Primordial Blood Throne Volume 1 Chapter 11

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Primordial Blood Throne: Book 1 Chapter 11 - Year-End Evaluation (2)

Edited by Owner

After testing their cultivation, it was time for the strength exam.

Although a person's strength was directly affected by their cultivation, there were still some differences that would exist.

Su Chen obtained number one without a problem; his results – the power of nine horses. He has even exceeded his own cultivation level by one layer, causing everyone one to feel shock, it also caused the resentment within Su Qing to increase by a few notches, swearing to humiliate Su Chen during the final challenge.

Finally, the test ended.

Si Chen once again became the number one of this evaluation, Su Qing, the number two.

No one was surprised at this result, like how they were not surprised at what would be coming next.

"Based on the new ruling, the top three of the evaluation has the right to challenge the number one to a battle. If two persons requested to challenge the same person, they will need to fight for the rights to challenge between themselves first. Su Qing, Su Tong, do you wish to challenge?"

Su Tong is the grandson of the First Elder, Su Chang Sheng. Su Tong looked at Su Qing for a moment before shaking his head, "I renounce my right to challenge."

He wasn't Su Qing's match in the first place. This challenge was prepared for Su Qing in the first place; the reason the rule states that the top three was given rights to challenge, was to reduce the ugliness of the rule, so that the focus will not be too obvious.

Su Qing smiled and said: "I challenge Su Chen!"

The next moment, Su Qing jumped onto the stage and roared, "Su Chen, do you dare to accept my challenge!"

His voice resounded throughout the great courtyard, falling onto the ears of everyone, and displaying the powerful confidence of Su Qing.

Su Chen did not speak, going up the stage one step at a time. He was unable to see the route, making his movements very slow – feeling with each step; only after a long while did he finally stand on the stage.

Su Qing looked at him with hateful eyes and said, "You are a person who is unable to tell the good from the bad and rather waste these resources then to give it to others. There was a point in the past where I pitied you greatly but now, you just disgust me!"

Su Chen smiled gently: "My apologies, I wasn't born to be pitied by others, rather…. I am born to be looked up to by others."

Su Qing's face darkened, "You think yourself worthy enough?" He growled, and with a step, he launched himself forward, his fist raised and targeted at Su Chen's face.

The year-end evaluation did not allow the use of weapons; both parties could only use their limbs to fight, however, this did not mean that the power of their fists and kicks were weak.

Su Qing has reached the Seventh Layer Forged Body and possessed the power of seven horses. He also practiced the Su Family's standard martial arts, Blazing Tiger Fist, although this skill was not considered powerful, but it had a strong and forceful strike. If a person wa hit by his fist, even if they survived, they will be unconscious. Even Su Chen, with his Eighth Layer Forged Body, was unwilling to be hit by it.

Therefore, at the same moment when Su Qing threw his fist, Su Chen took one step back.

He was unable to see Su Qing's actions and only knew that Su Qing was in front of him. Moving back was the most dependable method.

Su Qing's punch hit nothing but air, but his right leg followed up with a kick. "Although I am facing off with a blind man, and thus with an unfair advantage, I'll make sure the Spirit of Green Wood will be mine!"

The leg struck like a snake, silently reaching towards Su Chen's temple. If the kick lands, it would definitely cause Su Chen to drop.

This was Su Qing's finis.h.i.+ng move.

After three years of bitter waiting, being placed second to blind man, simply defeating him was not enough to quell his hatred.

He had to make him feel pain, make him pay a price for this humiliation!

However, when Su Qing's whip-like leg was about to land, Su Chen suddenly took a step forward.

Instead of retreating, he advanced.

A counter!


Su Qing's leg struck Su Chen's body; it was, however, the lower regions of the leg that held the strongest power of that attack, not the thigh which had near to none. As Su Chen took the attack, he managed to get close to Su Qing as a result, and threw a fist towards Su Qing's face.

However, he obviously had a problem at securing the location of the other party, causing his punch to go slightly off target. Su Qing slanted his head and evaded the punch. At the same time, he retracted his leg and aimed his at Su Chen's abdomen.

With a painful groan, Su Chen bent forward.

Su Qing sneered and said, "Didn't I tell you before, a blind man shouldn't be fighting!"

He lifted his right elbow and slammed it down.

This elbow landed on Su Chen's back, releasing a dull knocking sound; the attack had been filled with utter force, and Su Chen released another painful groan. The attack caused his whole back to be filled with pain

Su Qing laughed loudly and wanted to continue striking but Su Chen had already pushed himself forward into Su Qing's body, the ferocious headb.u.t.t caused Su Qing to black out for a moment.

At the same time, Su Chen sent his left fist to strike at Su Qing's kidney, due to the close distance, the power wasn't strong but it still made Su Qing feel pained.

The next moment, Su Chen pounced forward.

Su Ke Ji, who is observing from below, suddenly shouted, "Qing'er, do not enter into a grappling fight!"

Earlier on before the battle started, Teacher Tong and Su Ke Ji had already done an a.n.a.lysis. For Su Chen to obtain victory in the duel, the only chance he had was to stick close and fight. Since he was blind, he would try to stick as close to his opponent as possible and attack disorderly, obtaining victory by using the advantage from the level of his strength.

Therefore, before the start of the fight, Su Ke Ji had warned Su Qing, to never let Su Chen get close to him, to not allow Su Chen to hug him, he must use his advantage by constantly move about and attack from a distance.

However, Su Qin obviously did not take his words seriously and got tangled up by Su Chen.

Fortunately, Su Qing realized this fact timely.

He no longer focused on attacking Su Chen and used all his strength on both his legs to jump backwards, finally escaping before Su Chen managed to lock onto him. Despite that, his leg was also struck by Su Chen, making it hard for him to stand for a moment.

While staring at Su Chen, Su Qing viciously said, "d.a.m.ned blind man. Come. I am over here!"

Su Chen turned his head slightly before sending a punch towards Su Qing.

However, Su Qing had already retreated the moment Su Chen attacked, s.h.i.+fting to the side while sending a kick at Su Chen.

The kick was on mark, the blind Su Chen was unable to avoid the silent kick and was forced a few steps back.

Su Qing sneered and attacked from another direction.

As he attacked from one side, he would release noise from another to distract or bait Su Chen.

As a result, Su Chen was like a ferocious blind tiger on the stage, although his every punch and kick was filled with power, but he unfortunately was unable to hit his enemy. Su Qing on the other hand, moved silently while constantly performing sneak attacks.

"How despicable!" Su Fei Hu said with a dark expression.

Su Ke Ji was proud and said, "This is what we call tactics; we also call it reality. You cannot expect your enemies to follow decorum on a battlefield, can you? Those who are inapt, will be eliminated eventually."

It was as though he had seen his son's victory approaching.

On the stage, the battle continued.

When Su Qing was focusing on moving about, Su Chen was no longer able to get close to him and catch him.

"Come, d.a.m.n blind man!" Su Qing laughed loudly.

The sound sometimes came from the left, sometimes from the right, but the attacks would come from all angles.

Like a game of cat and mouse, before he completely defeated Su Chen, Su Qing was going to take his time to play with him.

Once again, Su Qing silently moved to Su Chen's left.

At this moment, Su Qing could see Su Chen's expression from the side, no matter how Su Qing attacked, beat, or mocked him, Su Chen's face still maintains a calm composure he had from the start.

This d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d, does he not know the meaning of fear or anxiety?

Anger started to well up within Su Qing's heart.

He has decided to give Su Chen a vicious one.

He raised the joint of his left hand's middle finger and targeted Su Chen's spine. If the attack connected, and was vicious enough, Su Chen might never stand again.

Do not blame me, if only you weren’t so disgusting, Su Qing thought in his mind as he attacked. At the same time, he noticed the corners of Su Chen's mouth raising into a smile.

He's smiling?

Su Qing was stunned for a moment, an uneasy feeling began to surface within his heart.

The next moment, Su Chen suddenly turned and pounced towards Su Qing.

Not good!

Su Qing screamed in his thoughts; he stopped his attack and urgently retreated. During his retreat, he also did not forget to s.h.i.+ft to another direction quickly, moving his body to the side. Although his body lost some balance due to this, but it would move him away from the direction of Su Chen's leap.

But a shocking scene happened. As if Su Chen could see him, his body made a weird twist, becoming as agile as a snake while his speed also increased, like lightning, as he headed in Su Qing direction, and instantly reaching his side.

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At this moment, Su Qing forced himself to do another turn but this caused his body to lose his balance completely. Su Chen grabbed Su Qing's throat and slammed him fiercely onto the ground*.
(Cuppa: Choke-Slam!)


A loud bang reverberated across the stage.

Su Qing's body was slammed onto the stage floor like a sandbag.

This slam contained Su Qing's body weight and every last bit of explosive strength that Su Chen could muster with his Eighth Layer Forged Body.

The heavy attack caused Su Qing's head to go dizzy, his Seventh Layer physique was unable to resist the vicious slam, causing him to vomit a big mouth of blood.

"Qing'er!" Su Ke Ji shouted.

What answered him was a vicious iron fist landing on Su Qing's face.

Su Qing who had lost the ability to resist, couldn't help resist Su Chen as he threw one punch after another at him, like a raging storm raining onto his body and onto his face.

Everyone was shocked at this sudden change.

The situation was reversed. Su Chen who was badly bullied just moments ago was now on top of Su Qing, attacking relentlessly.

Especially that moment when he turned and pounced at Su Qing; that weird speed and accurate change in direction, has exceeded the cognition of everyone.

How did he do that?

"No!!!" Su Ke Ji shouted with a painful heart.

He felt his heart hurting, the pain of seeing his son being madly beaten up, the pain of having another failed plan. Despite paying a great price to change the rules, his son was still unable to obtain victory. Even till now, he did not know why he did not announce and admit defeat. Maybe the next moment, Su Qing would stand up and beat up Su Chen.

Yet, the cruel reality was as such, with one wrong move, Su Qing has lost his chance to stand up again.

Seeing Su Qing's face being beaten to an unrecognizable b.l.o.o.d.y degree, as though Su Qing had met with a traffic accident, Su Ke Ji finally realized that he had lost all hope.

He shouted, "Concede! Stop, we concede!"

The iron-like fist paused in the air and did not drop any longer, however, the hand gripping Su Qing wasn't released.

He slightly turned his head, "Fourth Elder?"

The fourth elder was the judge for this match. Hearing the words, woke him from his dream-like state, "I hereby announce, Su Chen wins!"

It was only then that Su Chen released his grip on Su Qing and slowly stood up, his dull eyes looked at the audience with an unexplainable profoundness.

Everyone stared in shock.

Su Chen won.

How was that possible?

After a long while, Su Cheng An suddenly asked, "Chen'er, did your eyes take a turn for the better?"

Su Cheng An's asked the question within everyone's hearts, after all, that move when he caught Su Qing was too extraordinary.

After some pondering, Su Chen replied, "The reason I could discover him was because he is too stupid; he allowed me to learn his habits during the fight. As for my eyes…… my apologies but there has not been the slightest bit of improvement."

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Primordial Blood Throne Volume 1 Chapter 11 summary

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