The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing Part 33

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The American's triumvirate, love, honor and liberty.

The memory of Was.h.i.+ngton.

May the example of the new world regenerate the old.

Wit without virulence, wine without excess, and wisdom without affectation.

What charms, arms and disarms.

Home pleasant, and our friends at home.

Woman--She needs no eulogy, she speaks for herself.

Friends.h.i.+p--May its lamp ever be supplied by the oil of truth and fidelity.

The American Navy--May it ever sail on the sea of glory.

May those who are discontented with their own country leave their country for their country's good.

Discretion in speech is more than eloquence. May we always remember these three things: The manner, the place and the time.

Here's a sigh to those who love me, And a smile to those who hate, And whatever sky's above me, Here's a heart for every fate.

Were't the last drop in the well, As I gasped upon the brink, Ere my fainting spirit fell, 'Tis to thee that I would drink.


Caddy's Toast in "Erminie"--'Ere's to the 'ealth o' your Royal 'Ighness; hand may the skin o' ha gooseberry be big enough for han humbrella to cover hall your enemies."

Here's to the girl I love, And here's to the girl who loves me, And here's to all that love her whom I love, And all those that love her who love me.

I will drink to the woman who wrought my woe, In the diamond morning of long ago; To the splendor, caught from Orient skies, That thrilled in the dark of her hazel eyes, Her large eyes filled with the fire of the south, And the dewy wine of her warm red mouth.


May those that are single get wives to their mind, And those that are married true happiness find.

Here's a health to me and mine, Not forgetting thee and thine; And when thou and thine Come to see me and mine, May we and mine make thee and thine As welcome as thou and thine Have ever made me and mine.

Industry.--The right hand of fortune, the grave of care, and the cradle of content.

Here's to the prettiest, Here's to the wittiest, Here's to the truest of all who are true.

Here's to the sweetest one, Here's to them all in one--here's to you.

Our Country.--May she always be in the right--but, right or wrong, Our Country.-- Stephen Decatur.

Here's to our sweethearts and our wives. May our sweethearts soon become our wives and our wives ever remain our sweethearts.

Here's to the girls of the American sh.o.r.e; I love but one, I love no mare.

Since she's not here to drink her part, I drink her share with all my heart.

Here's to one and only one, And may that one be she Who loves but one and only one, And may that one be me.

A gla.s.s is good and a la.s.s is good, And a pipe to smoke in cold weather.

The world is good and the people are good, And we're all good fellows together.

Yesterday's yesterday while to-day's here, To-day is to-day till to-morrow appear, To-marrow's to-morrow until to-day's past, And kisses are kisses as long as they last.

Our Country.-- To her we drink, for her we pray, Our voices silent never; For her we'll fight, come what may; The Stars and Stripes forever.

Woman.--The fairest work of the great Author; the edition is large, and no man should be without a copy.

Drink to me only with thine eyes, And I will pledge thee mine; Or leave a kiss within the cup, And I'll not look for wine.

The thirst that from the soul doth rise Doth ask a drink divine; But might I of Jove's nectar sip, I would not change from thine.

--Ben Jonson.

Drink to-day and drown all sorrow; You shall perhaps not do't to-morrow; Best while you have it, use your breath; There is no drinking after death.

--Beaumont and Fletcher.

Home.--The father's kingdom; the child's paradise; the mother's world.

Here's to those I love; Here's to those who love me; Here's to those who love those I love, And here's to those who love those who love those who love me.

--Ouida's Favorite Toast.

A little health, a little wealth, A little house and freedom, With some friends for certain ends, But little cause to need 'em.

Here's to the we've loved, my lad, Here's to the lips we've pressed; For of kisses and, Like liquor in, The last is always the best.

Come in the evening, come in the morning, Come when you're looked for, come without warning.

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The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing Part 33 summary

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