Sweet Montana Home Part 12

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Jackie sat down and smiled at Mitch for pulling out her chair. Sam sat on one side of her, and Mitch to the other side. He handed her a menu from between the napkin holder and ketchup bottle. Neither of them took one. At her raised eyebrow, Sam chuckled.

"We've been here so much we know it by heart. We always get the same thing anyway."

"Look it over. You might rather have something besides a hamburger," Mitch suggested.

She read over it and decided on Joe's Jr. Burger and an order of fries. When the waitress stopped by, she was ready, so they all ordered along with their drinks.

"So do the bulls you're looking at have names yet, or do you only name them if you own them?" she asked.

The waitress returned with their beer.

"They usually already have names. It's part of their breeding paperwork." Sam took a drink of his beer.

"So once they have names, you're stuck with them?"

"No, if we really wanted to change them we could, but it takes money and paperwork," Mitch explained.

"I suppose it would be the same way with horses then, too."

"Our Jackie is interested in having a horse farm," Mitch told Sam.

"Really? I didn't know you wanted to breed horses."

"I sort of thought I would do that when I got out of school. Use my business degree to own a breeding business. Wishful thinking." Jackie was embarra.s.sed now that she'd told Mitch about it.

"I don't see why you couldn't have a small breeding stock, Jackie. You need to do some research, but you can do anything you want to. You're certainly smart enough." Sam reached across the table and squeezed her hand.

"It takes money, and I don't have a lot of that right now. Maybe one day when I've gotten on my feet."

"With your divorce settlement, that might not be that far in the future."

She bit her lower lip and looked around for the first time at the building. There were only a few tables empty. Most of the tables held three or four men. They seemed to all be staring at her. Jackie quickly looked down at the table.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked.


"Don't lie to me, Jackie." Sam frowned.

"Everyone is looking at us," she whispered.

"You're the only woman in here, and you're beautiful. I'd worry if they didn't stare," Mitch said.

Sam nodded. "Don't let it bother you, baby."

"Okay." She licked her lips and sipped her beer.

It really didn't matter what anyone thought about her anymore. She wasn't in the public eye like before. She could be whoever she wanted to be, and do whatever she wanted to do.

When they had finished and were ready to leave, she made it a point to hold both men's hands as they left. She was sure some of the men in there were talking about her, probably even calling her a s.l.u.t or wh.o.r.e. She refused to care. Besides, the chances she would ever see any of those men again were nil and none.

When they arrived at the hotel, a new problem came up. Sam started to get out of the truck, and Mitch stopped him.

"Sam, maybe you should get the room, and we'll call and find out what room and come up in a few minutes."

"Why?" she asked.

"I figured you wouldn't want them to know you were staying in the same room with us with only a single king bed."

"Oh. Um, does it matter to either of you if anyone knows?"

"No, it doesn't matter to us. But I know it matters to you," Sam said.

"Well, if it doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't matter to me. Let's go." She pushed against Mitch.

"Baby, are you sure?" Sam asked.

"Let's go. This is a nice hotel. They shouldn't lift an eyebrow." She hoped they wouldn't, anyway.

Jackie wasn't so sure once they were inside heading for the counter. Mitch held her back and let Sam go all the way to the desk alone. They could hear him, but were several yards away.

"I'm checking in. I reserved a king."

"How many, sir?"


"I have you down for tonight and tomorrow night. Is that correct, sir?"

"That's right."

Mitch squeezed her hand.

"See? I told you they wouldn't say anything." Jackie still felt the warmth in her face that said she was blus.h.i.+ng.

"You're sure you're okay with this? We could get another room."

"Do you want to have separate rooms?"

"h.e.l.l, no." Mitch chuckled. "I want you as close as I can get you."

"You guys ready? I have our key cards." Sam walked up carrying an envelope with the key cards in it.

Jackie walked between them with Mitch behind her to the elevators. They waited for the doors to open and a young couple walked up and ended up getting on the elevator with them. They smiled and nodded, but didn't strike up a conversation, for which Jackie was eternally grateful. Fortunately, they got off on the floor below them.

Jackie released a breath when they were inside the room. She hadn't even realized she'd been holding it. She was such a hypocrite. She told the men that it didn't matter if anyone knew or saw them together, but obviously it really did. She had to get past it if she was going to date them. It wasn't like it would be forever. Would it?

"How do you like the room?" Mitch asked.

"It's really nice. Larger than I would have expected."

"Let's get unpacked and settled in," Sam said.

"Is it even worth unpacking if you're going to possibly leave tomorrow anyway?" Jackie asked.

"If you don't mind dressing out of your suitcase, then don't worry with it. We usually don't unpack, either." Mitch unzipped his bag and pulled out his shaving kit.

Sam did the same thing. They looked so cute setting up their stuff in the bathroom. She wouldn't dare tell them that, though.

"I vote for a shower," Sam suggested. "I'm dusty from the stockyard."

"How about sharing the shower with us? It's a walk-in," Mitch said.

"Sounds good to me. I'm hot and sticky."

"Oh, man. Don't say that. You just made me hard thinking about that." Sam sighed.

"I swear, everything makes you guys think of s.e.x."

"It's in our genes." Mitch already had his s.h.i.+rt off and was pulling off his boots.

"Oh, it's in your jeans all right," she agreed.

She watched the men remove their clothes. Watching them undress was a treat. She could stare at their delectable bodies all night long. When they stood naked staring at her, she realized she was the only one still dressed. She shrugged and began removing her clothes. By the time she was naked, they had the water going and were waiting on her.

"If it's too hot, let me know." Mitch took her hand as she walked into the ceramic tile shower.

"No, the water is just right." She took the bar of soap and a bath cloth and started to bathe, but Mitch took it out of her hand.

"We're going to bathe you tonight."

"Okay." She was all for that. She loved the idea of their hands all over her body.

They soaped up their clothes and began to slowly bathe her from neck to toes, and everywhere in between. They didn't linger over any one place or make any move that was s.e.xual. She frowned when they turned her around and around to rinse off under the warm water.

"Would you like me to bathe you two next?" she asked, clearly confused over what was going on.

"Not this time. We'll be finished in just a minute, and then we'll dry you off. Stay in here until we're finished so you don't get chilled." Sam scrubbed over his chest.

Watching them bathe made her ache to put her hands on them. She even went so far as to take a step closer to Mitch, but one look from him had her backing up with a sigh. She had no idea what was going on, but trusted that it would be worth the wait.

Finally, they rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. Once they were dry, they summoned her and she stepped out into a large towel with two sets of hands manning it. She was dry in no time. Mitch picked her up and carried her to the bed. Sam rushed forward and pulled back the covers to the foot of the bed. Jackie s.h.i.+vered at the coolness of the sheets against her shower-heated skin.

"You're are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," Sam said as he stood back.

Mitch climbed on the bed on one side and Sam on the other. They crawled up the bed and reclined on either side of her. She wondered what they had planned when they both lowered their heads and took a nipple into their mouths. She gasped at the feel of two mouths on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s at one time. Dual sucking sensations created a stir in her womb unlike any other she'd ever felt.

"Oh, yes." She ran her hands through their hair, tugging a little as she did.

They nipped and sucked then pulled on her nipples until she thought she would come from that alone. Before she got any closer, though, they stopped and moved up to her shoulder and neck. They licked and kissed their way along her jaw, and each kissed a corner of her mouth. She felt so cherished the way they were treating her.

Mitch moved farther down to her belly. He dipped his tongue inside her navel and teased her there before moving farther down her body. When he reached her pelvis, he licked and kissed her all along her mound.

Sam tugged on her nipples with his fingers. When she moaned, he tugged harder. He leaned in and took her mouth in a deep kiss that took her breath. At the same time, Mitch licked her slit, delving deep to reach her juices.

"Yes, please suck my c.l.i.t, Mitch. I want to come."

"Not yet, baby."

He teased her with his tongue and then his fingers. He ran his finger all around her c.l.i.t, but didn't once touch it. She whined and begged, but he didn't touch her where she needed it.

Sam pulled her head back to his mouth and nipped at her lips when she tried to take control of the kiss. He wasn't going to be rushed, either. No amount of urging on her part budged him.

Mitch was spreading her juices around her c.u.n.t with his fingers then licking them up. When he pulled some of it down to her back hole, she stilled. Was she ready for this? He pressed inward with his thumb. She pressed out until he popped inside past her tight ring.

"That's it, baby, take my thumb. I bet you can take more than that, can't you."

"Mitch. Oh, G.o.d, it feels good."

He f.u.c.ked her with his thumb as he licked her p.u.s.s.y up and down. Every few, he licked over her c.l.i.t. She was so close, but he only kept her on the verge of a climax. He didn't let her go over.

When he removed his thumb, she felt empty there. Then he was pressing in a thick finger. He f.u.c.ked her a.s.s with his finger all the way up to the last knuckle. Nerve endings flared to life as he added a second finger. She whimpered at the pinch and burn, but pushed out until he was all the way in. Then he began to move them back and forth inside her, stretching her.

"Sam, I think she's ready. I want her sweet p.u.s.s.y." Mitch nipped at her a.s.s cheek.

"Come on then, let's change places." Sam scooted down to the edge of the bed.

Mitch climbed up and grabbed a condom off the bedside table and rolled it on after tearing open the package with his teeth.

Sam did the same. He looked at her and smiled, running his hand up and down her leg.

"Baby, we don't have to do anything you don't want to do. We'll stop anytime you want to. Just tell us."

"I want you inside me. I feel so empty right now." Jackie needed them to fill her again.

"We'll fill you up, baby. All the way up." Mitch lay down on the bed toward the edge of the bed with his legs hanging off. "Climb on top of me, Jackie."

Jackie rolled over and crawled on top of him. She positioned herself so that her slit was rubbing the top of Mitch's stiff c.o.c.k. She slowly lowered herself on his d.i.c.k. G.o.d, he was so big. She had to come off him and start over again until after several tries, she managed to fully seat him inside of her to the b.a.l.l.s. He was so deep, she swore she could feel him in her throat.

Sam pressed on her lower back until she leaned over on Mitch. Mitch wrapped his arms around her back and kissed her.

"He's going to lube you up, baby. It's going to be cold."

Sam spread some sort of lube around her a.s.s that most definitely was cold. Then he squeezed some inside of her. She couldn't help but squirm. Then he was pus.h.i.+ng two fingers into her a.n.u.s. She pushed out and he slipped in. It burned, but not as bad as the first time. She tried to concentrate on her breathing.

He f.u.c.ked her with his fingers over and over. When he added the third finger, she nearly called a stop to it, but once they were in, she could handle it.

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Sweet Montana Home Part 12 summary

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