The Mysterious Murder of Pearl Bryan Part 15

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"Because he asked me to."

"Did you know for what purpose?"

"Yes; to get rid of it. It was b.l.o.o.d.y."

"And you knew this?"

"Yes, he told me so."

"Then you know more about the crime than you have admitted?"

"No, I don't. I have told everything I know."

In a locker at the Ohio Dental College--Jackson's individual locker--were found by the police a pair of trousers. Upon the knees were dried mud and blood, and upon the legs were other blood stains. Jackson and Walling each claim the trousers belong to the other.


Mayor Caldwell and Col. Deitsch Friday morning had a private consultation at which it was decided to hold all examinations of the prisoners in the Bertillion room, behind the iron bars of the Place of Detention. No one but Col. Deitsch and the Mayor were allowed to be present.

It was about 9 o'clock when both Jackson and Walling were brought into the Bertillon room and turned over to Superintendent Kiffmeyer. Both were photographed and had their measure taken according to the rules governing the Bertillon system.

The questioning of the prisoners while in the Bertillon room, related to the disposition made of Pearl Bryan's clothes.

It was found that Pearl Bryan's clothes had been conveniently wrapped into five bundles and brought to Jackson and Walling's room at 222 West Ninth Street. Jackson took two of the bundles and threw them into the sewer on Sycamore street. Walling put the other three under his arm and went down Plum Street with the purpose of throwing into the river the evidences of the b.l.o.o.d.y and brutal crime in the muddy depths of the Ohio. Jackson says Walling afterwards told him he had disposed of them.


When Turnkey Henry Underwood was pa.s.sing Jackson's cell yesterday morning Jackson said:

"Well, I'm going to see the Mayor and tell him about the clothing."

"What did you do with the clothing?"

"Well, there were three bundles. I threw them in a sewer on Richmond Street."

"Where on Richmond Street?"

"I don't know exactly, but west of Central avenue."

"Was the head in the lot?"

"I don't know where the head is now."

"Why don't you tell where the head is and it will save you a good deal of trouble."

"Well, Walling told me that he threw it overboard."

"What do you mean by throwing it overboard?"

"Why, in the river, and that is the truth."

As soon as the Chief could be seen Turnkey Underwood reported to him the talks he had with the prisoners. Walling was taken before Mayor Caldwell and Chief Deitsch, Detectives Crim and McDermott. Walling was asked what he had to say.

"Well, I'll tell you how Jackson killed Pearl Bryan.

"For several days before the murder Jackson would sit about our room and read a medical dictionary to try and learn all about the effect of poisons. He finally selected cocaine as the most suitable for his purpose. At last he took four grains of cocaine and put in sixteen drops of water. He told me that he was going to give the cocaine solution to Pearl and make her drink it, and that it would kill the vocal powers.

She would be unable to scream or talk and then he was going to cut her head off."

"Do you think he did that?"

"Yes, I am almost sure that was the way he killed her."

"I don't know how he gave her the poison, but think she took it before getting into the cab, so that it would have its full effect by the time she was driven over to Ft. Thomas."

"Well, what became of the head? You know where it is."

"I do not. If I did I would tell."

Jackson was then sent for. He appeared to be worried, and when Mayor Caldwell asked him if he had bought any cocaine he said:

"Yes, I bought some cocaine."


"Last Wednesday night."

"What did you do with it?"

"I gave it to Walling."

"Now Jackson I want you to tell me where the head is. You know where it is, and for the sake of the poor old mother I think you ought to tell."

"Well, I can't tell you where the head is. I don't know."

Walling and Jackson were then brought together again. They eyed each other and then the questions were put to them, but like in every other interview they denied the charges made by each other. Walling finally said:

"Why don't you tell where the head is, Jackson? You know they will find it sooner or later."

"I don't know where it is."

"Why don't you tell? You know where it is."

"I do not."


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The Mysterious Murder of Pearl Bryan Part 15 summary

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