Early European History Part 2

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Lane, E. W. (translator). _The Arabian Nights' Entertainments_ (2d ed., N.

Y., 1859, Macmillan, 35 cents).

London, Jack. _Before Adam_ (N. Y., 1907, Macmillan, $1.50). Prehistoric life.

Manzoni, Alessandro. _The Betrothed_ (N. Y., 1825, Macmillan, 2 vols., 70 cents). Milan under Spanish rule, 1628-1630 A.D.

Mason, Eugene (translator). _Auca.s.sin and Nicolette and other Medieval Romances, and Legends_ (N. Y., 1910, Dutton, 35 cents).

Newman, J. H. _Callista_ (N. Y., 1856, Longmans, Green, and Co., $1.25).

Persecution of Christians in North Africa, 250 A.D.

Reade, Charles. _The Cloister and the Hearth_ (N. Y., 1861, Dutton, 35 cents). Eve of the Reformation.

Scheffel, J. Von. _Ekkehard_, translated by Helena Ea.s.son (N. Y., 1857, Dutton, 35 cents). Germany in the tenth century.

Scott, (Sir) Walter. _The Talisman_ (N. Y., 1825, Dutton, 35 cents). Reign of Richard I, 1193 A.D.

------ Ivanhoe (N. Y., Heath, 50 cents). Richard I, 1194 A.D.

Sienkiewicz, Henryk. _Quo Vadis?_ (Boston, 1896, Little, Brown, and Co., $2.00). Reign of Nero.

Stevenson, R. L. _The Black Arrow_ (N. Y., 1888, Scribner, $1.00). War of the Roses.

"Twain, Mark." _A Connecticut Yankee at the Court of King Arthur_ (N. Y., 1889, Harper, $1.75).

Wallace, Lew. _Ben-Hur; a Tale of the Christ_ (N. Y., 1880, Harper, $1.50).

Waterloo, Stanley. _The Story of Ab_ (2d ed., N. Y., 1905, Doubleday, Page, and Co., $1.50). Prehistoric life.


It is unnecessary to emphasize the value, as collateral reading, of historical poems and plays. To the brief list which follows should be added the material in Katharine Lee Bates and Katharine Coman, _English History told by English Poets_ (N. Y., 1902, Macmillan, 60 cents).

Browning, Robert. _Echetlos and Pheidippides._

Burns, Robert. _The Battle of Bannockburn._

Byron (Lord). _Song of Saul before His Last Battle, The Destruction of Sennacherib, Belshazzar's Feast, Prometheus,_ "Greece" (_The Corsair_, canto iii, lines 1-54), "Modern Greece" (_Childe Harold_, canto ii, stanzas 85-91), "The Death of Greece" (_The Giaour_, lines 68-141), "The Isles of Greece" (_Don Juan_, canto in), and "The Colosseum" (_Childe Harold_, canto iv, stanzas 140-145).

Clough, A. H. _Columbus_.

Coleridge, S. T. _Kubla Khan_.

Domett, Alfred. _A Christmas Hymn_

Drayton, Michael. _The Battle of Agincourt._

Dryden, John. _Alexander's Feast._

Jonson, Ben. _Hymn to Diana._

Keats, John. _Ode on a Grecian Urn._

Kingsley, Charles. _Andromeda and The Red King._

Landor, W. S. _Orpheus and Eurydice._

Longfellow, H. W. "The Saga of King Olaf" (_Tales of a Wayside Inn_) and _The Skeleton in Armor._

Lowell, J. R. _Rhoecus_ and _The Shepherd of King Admetus._

Macaulay, T. B. _Lays of Ancient Rome_ ("Horatius," "Virginia," "The Battle of Lake Regillus," and "The Prophecy of Capys"), _The Armada_, and _The Battle of Ivry._

Miller, Joaquin. _Columbus._

Milton, John. _Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity._

Praed, W. M. _Arminius._

Rossetti, D. G. _The White s.h.i.+p._

Schiller, Friedrich. _The Maid of Orleans, William Tell, Maria Stuart_, and _Wallenstein._

Scott, (Sir) Walter. "Flodden Field" (_Marmion_, canto vi, stanzas 19-27, 33-35).

Shakespeare, William. _Coriola.n.u.s, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, King John, Richard the Second, Henry the Fourth,_ parts i and ii, _Henry the Fifth, Henry the Sixth_, parts i, ii, and iii, _Richard the Third, Henry the Eighth_, and _The Merchant of Venice._

Sh.e.l.ley, P. B. _To the Nile, Ozymandias, Hymn of Apollo, Arethusa_, and _Song of Proserpine._

Tennyson, Alfred. _Ulysses, Oenone, The Death of Oenone, Demeter and Persephone, The Lotus-Eaters, Boadicea, St. Telemachus, St. Simeon Stylites, Sir Galahad_, and _The Revenge: a Ballad of the Fleet._

Thackeray, W. M. _King Canute._

Wordsworth, William. _Laodamia._


Full information regarding the best translations of the sources of ancient, medieval, and modern history is to be found in one of the Reports previously cited--_Historical Sources in Schools_, parts ii-iv. The use of the following collections of extracts from the sources will go far toward remedying the lack of library facilities.

Botsford, G. W., and Botsford, Lillie S. _Source Book of Ancient History_ (N. Y., 1912, Macmillan, $1.30).

Davis, W. S. _Readings in Ancient History_ (Boston, 1912, Allyn and Bacon, 2 vols., $2.00).

Duncalf, Frederic, and Krey, A. C. _Parallel Source Problems in Medieval History_ (N. Y., 1912, Harper, $1.10).

Fling, F. M. _A Source Book of Greek History_ (N. Y., 1907, Heath, $1.12).

Munro, D. C. _A Source Book of Roman History_ (N. Y., 1904, Heath, $1.12).

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