The Gospel Day Part 17

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The Bible says, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Jas. 5:16.

Prayer to be effectual must be offered, in faith. The prayer of faith has accomplished wonders in every age of the world. It has stopped the mouths of lions. It has subdued kingdoms, obtained promises, quenched the violence of fire, and escaped the edge of the sword. By the prayer of faith the weak have become strong and turned to flight the armies of the aliens. The weak child of G.o.d by prayer develops into strong manhood. When engaged in a severe contest with the enemy of your soul the prayer of faith draws upon the strength of heaven and thus you become stronger in G.o.d. In a time of heavy and sore trials by looking upward unto G.o.d in confidence we conquer. For this reason the trial of our faith is more precious than gold. "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24. "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you." John 15:7. "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it." John 14:13, 14. "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full." "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight." 1 John 3:22.

With these promises before us we certainly ought to be encouraged to strive earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints. It is the prayer of faith that moves G.o.d upon his throne. Words offered in mere form are powerless. "He that cometh to G.o.d must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him," for "without faith it is impossible to please him." Heb. 11:6. Man that asks of G.o.d and wavers in his faith is compared to the restless waves of the sea. "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven of the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord." Jas. 1:6, 7.

There is a difference between simple faith and presumption. Some people take things for granted because G.o.d has promised similar things, without considering well if their prayer is according to the will of G.o.d. The Lord has promised bodily healing to his children. He says, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." Jas. 5:15. This is conditional, the conditions being recorded in the following verse: "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed." The glorious Bible doctrine of divine healing has many times been disgraced by mere presumption. Many when they are anointed presume they are healed because G.o.d has promised it in his Word when they have failed to sit in the valley of humiliation to learn of G.o.d their faults that need correction. They find in a short time that their presumption does not prove effectual and witnesses are made to scorn the idea of divine healing. We hear of no relapsing in a few days of those who were healed by the Lord and his church in the morning light. If any had such severe trials of faith as to be as sick or worse than ever apparently, it was thought wisdom to exclude such testimony from the Bible, and if wise to exclude it from the Bible, we are persuaded it is wise to exclude it from public testimony at any time.

The same may be said of prayers for spiritual and temporal blessings.

Never mistake presumption for faith. An individual might ask G.o.d for some temporal blessing and because G.o.d has promised to supply "all our needs,"

and if "we ask anything he will do it," take it for granted he is soon going to receive it, and when it fails to appear is disappointed and discouraged. By close examination it will be found that there was not a humble resignation of all things into the hands of G.o.d. The prayer was tinctured with selfish desire and more presuming than heart-felt faith.

For a perfect operation of faith that will draw blessings and life and power from G.o.d to the soul there must be a humble yielding, a perfect surrender of all to the Father's loving control. When all is resigned, and we sit in holy submission at his feet, faith will spring up, and if it is for some temporal blessing we are asking, G.o.d will answer to the soul and we will know and feel within us that we have the object desired. Though we have it not as yet in our possession it will never fail to appear at G.o.d's own appointed time, which is never too late. We believe that many presume that they are sanctified, but afterwards discover that they have not a perfect and pure heart. In all probability there was a lack in the consecration, which hindered a perfect operation of faith, and presumption was mistaken for belief. Such has doubtless been the result also in seeking justification. Positive faith affects G.o.d on his throne and brings a clear understanding consciousness to the soul.

Some one may wonder in what way the prayer of faith offered when we are sick, or prayers for temporal needs can advantage us in the development of spiritual life. G.o.d has so arranged that the prayer of faith that brings healing virtue to the afflicted body also brings a blessing and an increase to the soul. Prayer that reaches G.o.d in a time of temporal need not only moves him to grant the pet.i.tion, but also adds new strength and energy to the inner being. Thus G.o.d may permit us to be afflicted or to be in great need of food or raiment to awaken our souls to earnest imploring prayer for our spiritual advantage. When all is dark before and behind us, when storm-clouds hang heavy over us and temptations grow manifold, we are made keenly conscious that our whole and only dependence is upon G.o.d. Then on wings of faith the trembling soul comes into G.o.d's majestic presence to implore his aid, his help, in time of need. In his fatherly care he extends his hand and lifts us above the storm-clouds of affliction and temptation into beautiful light. It will be found that our soul is wonderfully increased in G.o.d. Thus prayer offered in these times of greatest need always prove a blessing to the spiritual life. Our own dear children could save themselves from much chastis.e.m.e.nt by obedience. Thus the children of G.o.d would doubtless be spared many an affliction if they were more strictly obedient to him.

How often should we pray? David says, "Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice." Psa. 55:17. Again he says, "Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments." Psa. 119:164. The apostle Paul exhorts us to "pray without ceasing." 1 Thes. 5:17. We do not understand by this last text that the Christian is to be constantly in an att.i.tude of prayer. No one can reasonably demand such a strict interpretation. For constant spiritual growth we should follow the example of the holy prophets and apostles and have regular daily visits to our altar of prayer. Beside this if you desire the beautiful character of Christ to unfold in your soul and life you should be careful to constantly maintain a prayerful frame of spirit.

How often one should go within their closet, circ.u.mstances must decide.

Where circ.u.mstances afford much time for prayer we a.s.sure you to be no loser by living much behind your closed door.

The spiritual man may be compared to the physical man in a sense, or to a certain extent. The physical man demands food for its sustenance. It feasts at the breakfast table, then goes, using the strength derived in performing the vocations of life. In a few hours there will be a demand for more, as the force of the former meal is spent. "But man shall not live by bread alone." The soul feasts upon the life of G.o.d in prayer and is strengthened, you then engage in the duties of life. In a short time you will feel the pangs of hunger in your soul. There is a longing for a deep communion with G.o.d. This is your best guide as to how often you should pray if your soul is in a good healthy state. It may not be convenient for you to go into your closet every time you feel your soul "panting after G.o.d," but you can lift up your heart to him in the best manner you can under the circ.u.mstances, and then go and feast at your private altar at your very earliest convenience.

The physical and spiritual man differ with respect to overeating. Too much food is injurious to the animal man, but the danger of surfeiting was not spoken of the soul. The inner man may feast and banquet and drink of spiritual stores and streams and the soul will grow and develop accordingly. There is but little danger of lingering too long at the feast. There is much danger of famine while the Christian as a citizen of this world has certain secular duties to perform, yet amid these he communes and walks with G.o.d. While he may be intellectually engaged in the problems of life, the higher affections of his soul live upon heavenly things. He thus drinks of the refres.h.i.+ng dews of glory until the beauteous graces of Christ are imbibed and infused throughout his very existence and the holy image of G.o.d is seen upon him.

The effect of a prayer of faith is almost without limit. By it Daniel shut the mouths of lions. The Hebrews walked unhurt amid the flames. Elijah shut up the heavens until it did not rain for more than three years. The waters of the sea have been divided, the walls of cities thrown down, armies turned to flight, kingdoms subdued, the prison-doors opened, the barren womb has become fruitful, the lame have been made to walk, the deaf to hear, the blind to see, the dead raised to life and the soul redeemed.

Oh, the wonders of prayer!

Satan, knowing how disastrous to his kingdom is the Christian's prayer of faith, will do all he can to hinder. He will heap upon you duties of life; tell you that you have no time for prayer. When you do pray he will try to make your prayers hurried and insincere. He will try to divert your attention when at the altar of prayer. He will be constantly presenting thoughts of secular duties. He will strive to make your devotions formal and irksome. He will cast over you a feeling of awful indifference and then advise you not to pray until you feel more like it. He will make the heavens appear as bra.s.s above you, and tell you G.o.d does not hear you.

Christian, you know by the Word of G.o.d what is your duty. It is to pray.

Then pray you must. It is the language of the Bible. Disregarding your feelings, pray. Disregarding the suggestions of Satan, pray. As you value your soul, pray, and "pray without ceasing."


That the apostle Paul considered fasting an excellent means for spiritual development is evident from his writings. He says that the ministers of G.o.d should approve themselves by "much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in watchings, in fastings." 2 Cor. 6:4, 5. In speaking of himself, he says he was "in weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often." 2 Cor. 11:27. In Acts 27:33, we learn that on the occasion of the s.h.i.+pwreck fourteen days were spent in fasting. This is not the doing of penance that the priests of mystic Babylon bind upon their subjects, but the cheerful service of a humble, devoted heart. G.o.d has not left this at the direction of man, but it is alone at the dictation of the Holy Spirit.

There is a secret power in fasting. It separates us farther from self and deepens us in humility, spirituality and reliance upon G.o.d. On occasions where great faith was required, fastings were recommended by the Savior.

In speaking to his disciples concerning the devils which possessed a child, he said, "This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." Mat.

17:21. When Paul and Barnabas were separated by the Holy Spirit unto the work of the Lord, after fasting and prayer hands were laid upon them and they were sent away. When fasting, the mind is clearer and the faith more active. It is a self-denial, which has a tendency to develop the graces of the Spirit.

It is said of a certain prophetess that dwelt in Jerusalem in the days of our Savior's nativity, that she departed not from the temple, but served G.o.d with fastings and prayers night and day. Luke 2:36, 37.

The most spiritual Christians are ready to acknowledge that fasting is an excellent means of drawing us into a deeper and more intimate communion with G.o.d. We scarcely think that any one will attain to any great spiritual depth without fasting. When the Christian's soul is burdened for this lost world it is natural for him to unburden his soul to G.o.d in fasting and prayer. How beautifully has the Lord arranged all things in the kingdom of heaven! He by his Spirit, lays a burden upon our heart for the souls of lost mankind. This burden causes us to seek G.o.d in fasting and prayer for these lost ones, and our prayers move him to send forth his Spirit to convict this world of sin. Thus it is arranged in the economy of grace, and thus we can all be "workers together with him."

It is sad that comparatively so few know the value of the sincere prayer of faith. Fasting and prayer affect this whole world, and heaven and h.e.l.l.

Christian, do not be sparing in them. Christians are few, but there are enough of them upon the earth, that if all were earnest in fasting and prayer this world would be disturbed in her slumber and sinners be made to fear before the wrath of G.o.d. To be unwilling to fast when we feel the movings of G.o.d's Spirit upon us to that end, is to soon become so dull and stupid spiritually that we will have but little burden or concern for peris.h.i.+ng souls. If we want to walk with G.o.d and have a deep concern for his cause and love for lost mankind we must be self-denying and "in fastings often."

Trials And Temptations.

You may wonder why we have arranged the subject of "Trials and Temptations" in the chapter of "Spiritual Culture." It is because they are an excellent means of our growth in divine things. "All things work together for good to them that love G.o.d." Trials prove to be for our good in the spiritual life if we will boldly and bravely meet them in Jesus'

name. We are encouraged by the apostle James to count all temptations a joy. It is evident that the apostle would not exhort us to count temptations a joy if they were not for our good. The Bible tells us there is a tempter. 1 Thes. 3:5. We also learn from the sacred page that G.o.d does not tempt any man. Jas. 1:13. Matthew tells us that the devil is the tempter. Mat. 4:1. G.o.d permits Satan to try and tempt us as we learn from Job's experience. Satan can not tempt us beyond what G.o.d permits, and G.o.d will not permit him to tempt us beyond what we are able to bear. He does not permit one to be tempted more than another, but we all have temptations such as are common to man. 1 Cor. 10:13.

Jesus was tempted in every manner that man is tempted, yet without sin.

Heb. 4:15. Jesus was not overcome by temptation, but he faithfully endured. Because he was thus tempted and overcame, he knows how to deliver the G.o.dly out of temptation. 2 Pet. 2:9. Not only does he know how to deliver us out of temptation, but he is fully able to do so. Heb. 2:18.

Temptations and trials are necessary in the Christian life. But few people realize the value of temptation. But few people, or perhaps none but what would backslide if they did not have any trials. G.o.d has so arranged it in the nature of Christianity or spiritual life that in order for the soul to grow and develop it must be tested and tried. Leaning upon G.o.d in time of strong temptation only increases our strength in G.o.d. Man would become independent of G.o.d, however much he may think to the contrary, if he had no trials and temptations. No true-hearted Christian has trials only such as he needs. Peter says, "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations." 1 Pet. 1:6. Christian, do you not value your spiritual prosperity above all else? Then never complain nor become discouraged because of the heavy and manifold temptations. G.o.d knows how to deal with you. You may sometimes think you know best, but in this you are mistaken. Father knoweth best. He loves you and will not suffer you to be tempted beyond what your needs are, and what he will enable you to bear, if you will but trust in him.

When your way grows very dark and temptation's billows roll high, when the flames of fiery trials seem to almost consume your soul, will you not remember that just as you are being tempted, Jesus was also tempted, yet he was not overcome? Also remember that he knows how to deliver you, and is able to do it. G.o.d sees that you need this and he is permitting it to mold you and fas.h.i.+on you into his own holy image. These are the refining flames that serve to consume the dross and make you perfectly pure. Our heavenly Father chasteneth us for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness. Heb. 12:10. G.o.d has given us a promise, which, if you will remember in faith, will enable you to endure. "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried he shall receive a crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love him." Jas. 1:12.

When in trial's heated furnace, In temptation's deep, wide sea, Like with sainted Hebrew children, Jesus walketh there with me.


That meditation does affect one's spirituality is an unquestionable fact.

Vagrant thought is well calculated to dull the finer sensibilities of the soul, thereby rendering it less capable of impression by the Spirit of G.o.d. "Keeping in touch with G.o.d," is a very familiar expression among holiness people at this present time, but what does it imply? We are all at sea when not in touch with him. To be so kept is to have everything in us fully alive to G.o.d. Every Christian grace must be in a state of perfect health and vigorous growth. If there be any dwarfed condition of the spiritual being in any part it will be less sensible to G.o.d's touch.

The blind have been known to cultivate the sense of touch in the physical being to the amazing acuteness of being able to distinguish color. The sense of touch in the soul by careful, earnest husbandry can be refined to such a degree as to make it susceptible to the slightest impression of the Holy Spirit.

In the creation, the moral being was given the capability of being influenced and controlled by the Spirit of the Lord. By sin this electric current from G.o.d's presence to man's soul, like the separation of the Atlantic cable, was divided. Man becoming thus disconnected from G.o.d's power and impressive guidance was left to be operated by the influences of a wicked world. Through the redemptive power of Jesus' blood man is again brought into union with G.o.d. The divided cable is taken up and united, and man's soul wondrously animated by G.o.d's presence.

So cultured may become the sensibilities of the inner being, and so thoroughly impregnated by G.o.d's enlivening power, that one empty thought, causing the slightest ebbing of life's current flow is keenly felt. To keep in perfect touch with G.o.d is to live where there is a soul consciousness that he is pleased with every act of life; where there is a witnessing "sweet and clear" of the Spirit to the inmost soul that the words of your mouth and the meditations of your heart are acceptable unto him.

Pure and holy meditations are an excellent means for the culture and refinement of man's moral being. Useless thought makes the soul coa.r.s.e, and difficult of impression by good influences. By a.s.sociating with G.o.d through prayer and meditation man's spiritual ent.i.ty will develop into his own glorious image. By communion with the Lord his pure character is a.s.similated into our own until our lives become but the fruit of a vine which has its origin in the rich soil around Heaven's throne. If you can indulge a train of careless, vagabond thought, and not be severely smitten in conscience, you are far from being in touch with G.o.d. The spiritual depression and awful benumbing stupidity, the disrelish for prayer and reading the Bible, is often the result of entertaining empty, fruitless meditations. The Scriptures tell us what are wholesome subjects for thought, and what are not. "The thought of foolishness is sin." Prov.

24:9. "I hate vain thoughts." Psa. 119:113.

Vain and foolish thoughts are very destructive to spirituality, and should be hated and carefully guarded against by every lover of G.o.d's law. Many people find it difficult to stay their mind upon the Lord. While reading the Bible and in secret prayer their thoughts are disposed to wander. The wonderful works of G.o.d scarcely awaken any admiration within them. They can not elevate their soul into a profound awe before his awful presence, and there is but little conscious depth of inner reverence and devotion to his dear name. There is a blessed remedy for this serious trouble.

Carefully watch your meditations. Call the oftener upon G.o.d in some silent secret place. Select some secluded, hallowed place for meditation. It is said of Isaac that he went into the field at eventide to meditate. Gen.

24:63. This is a time well suited to draw the soul out into deep, intimate communion with G.o.d. Learn to admire the wondrous works of the Creator.

Meditate upon them. The setting of the sun, the starry heavens, the fleecy floating clouds, the silent hills, all will serve to fill your soul with reverential fear before G.o.d's majestic presence, and all within you be awed to solemn stillness at his footfall. Then you can say with the Psalmist, "O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day." Psa.

119:97. "I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings." Psa. 77:11, 12. "My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: when I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches." Psa. 63:5, 6.

Idle, careless thoughts generate a stupidity that will rob you of joy and soul satisfaction. It will deaden the sensibilities of your inner nature and prevent your hearing G.o.d's footstep, and deprive you of many a blessing. Communion with the Lord and meditating upon his Word will elevate the soul to a plane all radiant with Heaven's light and love, and put a humility in your heart and a sweetness in every expression that will distinguish you from the coa.r.s.e ways of the world. "I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my G.o.d while I have my being. My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord."

Psa. 104:33, 34.


Close and impartial examination of our moral character is indispensable to spiritual prosperity. He who does not watch the inclinations of his heart, nor note the course of its affections, and direct them in the channels of heavenly grace, will soon have naught but a "name to live." As you read the infallible Word of G.o.d, ask him to let its light find entrance to the remotest chambers of your soul. Too many read the Scriptures in a careless way. The severity of G.o.d's judgments are turned aside by the enemy of their soul. We fear that too many people are to-day building hopes of heaven upon an experience of years ago. They will talk of the time when they found the Savior and enjoyed his love. But now they have become formal and do not sit in impartial judgment upon their actions. The holy apostle said, "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves." 2 Cor. 13:5.

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The Gospel Day Part 17 summary

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