The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing Part 30

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The Mountains.

These are points or elevations on the palm.

Mount Venus, if prominent, indicates a person of strong pa.s.sions, great energy in business, and admiration of physical beauty in the opposite s.e.x; it also indicates love of children, home and wife, or husband. When not well developed there is a lack of love for home, children, wife or husband; and in a man, it indicates egotism and laziness,--in a woman, hysteria.

Mount Jupiter, if prominent, indicates a person who is generous, loves power, and is brilliant in conversation; if a woman, she desires to s.h.i.+ne and be a social leader. When not well developed, it indicates lack of self-esteem, slovenliness and indifference to personal appearance.

Mount Saturn, if prominent, indicates a serious-minded person, religiously inclined, slow to reach a conclusion, very prudent, free in the expression of opinions, but inclined to be pessimistic.

Mount Apollo, if prominent, indicates ability as an artist, generosity, courageousness, and a poetical nature, apt to be a spendthrift. When not well developed, it indicates cautiousness and prudence.

Mount Mercury, if prominent, indicates keen perceptions, cleverness in conversation, a talent for the sciences, industry, and deceitfulness. If not well developed, it indicates a phlegmatic, stupid disposition.

Mount Luna, if prominent, indicates a dreamy, changeable, capricious, enthusiastic, and inventive nature. When not well developed, it indicates constancy, love of home, and ability to imitate others.

Mount Mars, if prominent, indicates self-respect, coolness, and control of self under trying circ.u.mstances, courage, venturesomeness and confidence in one's ability for anything undertaken. When not well developed, it indicates the opposite of these characteristics.

Lines On the Hand.

If the lines of the hand are not well defined, this fact indicates poor health.

Deep red lines indicate good, robust health. Yellow lines indicate excessive biliousness.

Dark-colored lines indicate a melancholy and reserved disposition.

The Life Line extends from the outer base of Mount Jupiter, entirely around the base of Mount Venus. If chained under Jupiter, it indicates bad health in early life. Hair lines extending from it imply weakness, and if cut by small lines from Mount Venus, misplaced affections and domestic broils. If arising from Mount Jupiter, an ambition to be wealthy and learned. If it is joined by the Line of the Head at its beginning, prudence and wisdom are indicated. If it joins Heart and Head line's at its commencement, a great catastrophe will be experienced by the person so marked. A square on it denotes success. All lines that follow it give it strength. Lines that cut the Life Line extending through the Heart Line denote interference in a love affair. If it is crossed by small lines, illness is indicated. Short and badly drawn lines, unequal in size, imply bad blood and a tendency to fevers.

The Heart Line, if it extends across the hand at the base of the finger mounts, and is deep and well defined, indicates purity and devotion; if well defined from Mount Jupiter only, a jealous and tyrannical disposition is indicated; if it begins at Mount Saturn and is without branches, it is a fatal sign; if short and well defined in the Harmonic type of hand it indicates intense affection when it is reciprocated; if short on the Mercury type of hand, it implies deep interest in intellectual pursuits; it short and deep in the Elementary type of hand, it implies the disposition to satisfy desire by brutal force, instead of by love.

The Head Line is parallel to Heart Line and forms the second branch of letter M, generally very plain in most hands; if long and deep it indicates ability to care for one's self; if hair lines are attached to it, mental worry; if it divides toward Mount Mercury love affairs will be first, and business secondary; if well defined its whole length, it implies a well-balanced brain; a line from it extending into a star on Mount Jupiter, great versatility, pride and love for knowledge are indicated; if it extend to Mount Luna interest in occult studies is implied; separated from the Life Line, indicates aggressiveness; if it is broken, death is indicated from an injury in the head.

The Rascettes are lines across the wrist where the palm joins it.

It is claimed they indicate length of life; if straight it is a good sign. One Rascette indicates thirty years of life; two lines, sixty; three lines, ninety.

The Fate Line commences at Rascettes, and if it extends straight to Mount Saturn, uninterrupted, and alike in both hands, good luck and success are realized without personal exertion. If not in one hand and interrupted in the other, success will be experienced only by great effort. If well defined at the wrist the early life is bright and promising; if broken in the center, misery for middle life is indicated.

If this line touches Mounts Luna and Venus, it indicates a good disposition and wealth; if inclined toward any mount, it implies success in that line for which the mount stands. If it is made up of disconnected links, it indicates serious physical and moral struggles.

Should it end at Heart Line, the life has been ruined by unrequited love. If it runs through a square, the life has been in danger and saved. Should it merge into the Heart Line and continue to Mount Jupiter, it denotes distinction and power secured through love.

The Girdle of Venus is a curved line extending from Mount Jupiter to Mercury, encircling Saturn and Apollo. It appears on few hands, but it indicates superior intellect, a sensitive and capricious nature; if it extends to base of Jupiter it denotes divorce; ending in Mercury, implies great energy; should it be cut by parallel lines in a man, it indicates a hard drinker and gambler.

Lines of Reputation, commencing in the middle of the hand, at the Head Line, Mount Luna or Mount Mars, indicate financial success from intellectual pursuits after years of struggling with adversity. If from Heart Line, real love of occupation and success; if from Head Line, success from selfishness. An island on this line denotes loss of character, a start on it near Apollo implies that success will be permanent, and a square, brilliant success. The absence of this line implies a struggle for recognition of one's abilities.

Line of Intuition, beginning at base of Mount Mercury, extends around Mars and Luna; it is frequently found in the Venus, Mercury and Lunar types of hands; when deeply dented with a triangle on Mount Saturn it denotes clairvoyant power; if it forms a triangle with Fate Line, or Life Line, a voyage will be taken.

Health Line commences at center of the Rascettes, takes an oblique course from Fate Line, ending toward Mount Mercury. If straight and well defined, there is little liability to const.i.tutional diseases; when it does not extend to Head Line, steady mental labor cannot be performed; when it is broad and deep on Mount Mercury, diminis.h.i.+ng as it enters the Life Line, death from heart disease is indicated; small lines cutting it denote sickness from biliousness. When joined to Heart Line, health and business are neglected for Love; if made up of short, fine lines, there is suffering from stomach catarrh; if it is checked by islands there is a const.i.tutional tendency to lung disease.

Marriage Lines extend straight across Mount Mercury; if short, affairs of the heart without marriage are denoted. When near Heart Line early marriage is indicated; if it turns directly to Heart Line, marriage will occur between the ages of 16 and 21; if close to the top of the mount, marriage will not take place before the 35th year; if it curves upward it indicates a single life; when p.r.o.nged and running toward the center or to Mount Mars, divorce will occur. If the end at this line droops the subject will outlive wife or husband; if broken, divorce is implied; if it ends in a cross, the wife or husband will die from an accident. A branch from this line upward implies a high position attained by marriage. A black spot on this line means widowhood.

Children's Lines are small and upright, extending from the end of Marriage Lines. If broad and well defined, males; if fine and narrow, females are indicated. A line of this order that is deep and well defined denotes prominence for that child.

Small Lines have a signification depending upon their position and number.

A single line on Jupiter signifies success; on Saturn, happiness; on Apollo, fame and talent.

Ascending small lines are favorable, while descending lines are unfavorable signs.

Several small lines on Mars indicate warfare constantly.

Cross lines, failure.


Feet have they, but they walk not--stoves.

Eyes have they, but they see not--potatoes.

Noses have they, but they smell not--tea-pots.

Mouths have they, but they taste not--rivers.

Hands have they, but they handle not--clocks.

Ears have they, but they hear not--corn stalks.

Tongues have they, but they talk not--wagons.

What thing is that which is lengthened by being cut at both ends? A ditch.

Why do we all go to bed? Because the bed will not come to us.

Why Paris like the letter F? Because it is the capital of France.

In which month do ladies talk least? In February.

Why is a room full of married folks like an empty room? There is not a single person in it.

Why is a peach-stone like a regiment? It has a kernel (Colonel).

Why is an island like the letter T? Because it is in the midst of wa-t-er.

Why is a bee-hive like a spectator? Because it is a beeholder (beholder).

What is that which a train cannot move without, and yet is not the least use to it? A noise.

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The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing Part 30 summary

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