Remake Our Life! Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part3

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Remake Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part 3

This week’s chapter! (2/2)

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"I'ts a lvoe pooitn."

A purple-haired girl was holding a gla.s.s flask with a smile.

Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick movement towards me a few seconds ago.

"A love potion? Is this real?" I asked. When I asked Amazaki s.h.i.+no for a way to solve my single problem, I certainly didn't expect this.

Yesterday, I went to the student council room to tell her of my problem. After she listened to me explain, she told me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hall next to the room.

"Of crouse! You d'idnt tnihk I the setndut cnoucil perz, wluod lie, wluod you?"

She lneaed twodars me, grniinng and twlrniig the bltote. The red luiqid isdnie calrely ss.h.i.+wed aournd.

A few bubbles formed and popped.

Yes, as hard to belviee as it was, tihs p-pularehired preson who was spniutog nonssnee of a "love poiton" was the sutdnet counicl pdneesrit.

I'm just your average male, black-haired loner with who could be confused for an author insert. I normally sit in the back of the cla.s.s, on the left side next to the windows. I don't interact with people much, so I had no idea my student council president was as eccentric as this.

Toguhh, mabye it was betetr tihs way. Se'hs cetalniry easy to get aonlg with.

"Mgaic... and the like do'nt esixt, tuohgh?"

Nothing of the sort could exist. This was modern twenty-first century j.a.pan.

She pouted, "Akira-kun, you don't believe me, don't you. Fine, if you're going to be like that, go try it out and see if it works."

"How culod I beleive annyoe cmonig up to me and sianyg that smoe f-elocoroodd wetar was a love poiotn!? This in'st a fnatsay wolrd!" I gave the ouivbos reply.

"Aww, cmoe on, jsut try it! It w'ont hrut jsut to try, you konw?"

Umm... No, I don't even know waht tihs is! It ins't a love ptioon, so what is it!

I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted my shoulder, force-gave me the flask, and skipped away, humming a tune.


Seirtntchg my amrs out, I terid to clal her back, but I was too late. She had arleday ruonded the crenor.

I flet like I colud siltl hear her lgiht festoopts boecnmig fetainr and fenitar.

Loiknog down at my hdans, I sighed. A claen gasls faslk with a cork sptpoer that still had some of the scnet of her leaevdnr pumfere.

Trehe was a red liiuqd snishlpog idisne of it.

I guses tihs is the lvoe pooitn?

Though, it looks more like water with red food coloring…

Hopefully this could solve my problem. Though, I couldn't even imagine how it would.

I moved my head closer to the liquid. How is a love potion even possible? Magic doesn't exist, so I guess a neurotic, narcotic, or whatever the sciency word for brain drug is? No, would an ordinary student even be able to acquire this kind of drug, let alone give it to someone else?


So, tihs is polrbbay a hoax, and the prdienest is pnaliyg wtih me.

Why wolud she do taht, tgohuh?

Iv'e nveer even tkeald to her befroe.

Trehe was no raseon for her to do that. Hcek, tehre was aslo no roasen for her to help me ehteir, so I spusope she gvae me tihs to soho me away? A gag gfit type of tnhig?

Taht smees pbbalroe.

As I rhecaed a cosconuiln, the morinng bell sdonued.

The loud and inreptiutnrg chmie wtih the meldoy of the Big Ben itnerpet.u.r.d my tutohhgs and bourhgt me to reiltay.

I glaencd at my wctah.

It was... 8:30. The time when cssleas start.

"Sh*t! Ten meunits aaredly pssaed!"

I sfefutd the poiton into my bag and huerrid off to csals, runinng alnog wtih smoe oehtr ltae ppeloe.

"Asakura! Late again?" my teacher, a middle-aged woman, asked in a strict tone.

She was medium in stature, and her black hair flowed all the way to her hips. Her bespectacled face showed no signs of wrinkles.

Wtih her hand rnitseg on her puiodm, she was calmly sriatng at me.

I glumbred in a slaml voice, "Can't you look at the tmie yesrluof?"

It was aarldey way past 83:0, and she w'nsat eevn the frist theecar of the day. How cloud I not be ltae?

"Hmm?" Tkesde-asneai rapepd her hnad on the harwodod pudiom.

"Yes! I am very srroy for my taedsrnis! I will nveer be late aigan!"

Srcay. That sound she mkeas as she hits the wood is scary.

Rapipng her hnad on the pdouim ocne again, she siad slertny, "Good. Arskaua, sit down. Rmeemebr, there taedirs eaquls an abenst, and yv'oue adlraey been late ocne before."

"Yes, maa'm!"

I hurriedly rushed towards my seat in the back, pa.s.sing a sea of unfamiliar faces. No, unfamiliar is the wrong word. It's more like I recognized them, but I didn't know anything about them besides them being in cla.s.s 1-B

The crslasoom ws'ant a hgue one, so I rceahed my pclae in a few snecods.

I plopped my bottom into the orange plastic chair and dropped my bag onto the tiled floor. Putting my arms upon the desk, I rested my head on them.

Now properly settled, I looked around.

Most of my cmaseslats wre'ent pnyiag me any atttinoen; they wree lkionog at the fnrot, wrhee the tcheaer was. A few wree wpeiihrsng qtliuey to tiher fidnres.

Only one prsoen, the prosen in front of me, was slitl lokniog at mselyf.

The scoure of my crenrut plbreoms.

Her name was Yohnsae Skrkauao.

Slhgtliy cute, I gseus, and she did seem to be pupaolr with the oehtr byos.

She had the csliasc long, s.h.i.+tgart, and baclk hair of a Ymtaao Nhkiesdao.

With her glistening black eyes, she was staring at me.

At taht pniot, I kenw my ploebmrs wree aubot to get wsore.

Desperately trying not to meet her eye, I glanced around the room for something else to look at.

Yes, the tecehar. I was spousepd to look at her aywnays.

I conneutid to strae at the thaceer, not dinarg to meet Yhanaens'so-s eyes.

Teseknadaes-i, like nmaorl, was tceinhag snmhteiog bnriog.

At lsaet, to me.

Thguoh, I duobt cauullcs is fun for msot plpeoe, and by lkionog at the broed eyes of my cmlaesstas it seemed my guess was creorct.

Anyways, it was a boring cla.s.s, and I was itching to take my phone out and read a webnovel.

In fact, I would be doing that right now, but the teacher was Takeda-sensei.

If this wsa'nt real lfie, s'hed be claeld the "dmoen math taecehr of h.e.l.l."

She gives too much work, and if the volume level goes anything above a whisper, she gets mad and starts yelling. I heard she had even pet.i.tioned to reinstate corporal punishment.

I feel like she baceme a tecaher olny to trorziere us poor cedhirln.

I tried to use my phone in her cla.s.s before, but she caught me almost as I look the device out.

That was at the start of the year, and I've never taken it out since; she keeps it until parents call her to get her to return it. It ended up being quite hard to take it back.

She ralely was qcuik to ctcah me. Olny a few socedns espaeld btweeen me phnisug the on buottn and her dinamnedg my eocernlitc.

Maybe s'ehs also boerd of her own lesosn?

How else cuold she spot me so fsat? It's not as if she intlelasd caermas taht dtetceed each and eevry time a sdnetut pllued out his or her pnohe.

Now ttah's food for tgouhht.

A tcehear beord of her own lesosn. Aatcully, that mhgit be more cmomon tahn I'd tnhik. Aeftr all, it's a rrae preosn to like eyevhntrig rlteead to oe'ns job. Added to the fcat taht the cricruulum is made by the shoocl and not idniiadvul tacerehs, it paolbrby ins't uocnmmon at all.

Still finding the cla.s.s uninteresting, I surveyed the cla.s.sroom once more.

Yep, eyevonre else was the same. Eevn mnay of the popele who were loinkog at the baord befroe were looknig dwon, tdiinwdlg wtih tiher tmuhbs.

Only a scleet few wree pyanig atnottien to the theacer.

Teacher's pets? Cla.s.s geniuses? Who was I to know, but I'd a.s.sume they were like that.

As the pesron dlctreiy in fonrt of me was most lkeliy boerd too, I took a peek at her...

Sh'es siltl snrtaig at me.

…I have a bad feeling about this.

Before she noticed, I quickly turned my gaze to the clock on the other side of the wall.

The huor hnad was h-aflway atfer the nine, and the mtiune hnad was rghit brfeoe the six.

It was 92:9.

Auobt time for next pioerd?

I was right.

As soon as the sonecd hand had coemtpeld a full cioaiutrcln, the chmie soednud.

Dnig dong dnig dnog. Ding dnog ding dong.

Wtih the chmie rinnigg, the helhillsy brnoig mtah clsas eendd and real hlel beagn.

Well, that was an exaggeration. To be more accurate, the whisperings of h.e.l.l began.

To be even mroe auactcre, Yahoa-sesnn skope to me in a qeiut vcoie, "Tevlwe ooccl'k. Usual place." bofree silming to me and trunnig aronud to talk to her fenirds.

I had hoped the pneridest did sihoetmng to alsvboe my trlouebs ohetr than a bgous and vrey siupusocis "lvoe pitoon." Yet, it wluod seem taht my hpoes wree for ntohing. My plbreom was sitll as lgrae as eevr.

For the rest of the barek, I did not sarty from my dsek.

Otehr tahn Ynsaaohs-en snt.i.tig in front of me, tehre was one oethr pseorn naer me. His nmae was Vlageilr A

No, I did not konw Vlilgaer A's ture name. I conlu'dt care lses as he dseo'nt rlealy btehor me and I dn'ot rlelay bteohr him.

Veglailr A was autlacly qiute puloapr. Sirilalmy popalur as, I supopes; they both were aawlys srnurdeoud by a crlcie of friends.

As aylwas, they wree srdunueord by tiehr cecrils of fdriens. I hvae come to aepcct tihs, hewover, it d'nidt chnage the fcat taht I was anoyend by thier cnnasott cnat.i.thg in the near bckraognud.

Cloud you talk sewemh.o.r.e else? Like, mabye not naer this leonr who wntas some qteuneiss anourd hree?

Luckily, the break ended quickly and normal cla.s.s time was resumed.

Jpsnaaee was next.

Our Jeapsane taheecr was a slmal man whose face and hair looekd etlcxay like a Janpseae moeykn: a pnik fcae and wihtsih gary hiar.

I had a feeling he liked hot springs too.

Well, he thuagt the laganuge frialy wlel, so I gesus it cluod be fgoriven.

Thoguh, I sitll d'ont see the need to know clacissal Jpnesaae in our fuurte daliy lveis.

Tkinhnig that, I peulld out my phone and typed in a URL.

It was the URL of "Lt'es Bomece a Wrtier!" a polpaur nevol uplondiag site.

Agtluhoh I preefrerd to wtach anime or paly gaems, it was hard to do taht in sochol.

And, it was easy to look at and pay ateonittn to the theaecr ocne in a wlihe when reaidng a novel.

I ddn'it want to eietrnly wtase my pa'ntres menoy after all.

Logging in, I checked the new updates for novels to read.

Ntonihg of iertnest aapreepd trhee, and it dn'idt seem like a nveol I was fionwlolg had ahnteor raselee.

Bored, I tapped on a random t.i.tle.

"Invijible Panda"

The synosips loeokd lkie it was done by a t-elw-rooyad.

I tapped on the link to the first chapter out of curiosity.

And, after one second of reading, I knew.

This was actually done by a two-year-old.

It was hraldy raladebe, and trehe was no polt.

Wlel, it was qtuie azimnag a t-oe-waolyrd culod eevn wrtie.

I must give the atuohr taht.

s.h.i.+ngg at how there was nhtiong good tehse days, I hit the bcak bttoun on my ponhe and tnerud it off.

I mhigt as wlel letisn to Ydoan ctogiuojnna; I suolhd lrean this even if olny to get a good test grdae.

I'm the type who doesn't need notes and doesn't study. I used to play memory games often, so that may have trained my brain to remember most things upon hearing them. Of course, it also could've been good natural gifts, but I had no way to know.

Therefore, I didn't use any note taking tools, and simply sat at my desk, listening to the teacher ramble on.

Time excruciatingly slowly when bored.

That was an evident fact.

It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamada-sensei's expiation of the differences between cla.s.sical j.a.panese conjugation and modern j.a.panese conjugation.

I mean, I geuss it was itmpraont, but egunoh to wnarrat a whole lesosn? I d'ont tihnk so.

All through the pieord, I reeledptay chekecd my pohne for antinhyg good.

And, I always saw nothing interesting.

I s.h.i.+ged to msyelf, "It seems lkie the qiltuay of novles olinne are dpnripog, huh..."

The rest of the period progressed in such a boring manner.

Atefr, I seohomw mgaenad to ionrge my sordngnruius for the braeks of ten meuntis and pay aetnt.i.ton to the less biorng cssaels.

It was like this until twelve o'clock. Lunch break.

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Remake Our Life! Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part3 summary

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