Sweet Montana Home Part 14

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"I got them. Settle her in next to you. I'll set the alarm for in the morning." Sam rolled out of the bed, trying to keep from shaking it and waking Jackie. He shut off all the lights except the bathroom, and left the door slightly ajar for her. Then he set the bedside alarm and climbed into bed to snuggle next to her. He enjoyed the feel of her warm body next to his. For a while, he just enjoyed the sensation, and then he let himself fall asleep.

The auction was wild the next morning. They made it in time to get good seats up close to the arena. Mitch settled Jackie in between them. Sam would handle the actual auction paddle, and they'd confer together over Jackie as each animal was brought out. He watched her and was glad to see that she seemed interested in what was going on around them. Good. They would like it if she would come with them to the auctions when they came.

Then it dawned on him. She could be gathering information on auctions concerning her idea of breeding horses.

"This is good experience for you in case you do decide to open a horse breeding business." Mitch squeezed her hand.

"Yeah, I was just thinking that. I should have come with you two when you looked at the bulls to see how to judge what you're looking for."

"It would be different with horses. We'll go over some things with you when we get back home using ours."

"Great! Thanks, I'd appreciate it."

Then the auction began in earnest. They skipped through most of the first cows that came up, but bid on two young heifers that had looked good to them. They actually won both for about what they'd predicted they would go for. When the first of the bulls they had looked at came up, they were disappointed to have to let it go. The bidding went up too high.

"I hate you didn't get him. He was number one on your list, wasn't he?"

"Yeah, but there are still a couple of others that we liked," Sam a.s.sured her.

Mitch pointed out the pros and cons of the various bulls as they were brought out until the next bull they were looking at came up. The bidding was tight, but Sam went ahead and raised the bidding one last time. Mitch was pleased that they had when no one outbid them. They'd gotten the bull at a reasonable price. Mitch was sure he would be a good breeder.

"I'm going to run to the little girl's room. I'll be right back."

"I'll go with you. I'm going to get us some hot dogs and drinks. The next few cows we want are during lunch time, so we'll be there then." Mitch stood up with her.

"Be back in a few minutes," he told Sam.

He waited outside the women's restroom for Jackie and noted there appeared to be a line forming. He was glad she'd made it when she had. A few seconds later, she emerged, shaking her hands before wiping them on the sides of her jeans.

"No towels?"

"Nope," she said with a roll of her eyes. "Typical at events like this. Too many women and not enough bathrooms. Look at the line."

"Yeah." He took her now dry hand in his and led her to the concession stand.

They ordered hot dogs and colas and carried them back to the stands where Sam was bidding on another cow. He was disappointed in not winning, but he was very happy with the hot dogs. Mitch and Sam ate two while Jackie only ate one. They bid through the next two hours, but finally settled with the two heifers and the bull they'd won.

"I'll go settle up with management on the sales. Why don't you two go and bring the truck around. We can leave after we load them and check out of the hotel," Sam said.

"Sounds good to me." Mitch grabbed Jackie's hand and pulled her along beside him."

She giggled when Sam pulled her back and gave her a quick kiss. Mitch pulled her back and they headed to where they'd parked the truck and trailer.

"Will it be very hard to get them in the trailer?"

"The bull, maybe, but the cows are usually pretty docile unless they have babies to protect. These are young heifers with only a single calf each. The calves were sold earlier this year, I'm sure."

"I'd hate to have a baby and it be taken away from me."

"Don't worry, by the time they are sold, the mommas don't want nothing to do with them anymore," Mitch a.s.sured her.

They pulled out of the lot headed home about four, after half an hour of trying to get the bull in the trailer. As he'd predicted, the two females where easy to herd in. The bull had to be obstinate. Jackie had pointed out that he might go in easier if they didn't poke him so much, but Sam explained that it didn't really hurt him, only startled him into moving.

"I still wouldn't like to be poked by a cattle prod."

"Neither would we," Sam and Mitch said at the same time. Then they laughed at her amused expression.

"What?" Mitch asked.

"I was just thinking that might be a good way to keep you two under control."

Chapter Fourteen.

Jackie was exhausted by the time they made it back and the men had unloaded the animals. She was going to suggest they take her home when they got finished, but it was as if they had figured she would say that because they immediately suggested she take a nice, long soak in the Jacuzzi before going to bed.

"You'll feel better afterward, I promise," Mitch told her.

"Don't you guys want me to go home now? We've been together for nearly two straight days now."

"If I have my way, we'll be together from now on," Sam said out of the blue.

"Sam, we weren't going to push her." Mitch seemed put out with Sam over that.

Did that mean he was serious? Were they wanting more than just a short-term relations.h.i.+p? She couldn't imagine being without them now that she'd been with them, but surely they knew a menage type lifestyle wouldn't work. The people in their town wouldn't accept them.

Would she consider it? Jackie thought about it long and hard while she was in the Jacuzzi. The warm, bubbly water lulled her into a happy state of bliss where such things could work. The more she thought about it, the more she thought she would be willing to try it. Maybe in the light of day, and once she was out of the Jacuzzi, she would have second and even third thoughts about it. Right now, they hadn't really proposed anything like that, so she didn't need to worry about it-yet.

The men had obviously used another bathroom to shower, and were dressed in jeans and western s.h.i.+rts. She could tell something was up.

"We decided to go out to eat. How about Mexican?" Mitch asked.

"Um, sure. Let me finish dressing. That sounds good after hot dogs." She smiled at them.

Sam seemed a little quiet to her. He smiled, but it looked strained. They'd had a disagreement, and it had probably been about her. She didn't want them fighting over her. See, she told herself, it's not going to work. There will always be one of them unhappy about something the other was doing with her. She sighed and followed them out to the truck minus the trailer.

They arrived late enough that they had to wait on a table. Several people that they all knew came up to talk. They seemed fine enough about them all three being together. But they'd been a threesome all during high school, so they might not think there was anything romantic going on.

The older ones did look oddly at them, but didn't say anything or thumb their noses at them. Jackie wasn't sure what to think. She'd thought a longer term relations.h.i.+p might work earlier, but now she just didn't know. She had fallen in love with them and wanted to always be near them, but how could she handle what other people thought or said about them?

During the meal they discussed the auction and other things about the farm. Then Mitch asked her questions about her thoughts on breeding horses on a small scale. "Are you really interested in it, Jackie?" Mitch asked.

"Yes, I would love to. Once I get a better job, I'll start working on it."

"We may be able to help you out some on it." Sam took a swig of his beer.


"We'll give you some ideas on how we raise cows that will be similar to your raising horses. Maybe let you use Jack's Run for a stud if you're interested."

"You're kidding! That would be awesome, but it will be a little while before I'll be ready."

"You never know, it might happen sooner than you think," Mitch told her with a smile.

They were just about finished when Derrick Porter and his wife, Angela walked up to their table to chat. She'd known them in high school.

"Are you three really all dating each other?" Angela asked.

"Um, yeah," she said. She refused to hide.

"That's wild. A real threesome here in Clifton. I never would have believed it."

"We aren't really advertising, Angela," Mitch said a little coldly.

"Oh, well. You're all here together, and there's already gossip since you were seen together in Billings this weekend. I would think your secret is out." She wasn't being catty, just Angela.

Jackie figured this was it. How they handled it would determine her decision on making this more long term. She didn't want them to be uncomfortable every time they went anywhere, or feel the need to defend her if someone made snide remarks like at the bar the other night.

"Well, then I guess there's no need to try and keep it quiet anymore." Sam reached over and took her hand in his as did Mitch. "We're serious, not just messing around."

"Good for you," Derrick said. He nudged his wife.

"I think if you can handle it. Go for it." She smiled and waved good-bye as they walked off.

"Are you okay with this, Jackie?" Mitch asked. He looked a little worried.

"Yeah, I guess I am. I mean, I know people are going to talk, but they would talk about anything. I was already their conversation over diner because of my divorce, so now I'll hold that spot a little longer. What's the big deal?" She hoped she was as strong as she was portraying herself.

Face it, Jackie. You're totally in love with them and would do anything to stay with them a little longer.

"Then now's as good a time as any," Sam said.

"Maybe when we get back home." Mitch didn't look as sure.

"Hey, Mitch. If you're not comfortable with the relations.h.i.+p, now is the time to say something before we get too into it. I understand if the fallout is too much, or if there's something between you and Sam about me. I don't want to come between you two. You're brothers."

"No, that's not it. I love you, Jackie. Sam does, too. I just didn't want to push you into something you might not be ready for."

"You love me?" She couldn't get past that part of the conversation.

"Yes, we've both loved you for a long time, but you got married on us. We didn't think we had a chance with you anymore," Sam told her.

"Then you came home and were getting a divorce. It was a second chance for us. We want to make this permanent. You'd marry Sam because he's the oldest, but the three of us would be married, as far as we're concerned."

"Wait, you're asking me to marry you?" She hadn't dreamed they were that serious.

"Will you?" Sam asked.

"IaI don't know what to say. I love you two so much. Can we make it work?"

"I think we can," Sam told her.

"Me too. I just think we've rushed you."

"Shut up, Mitch," Sam said.

"Shut up, Mitch," she said with a smile.

She launched herself into Sam's arms and then pulled Mitch out of his chair and kissed him next.

"Yes, I'll marry you both."

There was a hush over the room. Then several people clapped while others turned their backs and continued eating as if they weren't even there. Did it matter? Did it hurt? Some, but not enough to stop her from hugging both to her. They would have their trials, but she would do everything she could to make it work. Love could conquer anything. Including doubts and people gossiping. She would have to send Stewart and Julie a thank-you note.

"What are you grinning so hard about?" Mitch asked as they rode home.

"Oh just that I owe someone a thanks that I would never have thought to speak to again."


"My ex-husband, for becoming my ex."




Marla Monroe lives in the southern part of the United States. She writes s.e.xy romance from the heart and often puts a twist of suspense in her books. She is a nurse and works in a busy hospital, but finds plenty of time to follow her two pa.s.sions, reading and writing. You can find her in a book store or a library at any given time when she's not at work or writing. Marla would love for you to visit her at her blog at and leave a comment. You can also reach her at [email protected]

Also by Marla Monroe.

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Sweet Montana Home Part 14 summary

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