Sweet Montana Home Part 13

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"How are you doing? Do I need to stop?"

"No, no, I'm okay. Just hurry, I need to move. I can't stand being still like this." She knew her voice sounded strained, but she couldn't help it.

"I think you're ready, baby. It's going to be a lot of pressure." Sam's voice was soothing despite the obvious strain he was under.

When he pulled out with his fingers, he positioned his c.o.c.k at her back hole and immediately began to push in. Jackie whimpered and pushed out. It burned, dear G.o.d, the pinch and burn was almost more than she could take. Finally, he popped in and stilled inside of her to let her get used to him. She breathed through the burn and suddenly she needed him to move. They both needed to move.

"Move! Please, someone move."

Sam pulled out as Mitch pushed back in. They alternated moving her between them until there was no pain, no pinch, or burn. There was only pleasure as they moved over nerve endings never stimulated before. She whimpered in need. She needed more. She could only make noises as they slowly, so very slowly, began to increase their pace.

Mitch captured her mouth in a soul-searing kiss that took her whimpers and moans into his. Then he whispered in her ear how good she was, how hot she was.

"You're burning me alive. I can't hold out much longer. Come for us, baby."

Sam began to increase their pace then and licked up her spine before reaching around and pinching her nipple with his fingers. She couldn't stand it. Pleasure morphed into ecstasy as she screamed out her release. It grew larger and harder with each rub of their big c.o.c.ks over sensitive nerve endings. Jackie wasn't sure she would survive this. It was too intense.

When at last it began to ebb, she felt Mitch beneath her come as he shouted out her name. Then with three hard thrusts, Sam called out his climax, filling the condom with his c.u.m. It set off little shocks inside of her that squeezed her muscles around them. They each groaned.

"Easy, baby. I'm done for." Sam warned her.

"She's killed me," Mitch declared.

Jackie felt as if she was floating, and then everything went black.

Chapter Thirteen.

Sam pulled out and discarded his condom. Then he helped Mitch with Jackie.

"Baby, are you okay?" he asked lifting her off of Mitch.

She didn't answer. He cradled her in his arms.

"She's pa.s.sed out, Sam," Mitch warned.

"Did we hurt her?" Sam began to worry as he carried her into the bathroom to clean her up.

Mitch followed him and ran water in the tub.

"She's fine. She was smiling big time after she first came. Then she just sighed and pa.s.sed out."

"We've never had anyone do that before," Sam said.

"h.e.l.l, I've never come like that before either," Mitch confessed.

"Me either." Sam stepped into the tub and sat down with Jackie in his arms. He didn't want her to drown.

Mitch began bathing her, gently sweeping the bath cloth over her.

Sam whispered in her ear hoping to softly wake her up. He didn't like that she'd pa.s.sed out the first time they'd both had s.e.x with her at the same time. Would she be okay with it? Would she accept them as a family? He wanted to wrap her up and take her home now in hopes she would want to be with them forever.

When she began to stir, he kissed her earlobe then that area just in front of her ear.

"Hey, Jackie. You awake now?"

"Hmm?" She drew in a deep breath and let it out on a sigh. "What happened? Why am I in the bathtub?"

"You pa.s.sed out, honey. You had us worried." Sam squeezed her against him.

"We're just cleaning you up, baby," Mitch told her as he ran the cloth gently between her legs.

"G.o.d, that was so intense."

"We didn't hurt you, did we?" Sam needed to know that she really was okay with what they'd done.

"It burned at first, but it felt so good after just a few seconds. I want to do it again...but later. I really am sleepy. I think I need a nap." Jackie let her head loll back against his shoulder.

"We'll get you dried off and in bed in just a few seconds," Mitch told her.

Sam let Mitch take her from him and sit her on the counter where he proceeded to dry her off. He got out of the tub and grabbed a towel from the rack to dry off. He watched Jackie the entire time and marveled that they had finally gotten her between them. He just had to find a way to keep her there. He knew she didn't expect this to last. He and Mitch wanted forever.

As soon as Mitch had her dry, he carried her to the king-size bed and laid her in it once Sam had pulled back the covers. They each climbed in beside her and curled around her to rest. She fell asleep almost instantly.

Sam couldn't sleep. He wanted to watch her instead. Mitch was soon snoring lightly beside her with his hand holding hers. Sam snuggled next to her with a hand at her waist. The gentle swell of her abdomen had him aching to stroke it. So did her p.u.s.s.y. He could never get enough of her sweet juices or the way her tight c.u.n.t clutched at him when he was inside her.

Then there was her a.s.s. Nothing could compare to being in that forbidden channel, knowing that she trusted him enough to take her there. She had no idea of the intimacy he felt when he'd delved into her dark rosette. Somehow, he had to convince her that this was forever.

He wasn't sure how long it was that she slept, but sometime around eight she woke after having rolled over on top of him during her rest. His brother hadn't let go of her hand, and it stretched across her side and over his chest. He'd give him h.e.l.l about that.

"Um, hi." She looked up at him and smiled a shy smile.

"Hi yourself." He smiled down at her then kissed her on the forehead.

"What time is it?" She looked over at the clock and groaned. "Never mind. It's nearly eight. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go to sleep on you. I'm sure you're about to starve."

"No problem. I enjoyed sleeping with you. Did you know you mumble in your sleep?" He was only half teasing. She did say a few words at one point. Nothing he could understand.

"Oh, that is so embarra.s.sing." Her face turned a cute shade of pink.

"Hey? What's going on?" Mitch let go of Jackie's hand and rolled over on his back.

"Jackie just woke up. We're thinking about food. What about you?"

"Steak sounds good to me, but I'm not in the mood to go out tonight. How about we get room service?" Mitch climbed out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

"How does that sound to you?" Sam asked her.

"Fine with me. I don't exactly want to dress again. I'll just put on one of your T-s.h.i.+rts. It will cover me to my knees, I think."

"I like that idea, you in my clothes." Sam kissed her, taking his time as he explored her mouth with his tongue.

"You're blus.h.i.+ng again, he said. Then he tapped her nose before sitting up and pulling her with him.

"You do that to me all the time."


"Make me blush. Either you or Mitch do it all the time."

"You're just so easy to tease. We don't mean to embarra.s.s you, Jackie." He turned serious.

"You don't, really. I need the bathroom," she said as Mitch walked out.

"You can go first. I'll live." Sam laughed as she climbed over him and out of the bed.

"You didn't sleep. How did she sleep?" Mitch knew him well.

"She slept well. You, on the other hand, snored and played with my chest hair." He smiled at Mitch's pained look "No I didn't. I was holding her hand. I can't help where she put it. It could have been worse."

"That wouldn't have happened, little brother." Sam sat up on the edge of the bed.

"I'm not sure it's a good idea not to take her out to dinner, even though it is late."

"Why? Do you think she expected it? I mean, if she wants to, we can sure go out." Mitch pulled on a pair of jeans and then s.n.a.t.c.hed up a s.h.i.+rt.

"No, but she needs to see how it will be if she stays with us. People are going to stare some, but here, it wouldn't have been so obvious like it will be at home."

"I say we don't push it right now. Like you said, it will be worse at home, and that's soon enough to worry about it."

"We'll see." Sam stopped when Jackie walked out of the bathroom and headed straight for her bag.

"Thought you were going to wear my T-s.h.i.+rt?" Sam asked as she dug through her bag.

"I am, but I want something on my bottom."

"Too bad," Mitch said. "I would have liked to think about it bare for me to fondle."

"Mitch!" She pushed at his shoulder and laughed.

"Hey, can't help it. I can't get enough of you, baby." Mitch chuckled when she frowned at him.

Sam handed her a T-s.h.i.+rt and she slipped it on. She'd been right, it fell to her knees. He hadn't realized how small she was compared to them. They would have to be more careful around her. He didn't want to hurt her. That was a possibility as large as he and Mitch were.

They read through the room service menu and chose steaks and potatoes, with theirs being medium rare and hers a nice medium. She seemed almost shy around them now. Sam was having none of that. They wanted her comfortable around them.

Sam settled her on the love seat, next to Mitch. He brought up some of their old childhood memories. They laughed and reminisced until room service knocked. Neither man had bothered with a s.h.i.+rt, but Sam went to the door and let the waiter in to deliver the meal. Jackie turned and faced Mitch, and Sam cursed to himself that he hadn't thought about how it would look.

To his credit, the waiter didn't look in her direction, but set up the meal and then left. Sam gave him a good tip and closed the door.

"Food's on, guys." Sam set up Jackie's food, sliding the condiments toward her to use first.

"It looks delicious," she told them. "I'm starved."

They settled down to eat, and Sam found himself watching her instead of tending to his own food. He loved the way she sliced her meat and used her left hand to stab it and take it to her mouth. The site of her face when she tasted the steak was amazing. He caught Mitch even watching her. Then, she caught both of them.

"What? Why are you staring at me?"

"You almost look like you do when you're having an o.r.g.a.s.m," Sam said "Oh, my G.o.d. I can't believe you just compared my eating with s.e.x." She giggled.

"He's not kidding. You had this expression on your face when you bit into that steak that had I not known, I would have said you were coming."

"I'm so glad we aren't in public with the way you're talking to me. I'd blush for sure." She licked her lips then laughed. She pointed her fork at Mitch.


"Why did you stare at me and lick your lips?"

"Because you licked yours, and I wanted to taste them."

They finished eating with both men teasing her as she ate. Sam enjoyed seeing her eat and not picking at her food like so many women did. She seemed to enjoy her food. They set the trays outside the door when they were finished.

"I'm about ready for bed. Want to watch some TV until we get sleepy?" Sam suggested.

"Sounds good to me. We'll need to get up early in the morning to get there in time for some of the auction we wanted to see," Sam told her.

"I vote for an action movie. I don't like girlie movies unless they're comedies."

"A woman after my own heart." Mitch hugged her, then slapped her on the a.s.s when he let go of her.

"Ow, a.s.shole."

"Mitch, she might be a little tender."

"d.a.m.n, I'm sorry, Jackie. I wasn't thinking."

"I'm fine. You're just going to be in trouble if you think you can spank me anytime you get ready, though." She winked at him.

Sam let out a breath. She seemed to be okay. He peeled off his jeans and climbed into bed with the remote.

They watched an action thriller with Matt Damon. He grinned at Mitch. She'd fallen asleep just before the end of the movie.

"Can you get the lights? She's leaning on me. I don't want to wake her," Mitch pointed out.

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Sweet Montana Home Part 13 summary

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