rock on banks of the St. Cruz river. of seeds. of stones in roots of trees.

Travertin with leaves of trees, Van Diemen's Land.

Tree-ferns. southern limits of.

Trees, absence of, in Pampas. time required to rot. silicified, vertical. size of. floating, transport stones.

Tres Montes.



Tristan d'Acunha.

Trochilus forficatus.

Tropical scenery.

Tschudi, M., on subsidence.

Tubes, siliceous, formed by lightning.

Tucutuco, habits of. fossil species of.

Tuff, craters of. infusoria in.

Tupungato, volcano of.

Turco, El.

Turkey buzzard.

Turtle, manner of catching.

Type of organisation in Galapagos Islands, American.

Types of organisation in different countries, constant.

Tyrannus savana.

Ulloa on hydrophobia. on Indian buildings.

Unanue, Dr., on hydrophobia.

Uruguay, Rio. not crossed by the Bizcacha.

Uspallata range and pa.s.s.

Vacas, Rio.

Valdivia. forests of.

Valley of St. Cruz, how excavated. dry, at Copiapo.

Valleys, excavation of, in Chile. of New South Wales. in Cordillera. of Tahiti.


Vampire bat.

Van Diemen's Land.

Vanellus caya.n.u.s.

Vanessa, flocks of.


Vapour from forests.

Vegetation of St. Helena, changes of. luxuriant, not necessary to support large animals. on opposite sides of Cordillera.

Ventana, Sierra.

Verbena melindres.


Villa Vicencio.

Villarica volcano.

Virgin forest.

Virgularia Patagonica.

Volcanic bombs. cellular formation of. islands. phenomena.

Volcanoes near Chiloe. their presence determined by elevation or subsidence.

Vultur aura.

Waders, first colonists of distant islands.

Waimate, New Zealand.


Walckenaer on spiders.

Walleechu tree.

Wasps preying on spiders and killed by.

Water-hog (Hydrochaerus capybara).


Water sold at Iquique.

Water, fresh, floating on salt.

Waterhouse, Mr., on Rodents. on the niata ox. on the insects of Tierra del Fuego. of Galapagos. on the terrestrial mammals of Galapagos.

Waves caused by fall of ice. from earthquakes.

Weather, connection with earthquakes.

Weatherboard, New South Wales.

Weeds in New Zealand, imported.

Weight of large quadrupeds.

Wellington, Mount.

Wells, ebbing and flowing. at Iquique.

West Indies, banks of sediment. zoology of. coral-reefs of.

Whales, oil from. leaping out of water.

White, Mr., on spiders.

Whitsunday Island.

Wigwam cove.

Wigwams of Fuegians.

Williams, Reverend Mr. on infectious disorders.

Winds, dry, in Tierra del Fuego. at the Cape Verds. on Cordillera. cold, on Cordillera.

Winter's Bark.

Wolf at the Falklands.

Wollaston Island.

Wood, Captain, on the Agouti.


Yaquil gold mines.

Yeso, Valle del.

York Minster.


Zoological provinces of North and South America.

Zoology of Galapagos. of Tierra del Fuego. of Chonos Islands. of Keeling Island. of St. Helena.

Zoophytes. at Falkland Islands.

Zorillo, or skunk.

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The Voyage of the Beagle Part 20 summary

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