The Party's Over Part 17

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About the Author.

Richard Heinberg is a journalist, educator, lecturer, and musician. He has lectured widely, appearing on national radio and television in five countries, and is the author of four previous books, including the original edition of The Party's Over, and the follow-up volume Powerdown: Options and Actions for a Post Carbon Future, as well as Cloning the Buddha: The Moral Impact of Biotechnology and A New Covenant with Nature: Notes on the End of Civilization and the Renewal of Culture. The latter was a recipient of the "Books to Live By" award of Body/Mind/Spirit magazine.

His monthly MuseLetter was nominated in 1994 by Utne Reader for an Alternative Press Award and has been included in Utne's annual list of Best Alternative Newsletters.

Heinberg is a member of the Core Faculty of New College of California, where he teaches courses on "Energy and Society" and "Culture, Ecology, and Sustainable Community." He is also an accomplished violinist. He and his wife, Janet Barocco, live in a suburban home they have renovated for energy efficiency, where they grow much of their own food.

Richard's website is: .

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