Antony and Cleopatra Part 25

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Cleo. This is my Treasurer, let him speake (my Lord) Vpon his perill, that I haue reseru'd To my selfe nothing. Speake the truth Seleucus

Seleu. Madam, I had rather seele my lippes, Then to my perill speake that which is not

Cleo. What haue I kept backe

Sel. Enough to purchase what you haue made known Caesar. Nay blush not Cleopatra, I approue Your Wisedome in the deede

Cleo. See Caesar: Oh behold, How pompe is followed: Mine will now be yours, And should we s.h.i.+ft estates, yours would be mine.

The ingrat.i.tude of this Seleucus, does Euen make me wilde. Oh Slaue, of no more trust Then loue that's hyr'd? What goest thou backe, y shalt Go backe I warrant thee: but Ile catch thine eyes Though they had wings. Slaue, Soule-lesse, Villain, Dog.

O rarely base!

Caesar. Good Queene, let vs intreat you

Cleo. O Caesar, what a wounding shame is this, That thou vouchsafing heere to visit me, Doing the Honour of thy Lordlinesse To one so meeke, that mine owne Seruant should Parcell the summe of my disgraces, by Addition of his Enuy. Say (good Caesar) That I some Lady trifles haue reseru'd, Immoment toyes, things of such Dignitie As we greet moderne Friends withall, and say Some n.o.bler token I haue kept apart For Liuia and Octauia, to induce Their mediation, must I be vnfolded With one that I haue bred: The G.o.ds! it smites me Beneath the fall I haue. Prythee go hence, Or I shall shew the Cynders of my spirits Through th' Ashes of my chance: Wer't thou a man, Thou would'st haue mercy on me

Caesar. Forbeare Seleucus

Cleo. Be it known, that we the greatest are mis-thoght For things that others do: and when we fall, We answer others merits, in our name Are therefore to be pittied

Caesar. Cleopatra, Not what you haue reseru'd, nor what acknowledg'd Put we i'th' Roll of Conquest: still bee't yours, Bestow it at your pleasure, and beleeue Caesars no Merchant, to make prize with you Of things that Merchants sold. Therefore be cheer'd, Make not your thoughts your prisons: No deere Queen, For we intend so to dispose you, as Your selfe shall giue vs counsell: Feede, and sleepe: Our care and pitty is so much vpon you, That we remaine your Friend, and so adieu

Cleo. My Master, and my Lord

Caesar. Not so: Adieu.

Flourish. Exeunt Caesar, and his Traine.

Cleo. He words me Gyrles, he words me, That I should not be n.o.ble to my selfe.

But hearke thee Charmian

Iras. Finish good Lady, the bright day is done, And we are for the darke

Cleo. Hye thee againe, I haue spoke already, and it is prouided, Go put it to the haste

Char. Madam, I will.

Enter Dolabella.

Dol. Where's the Queene?

Char. Behold sir

Cleo. Dolabella

Dol. Madam, as thereto sworne, by your command (Which my loue makes Religion to obey) I tell you this: Caesar through Syria Intends his iourney, and within three dayes, You with your Children will he send before, Make your best vse of this. I haue perform'd Your pleasure, and my promise

Cleo. Dolabella, I shall remaine your debter

Dol. I your Seruant: Adieu good Queene, I must attend on Caesar.


Cleo. Farewell, and thankes.

Now Iras, what think'st thou?

Thou, an Egyptian Puppet shall be shewne In Rome aswell as I: Mechanicke Slaues With greazie Ap.r.o.ns, Rules, and Hammers shall Vplift vs to the view. In their thicke breathes, Ranke of grosse dyet, shall we be enclowded, And forc'd to drinke their vapour

Iras. The G.o.ds forbid

Cleo. Nay, 'tis most certaine Iras: sawcie Lictors Will catch at vs like Strumpets, and scald Rimers Ballads vs out a Tune. The quicke Comedians Extemporally will stage vs, and present Our Alexandrian Reuels: Anthony Shall be brought drunken forth, and I shall see Some squeaking Cleopatra Boy my greatnesse I'th' posture of a Wh.o.r.e

Iras. O the good G.o.ds!

Cleo. Nay that's certaine

Iras. Ile neuer see't? for I am sure mine Nailes Are stronger then mine eyes

Cleo. Why that's the way to foole their preparation, And to conquer their most absurd intents.

Enter Charmian.

Now Charmian.

Shew me my Women like a Queene: Go fetch My best Attyres. I am againe for Cidrus, To meete Marke Anthony. Sirra Iras, go (Now n.o.ble Charmian, wee'l dispatch indeede,) And when thou hast done this chare, Ile giue thee leaue To play till Doomesday: bring our Crowne, and all.

A noise within.

Wherefore's this noise?

Enter a Guardsman.

Gards. Heere is a rurall Fellow, That will not be deny'de your Highnesse presence, He brings you Figges

Cleo. Let him come in.

Exit Guardsman.

What poore an Instrument May do a n.o.ble deede: he brings me liberty: My Resolution's plac'd, and I haue nothing Of woman in me: Now from head to foote I am Marble constant: now the fleeting Moone No Planet is of mine.

Enter Guardsman, and Clowne.

Guards. This is the man

Cleo. Auoid, and leaue him.

Exit Guardsman.

Hast thou the pretty worme of Nylus there, That killes and paines not?

Clow. Truly I haue him: but I would not be the partie that should desire you to touch him, for his byting is immortall: those that doe dye of it, doe seldome or neuer recouer

Cleo. Remember'st thou any that haue dyed on't?

Clow. Very many, men and women too. I heard of one of them no longer then yesterday, a very honest woman, but something giuen to lye, as a woman should not do, but in the way of honesty, how she dyed of the byting of it, what paine she felt: Truely, she makes a verie good report o'th' worme: but he that wil beleeue all that they say, shall neuer be saued by halfe that they do: but this is most falliable, the Worme's an odde Worme

Cleo. Get thee hence, farewell

Clow. I wish you all ioy of the Worme

Cleo. Farewell

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Antony and Cleopatra Part 25 summary

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