The Old English Herbals Part 22

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(At the end of every alphabetical division of this work is left a page or more, blank, for the purpose of inserting additional matter. There are several additions by old hands.

Some additions on the margins have been torn off.)

Ashmole 1443 (IV).

_15th century._ Treatise on herbs. 169 chapters, with table of Contents prefixed.

_Inc._ "Agnus castus is a herbe that men clep Tutsayne or Park levis."

Arundel 272 (II). British Museum.

_15th century._ An Herbal. Arranged alphabetically to the letter P.

_Inc._ "Agnus castus is an herbe," etc. Breaks off in "pulegium rurale." (Other copies--both ending with S--are in Addit. 4698, f. 16_b_, and Arundel 272, f. 36.)

Royal 18 A. VI. (VI). British Museum.

_15th century._ A treatise on the virtues of Herbs; beginning "Agnus castus ys Anglice herbe that men cally the tutsayne or ells parkelenus."

Ashmole 1432 (V. i).

_Mid 15th century._ Herbal with book of recipes.

_Inc._ "Agnus castus is an herbe."

Bodleian 463 (A).

_15th century._ Liber de Herbarum virtutibus.

_Inc._ "Agnus castus ys an herbe that cleepeth Toussane."

Laud Misc. 553 (i). Bodleian.

_15th century._ An Herbal with the properties of the different herbs in alphabetical order, with a table prefixed.

_Inc._ "Agnus castus ys an herbe that me clapys Tustans or Porke levys."

329. Balliol College, Oxford.

_15th (?) century._ "An English Herbal."

Begins, "Agnus Castus," etc.

Harleian 3840 (II). British Museum.

_15th century._ A treatise on the virtues of herbs.

Begins, "A bed ymade of Agnus Castus."

Sloane 297 (XVIII). British Museum.

_15th century._ Latin-English dictionary of herbs.

_Inc._ "Alleluya Wodsoure stubwort."

_Expl._ "Quinquefolium fyveleved gras."

Dd. XI. 45 (XII). Cambridge University Library.

_15th century._ A book of the medical virtues of herbs, described in alphabetical order.

_Inc._ "Anet ys an herbe that ys clepyt anet oer dylle."

_Expl._ "doyth a way the fow?e or the fragelys."

Ashmole 1447 (IV. i).

_15th century._ "Yes ben y{e} vertuse of betayn."

Ashmole 1438 (II. vii).

_15th century._ A treatise of the virtues of certain herbs.

Begins, "Betaigne is hot and drie in re degrees, and so seyth Ypocras, and it is an herbe of many faire vertues."

Ashmole 1438 (XXV).

_15th century._ Aemilius Macer. De virtutibus herbarum. (In French, Latin and English.)

Digby 29 (x.x.xVII). Bodleian.

_15th century._ Of the virtues of herbs--seemingly out of Macer. The following verse is prefixed:

"This booke ys drawe be fesyke That Macer made for hem that ben seeke The vertu of herbis het descrieth ryght wel And help of mannys helthe every del."

Sloane 963 (XVIII). British Museum.

_15th century._ Macer on the virtues of herbs.

_Inc._ "Mugworte or brotheworte is clepid Arthemisia."

_Exp._ "drynkys juse of thys erbe."

Ee. I. 15 (III_a_). University Library, Cambridge.

_15th century._ Macer. "Vertues worthe & commendable propertees of many & diverse herbes." In three books.

Rawl. C. 81 (V). Bodleian.

_15th century._ Part of the poem De virtutibus Herbarum. The English names of plants are occasionally given in the margin. In the volume containing Froucestre's History of the Monastery.

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