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Chapter 18: The Gap Between Knowing and Not Knowing.
Guy Pearce's book is High and Dry (Penguin, 2007). George Monbiot's comments appeared in 'What is progress', The Guardian, 4 December 2007 and 'The road well travelled', The Guardian, 30 October 2007.
Stanley Cohen's 2001 book is States of Denial: knowing about atrocities and suffering (Polity: Boston). Max Bazerman's 2006 essay 'Climate change as a predictable surprise' appeared in Climatic Change 77: 17993. George Marshall comments are from 'The psychology of denial: our failure to act against climate change', The Ecologist online, 22 September 2001.
Max Planck's statement is from Scientific Autobiography (Philosophical Library: New York, 1949).
Chapter 19: Making Effective Decisions.
Churchill's comments are reported in G. Best, Churchill: a study in greatness (Penguin: London, 2002). Jim Collins book is Good to Great: why some companies make the leap and others don't (Random House: London, 2001).
John Howard's comments were made on ABC TV's Lateline, 5 February 2007,
Chapter 20: The 'New Businessasusual'.
Clean coal: Labor's statement is 'Federal Labor's $500 million national clean coal initiative', ms250.php. The 2007 MIT report is The Future of Coal: options for a carbonconstrained world and the 2005 IPCC special report is Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. R. Beeby reported on the parliamentary inquiry, 'Carbon capture costs earth: scientists', The Canberra Times, 13 September 2006. The report on Concentrating Solar Thermal for Australia was produced by the Cooperative Research Centre for Coal in Sustainable Development. For a comparison of future energy generation costs: Renewable Energy: a contribution to Australia's environmental and economic sustainability, Final Report to Renewable Energy Generators Australia by McLennan Magasanik a.s.sociates.
Biofuels: Reports on biofuels were published in January 2008 by The Royal Society, Sustainable Biofuels: prospects and challenges, and the British House of Commons, Are biofuels Sustainable? The 2007 UN report is The Impact of Biofuels on the Right to Food. The effect of nitrogen release from biofuel cropping on global warming is demonstrated in P. Crutzen, A. Mosier et al. (2007) 'N2O release from agro-biofuel production negates global warming reduction by replacing fossil fuels', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion 7: 11191205. Energy efficiency comparison is discussed by K. Kleiner in 'The backlash against biofuels', Nature Reports Climate Change, January 2008. Biofuel impact on food production: J. Vidal, 'The looming food crisis', The Guardian, 29 August 2007 and G. Monbiot, 'An agricultural crime against humanity', The Guardian, 6 November 2007 Offsets: The study of effect of tree coverage on climate is S. Gibbard, K. Caldeira et al. (2005) 'Climate effects of global land cover change', Geophysical Research Letters 32: L23705. The treddle pump story is told by D. Kennedy and A. O'Connor, 'To cancel out the CO2 of a return flight to India, it will take one poor villager three years of pumping water by foot. So is carbon offsetting the best way to ease your conscience?', The Times, 28 August 2007. The Financial Times investigation 'Industry caught in carbon smokescreen' by F. Harvey and S. Fidler appeared on 25 April 2007.
Carbon trading and CDMs: A comprehensive study is 'Carbon trading: a critical conversation on climate change, privatization and power', Development Dialogue No. 48, September 2006 (The Dag Hammarskjold Foundation/Corner House). The Guardian investigation by N. Davies was published on 2 June 2007. The Newsweek story 'Global warming: no easy fix' by E. F. Vencat appeared on 12 March 2007. G. Lipow discusses market and regulatory approaches at 'Emissions trading: a mixed record, with plenty of failures', Gristmill, 19 February 2007,
Chapter 21: Climate Solutions.
Cutting emissions to zero: T. Helweg-La.r.s.en and J. Bull, Zero Carbon Britain: an alternative energy strategy (Centre for Alternative Technology, 2007); A. Makhijani, Carbon-free and Nuclear-free: a roadmap for US energy policy (IEER Press/RDR Books, 2007).
Using telecommunications networks: K. Mallon, G. Johnston, et al., Towards a High-bandwidth, Low-carbon Future: telecommunications-based opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Climate Risk: Sydney, 2007).
McKinsey reports: E. Per-Anders, T. Naucler et al., 'A cost curve for greenhouse gas reduction', McKinsey Quarterly 2007(1): 3545; A. Lewis, S. Gorner et al., An Australian Cost Curve for Greenhouse Gas Reduction (McKinsey&Company: Sydney, 2008).
Energy efficiency improvement: L. Brown, Plan B 3.0: mobilizing to save civilization (W. W. Norton & Company: New York, 2008). Zero emission homes: H. Osborne, 'First zero-carbon home unveiled', The Guardian, 11 June 2007; 'Code for sustainable homes', Planning Portal, professionals/en/1115314116927.html.
Baseload renewable energy: M. Diesendorf, Greenhouse Solutions with Sustainable Energy (University of New South Wales Press: Sydney, 2007); M. Diesendorf, 'The base load fallacy', 2007, Generating costs: Renewable Energy: a contribution to Australia's environmental and economic sustainability: final report to Renewable Energy Generators Australia (McLennan Magasanik a.s.sociates, Melbourne, 2006); R. Roy and G. Mawer, Putting Renewables on Target: a 10% mandatory renewable energy target (Greenpeace Australia: Sydney, 2002); K. Mallon and J. Reardon Cost Convergence of Wind Power and Conventional Generation in Australia: a report for the Australian Wind Energy a.s.sociation (AusWEA: Melbourne, 2004); T. Bradford, The Economic Transformation of the Global Energy Industry (MIT Press: Cambridge MA, 2006).
Solar thermal: L. Wibberley, A. Cottrell et al., Concentrating Solar Thermal for Australia, (Cooperative Research Centre for Coal in Sustainable Development: Pullenvale, 2005); 'Clean power from deserts', TREC/Club of Rome,
Materials production: P. Weaver, L. Jansen at al., Sustainable Technology Development (Greenleaf Publis.h.i.+ng: Sheffield, 2000).
Terra preta: E. Marris gives an overview in 'Black is the new green', Nature 442: 62426. Joe Herbertson's comments are reported in K. Wilson, 'Birth of a new wedge', Truthout, 3 May 2007, Glaser's 2007 paper is 'Prehistorically modified soils of central Amazonia: a model for sustainable agriculture in the twenty-first century', Philosophical Transactions Royal Society 362: 18796. Studies on biochar potential include M. Obersteiner, S. Nilsson. et al., Bioma.s.s Energy, Carbon Removal and Permanent Sequestration: a 'real option' for managing climate risk (International Inst.i.tute for Applied Systems a.n.a.lysis Interim Report IR-02-042, 2002); J. S. Rhodes and D. W. Keith (2005) 'Engineering economic a.n.a.lysis of bioma.s.s IGCC with carbon capture and storage', Bioma.s.s and Energy 29: 44050; C. Azar, K. Lindgren et al. (2006) 'Carbon capture and storage from fossil fuels and bioma.s.s - Costs and potential role in stabilizing the atmosphere', Climatic Change 74: 4779; and J. Lehmann, J. Gaunt et al. (2006) 'Bio-char sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems a review', Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 11: 40327.
Chapter 22: Can 'Politics As Usual' Solve The Problem?.
Lovelock's comment is from his 2006 book The Revenge of Gaia (Allen Lane: London). Fuel prices and trade: T. Homer-Dixon, The Upside of Down (Text: Melbourne, 2006).
Robert Reich's essay, 'How capitalism is killing democracy' appeared in Foreign Policy, September/October 2007. See also his book Supercapitalism: the transformation of business, democracy, and everday life (Scribe: Melbourne, 2008). Ian Dunlop's comments on 'Corporate governance and responsibility' were made at a book launch at University of Technology Sydney on 5 December 2007.
Chapter 23: What Does An Emergency Look Like?.
Lester Brown's book is Plan B 3.0: mobilizing to save civilization (W. W. Norton & Company: New York, 2008).
Chapter 24: The Climate Emergency In Practice.
J. P. Lederach's 1997 book is Building Peace: sustainable reconciliation in divided societies (United States Inst.i.tute of Peace Press: Was.h.i.+ngton).
Climate impacts: M. Lynas, Six Degrees: our future on a hotter planet (Fourth Estate: London, 2007); F. Pearce, With Speed and Violence: why scientists fear tipping points in climate change (Beacon Press: Boston, 2007). Kim Stanley Robinson's climate change trilogy is published by Bantam Books, New York.
Watermark Australia's report Our Water Mark: Australians making a difference in water reform is available at
Netherland's program: P. Weaver, L. Jansen et al., Sustainable Technology Development (Greenleaf Publis.h.i.+ng: Sheffield, 2000).
Chapter 25: The Safe-Climate Economy.
Effect of aircraft emissions: J. E. Penner, D. H. Lister et al. (eds) Aviation and the Global Atmosphere (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1999), especially chapter 6; G. Monbiot, 'Preparing for take-off ', The Guardian, 19 December 2006.
The experience of war rationing: Mark Roodhouse, 'Rationing returns: a solution to global warming?', History and Policy Journal, March 2007.
Carbon rationing and personal carbon allowances: G. Monbiot, Heat: how to stop the planet burning (London: Allen Lane, 2006); R. Starkey and K. Anderson, Domestic Tradable Quotas: a policy instrument for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy use (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, 2005); S. Roberts and J. Thumim, A Rough Guide to Individual Carbon Trading: the ideas, the issues and the next steps: report to Defra (Centre for Sustainable Energy/DEFRA, 2006); 'Domestic tradable quotas as an alternative to carbon taxation: a submission by Feasta to the Department of Finance', October 2003,; D. Fleming, 'Energy and the common purpose: descending the energy staircase with tradable energy quotas (TEQs)',
D. Miliband's comments: 'The great stink: towards an environmental contract', Audit Commission annual lecture, 19 July 2006, david-miliband/dm060719.htm.
Chapter 26: In the End.
Yvo de Boer's comments were report by The Age, 'PM flies into Bali row', 11 December 2007.
Military expenditure 193944: Mark Harrison, The Economics of World War II: six great powers in international comparison (Cambridge: Cambridge, 2000).