Sweet Montana Home Part 11

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"It feels so freaking good. Please, more." She had let go of Mitch's d.i.c.k long enough to beg him for more.

Mitch wrapped his hand around hers on his c.o.c.k and steadied it for her to take inside her mouth again. Then he let go and began face-f.u.c.king her in quick, measured thrusts that just touched at the back of her throat.

"That's it, suck me, baby. You can take me. Take it all." Mitch's voice was raspy and thick.

She grazed him with her teeth and at his indrawn breath, she swallowed around him. Then she reached up with her other hand and squeezed his b.a.l.l.s. c.u.m shot from his swollen c.o.c.k deep into her throat as he roared out her name. She swallowed all of it then licked around him to clean him up. He collapsed half on and half off the bed, running his hands through her hair over and over again.

"d.a.m.n, that was so f.u.c.king good."

Sam took advantage of her no longer having Mitch's c.o.c.k in her mouth and began pummeling her with his thick c.o.c.k. He grabbed hold of her legs and held on to her to keep her from moving up in the bed as he f.u.c.ked her harder and faster.

Jackie couldn't be still. She was aching all over with need to climax again. She'd never thought she would be able to again so soon after the first time, but it was almost as if the last one only prepared her for this one. She could feel it building inside of her layer by layer. Fire burned inside her veins as her heart pumped it through her body. She could feel every beat in every cell as Sam filled her over and over with his thick d.i.c.k.

She couldn't stand it. She reached down to rub her c.l.i.t. She rubbed all around the little nub nearly crying with frustration. She needed something more. She wanted more.

"Please. I need to come. It's killing me."

Mitch crawled over to the other side of her and began teasing her nipples with his fingers. He pulled and pinched and twisted them until she couldn't tell where pain stopped and the pleasure began. She pressed hard on her c.l.i.t and fire exploded from within her. She came so hard she swore she saw stars behind her eyelids.

Then she felt Sam come inside the condom, and it sent another wave of electric shocks through her system. Over and over, it jerked her against Sam's body as he strained above her.

When she finally managed to breathe a full breath, she could only whisper. "Oh. My. G.o.d."

The three of them collapsed on the bed once more. Mitch pulled Jackie in against his body and stroked her side while kissing her neck and shoulder.

Sam laid his head on her inner thigh and held it in his arms as he recovered. Jackie didn't have the heart to tell him her leg was going to sleep. It felt wonderful to have him holding her there as if just any part of her was worth the effort just to be near her. She had never felt so wanted in her life.

"We've really got to get home and in the bed. To sleep." Mitch spoke into the silence only marred by their heavy breathing.

"I'll move in a minute, brother. I'm dead right now."

"I still have to pack," Jackie pointed out.

"Shouldn't take you long. All you need are jeans or shorts and T-s.h.i.+rts. We'll be at the auction and then the hotel, and that's about it." Mitch tugged on her hair.

"Move, Sam. I need to dress and pack." She shoved at him playfully with her hand as she tried to sit up.

"Okay, okay. I'm moving." He slid off the bed, reaching for his jeans at the same time.

Jackie dressed quickly in shorts and a tank top, then added jeans and shorts with several tees to her suitcase. As soon as she had her bathroom supplies in the bag, Mitch was zipping it and carrying it toward the door.

"Is he in a hurry or what?" Jackie asked.

"We're both antic.i.p.ating sleeping with you in our arms tonight." Sam nuzzled her neck and nipped her.

"What is so exciting about sleeping with me after what we just had?" She really didn't get it.

"Waking up next to you in the morning." Mitch led the way to the front door.

"Okay. I could get into waking up between you two hot studs," she teased.

"Just wait till you have both of us inside you at the same time," Sam whispered next to her ear as they walked out the door.

Jackie's step faltered at that thought. Her heart stuttered in her chest. Both of them? Oh, G.o.d.

"Lock up, Sam." Mitch carried her bag to the truck and put it in the back seat.

Then he picked Jackie up and slid her into the truck, climbing in behind her. Sam drove them over to their house and parked the truck in front of the house.

"We'll load the trailer up in the morning. We'll be pulling it to bring back whatever we buy," Mitch explained.

They stripped as soon as they hit the bedroom. She recognized it as the master bedroom, but it was so much different from when she'd been a teenager and in and out of their house all the time. The colors were muted shades of greens and gold. The hardwood floors had been refinished, and shone in the dimmed overhead light.

She let Sam pick her up and put her to bed between him and Mitch. He turned her so that she wrapped her arms around Mitch, and Sam spooned her from behind. It felt so natural to be in bed with them and touching them. A finger of unease trailed down her spine, though. This wasn't a forever type of relations.h.i.+p. This was a temporary fling. There was no way they could maintain a threesome forever.

The thought of not being with them bothered her, though. She'd waited so long during the divorce to be with them that the idea of it being over anytime soon scared her. And that scared her even more.

Chapter Twelve.

They carried Jackie into town the next morning before starting out on their trip. She insisted that they wait in the truck.

"I'll only be a minute. There's no use in all of us tromping in."

By eight thirty, they were on the road, complete with breakfast sandwiches, coffee, and their luggage. Waking up with Jackie in his arms had been the closest he'd ever been to heaven. Mitch could still feel her arms wrapped around his waist with her head on his chest. It was the tickle of her hair against his nose that had awakened him.

He wanted that every morning. Somehow they would have to convince Jackie that they could make a menage work. He knew she only saw this as a brief affair. Neither he nor Sam had ever intended it to be anything but a permanent relations.h.i.+p. Sam would marry her, since he was the oldest, but they would all be married as far as he was concerned.

Mitch had been in love with Jackie since she was a teenager. The few years' difference in their ages hadn't mattered back then, and certainly didn't matter now. He only prayed it wouldn't matter to her. He had a feeling that age wouldn't be the snagging point in the coming argument.

They pulled into Billings, Montana, around nine thirty and parked outside a large stockyard filled with cows, horses, and hundreds of people. Mitch couldn't wait to get registration over with and look at the animals. He and Sam wanted some new blood in their herd. They felt like a new bull and a few heifers would help to strengthen their bloodlines. Their bull was strong and in good shape, but they thought to add a younger bull and sell the one they had now. First, they wanted to find a new one "Do you want to follow us around or sit inside in the air conditioning where they're auctioning off some horses?" Mitch asked once they'd registered and gotten their packet.

"I'll go sit in the air conditioned building. You can come get me when you're ready." She gave each of them a hug and a kiss. Then she waved and walked off, leaving them in the heat.

Mitch couldn't take his eyes off of her a.s.s as she walked away. d.a.m.n, she was beautiful. She was made perfect for them.

"All right, brother. Mind off of s.e.x and onto bulls." Sam grabbed him by the shoulder and chuckled.

"Tell me you aren't thinking the same thing I am."

"Can't do it. I'm already looking forward to tonight. I want in that sweet a.s.s of hers, but I think that's going to have to wait till we get back home. She needs prepping."

"Wait till she wraps her lips around your d.i.c.k. You'll think twice about her a.s.s." Mitch grabbed the packet from Sam's hands and began flipping through it, searching for the bulls.

"Do you get the feeling she isn't taking this seriously?" Sam asked.

"What do you mean?" Mitch knew exactly what he was talking about. It had been bothering him all along.

"I don't think she believes this is real. She is looking at this like it's only temporary. Don't you usually go into a relations.h.i.+p with the belief that it might be the one?"

"Yeah, I know. She doesn't think a menage relations.h.i.+p will work. She probably thinks we don't look at it as more than a fling."

"What do we do about it?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. I was thinking along the lines of loving her so much that she can't imagine being without us. Then easing her into the idea of moving in with us." Mitch stopped at a pen where a young bull stood chewing on some hay. He snorted when they leaned on the fence.

"As plans go, it sounds like a good one to me. Besides, I don't have a better one." Sam took the packet back from Mitch and read up on the bull in front of them.

"If she is so used to being around us all the time, she'll miss us even for a few hours. I hate that she's working at that grocery store. That pulls her away from us a lot."

"I just don't like the idea of her having to work in the first place," Sam muttered.

"I'm in agreement there, brother."

They walked around looking at the various cows and bulls. Sam marked in the packet the ones they were most interested in. They'd see how the bidding went and decide then on which ones to bid on. For the present time, they were through for the day.

Sam headed to the parking lot to start the truck to cool it off while Mitch went in search of Jackie. He found her standing at the rail, talking to another woman holding a horse. It was a prime piece of horse flesh, too.

"Hey, Mitch. This is Stella and her horse, Lady Tiffany."

Mitch wrapped an arm around her and held out his hand through the fence to shake Stella's.

"Pleased to meet you. Nice looking girl. You selling her?"

"Not a chance. She's really good around other horses, so I'm helping out with the auction."

"We were just talking about horse breeding. If I had the money and the time, I'd love to start a small breeding farm," Jackie told him.

"Really? I didn't know you were interested in breeding horses." Mitch was surprised.

"I used to think about it a lot before I married, and well, that was that. Now, I don't have the money or the time, just the want to." She waved as Stella was called to a.s.sist a shy horse. "Besides, I don't know a lot about it. I know more about cattle than raising horses. I'd have to do a lot of preparation work before I could even think about breeding horses."

"You should look into it. Read up on it and decide what kind of program you'd like to have. Never hurts to be prepared." Mitch smiled and drew her along beside him.

"Did you buy a bull yet?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

"Not yet. We found a few we're interested in, though."

"Great. When do you actually bid on them?"

"Two of them are tomorrow. If we buy one tomorrow, we might not stay tomorrow night. If not, the third one is Sunday morning."

"Where is Sam?" She seemed to realize they were missing him.

"He went on ahead to start the truck and get the air going so it wouldn't be so hot inside when we got there."

"In other words, when I got there. That's so sweet of you two." With a grin she popped him on the a.s.s.

"Hey, we don't want you to wilt on us. We have plans for you later." Mitch chuckled when she rolled her eyes at him.

"That's a guy for you, s.e.x on the brain." She laughed and jogged a little ahead when he grabbed her a.s.s.

Mitch couldn't remember the last time he'd had so much fun with a woman. Normally they were too uncomfortable around them to relax. They were fine in the bedroom when it was just them, but not out in public. So far, Jackie hadn't frozen up on them. Of course, they'd only been out together three times now. Maybe he was celebrating too soon.

"What are you frowning about? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. Just thinking about the logistics of dealing with two bulls on the ranch at one time."

"Um hmm." She didn't sound like she believed him.

They arrived at the truck, and Mitch helped her inside. It was fairly cool inside after coming from outside in the heat.

"Thanks for cooling the truck off for me, Sam." Jackie leaned over and kissed him.

Mitch smiled when Sam took advantage and pulled her in closer for a more intimate kiss. His brother was looking forward to tonight as well.

"How about lunch, then on to check in at the hotel?" Mitch suggested.

Sam let Jackie slide back into her seat. Mitch buckled her up, then himself. Sam pulled out of the parking lot, heading for a burger joint they liked to go to when they were in the vicinity.

"Sounds good to me," Sam agreed.

"Where are we going?"

Mitch stretched his arm along the back of the seat. "Joe's Burgers. It's just a joint, but they have the best beef I've had in a burger outside of our own."

"Not very proud of your own cows, are you?" she asked, grinning.

"Hey, we grow good, lean beef," Sam insisted.

"How does a fat bull help make a lean cow?" Jackie asked in a teasing voice.

Mitch tugged on her ponytail. "Smart-a.s.s."

"Just saying."

Sam pulled into the parking lot of a little building with Joe's Burgers on the sign. There were several other trucks already parked in front. Sam parked next to one of them and cut the engine.

"I'm starved. I hope they are as good as you claim they are." Jackie unfastened her seat belt and let Mitch help her down.

Mitch looked at Sam. They hadn't thought about what sort of reaction they'd get with her between them at Joe's. Men were less cruel than other women, but they could be crude. Neither one of them wanted to end up in a fight. With a sigh, he escorted Jackie into the building and found them a table in the back.

Sam tried to hang back some, but Jackie pulled him up with them, obviously not thinking about what other people thought. If she really meant that, half the battle was won, Mitch thought. If she just hadn't thought about it. This could end up a disaster. He pulled out her chair and hoped for the best.

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Sweet Montana Home Part 11 summary

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