The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing Part 58

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Congress may admit as many new States as desired.

The Const.i.tution guarantees every citizen a speedy trial by jury.

A State cannot exercise a power which is vested in Congress alone.

One State must respect the laws and legal decisions of another.

Congress cannot pa.s.s a law to punish a crime already committed.

U. S. Senators are chosen by the legislatures of the States by joint ballot.

Bills for revenue can originate only in the House of Representatives.

A person committing a felony in one State cannot find refuge in another.

The Const.i.tution of the United States forbids excessive bail or cruel punishment.

Treaties with foreign countries are made by the President and ratified by the Senate.

In the U. S. Senate Rhode Island or Nevada has an equal voice with New York.

When Congress a bankruptcy law it annuls all the State laws on that subject.

Writing alone does not const.i.tute treason against the United States.

There must be an overt act.

Congress cannot lay any disabilities on the children of a person convicted of crime or misdemeanor.

The Territories each send a delegate to Congress, who has the right of debate, but not the right to vote.

The Vice-President, who ex-officio presides over the Senate, has no vote in that body except on a tie ballot.

An act of Congress cannot become a law over the President's veto except on a two-thirds vote of both houses.

An officer of the Government cannot accept t.i.tle of n.o.bility, order or honor without the permission of Congress.

Money lost in the mails cannot be recovered from the Government.

Registering a letter does not insure its contents.

It is the House of Representatives that may impeach the President for any crime, and the Senate hears the accusation.

If the President holds a bill longer than ten days while Congress is still in session, it becomes a law without his signature.

Silver coin of denominations less than $1 is not a legal tender for more than $5.00. Copper and nickel coin is not legal tender.

The term of a Congressman is two years, but a Congressman may be re-elected to as many successive terms as his const.i.tuents may wish.

Amendments to the Const.i.tution requires two-thirds vote of each house of Congress and must be ratified by at least three-fourths of the States.

When the militia is called out in the service of the General Government, they pa.s.s out of the control of the various States under the command of the President.

The President of the United States must be 35 years of age: a United States Senator, 30; a Congressman, 25. The President must have been a resident of the United States fourteen years.

A grand jury is a secret tribunal, and may hear only one side of a case.

It simply decides whether there is good reason to hold for trial. It consists of twenty-four men, twelve of whom may indict.

A naturalized citizen cannot become President or Vice-President of the United States. A male child born abroad of American parents has an equal chance to become President with one born on American soil.


The animal from which the chamois skin derives its name inhabits the high mountains from the Pyrenees to the Caucasus. Chamois are most numerous in the Alps, where they dwell in small herds and feed on the herbage of the mountain sides. They are about the size of a small goat, dark chestnut-brown in color, with the exception of the forehead, the sides of the lower jaws and the muzzle, which are white. Its horns, rising above the eyes, are black, smooth and straight for two-thirds of their length, when they suddenly curve backward.

The chamois hunter, provided with a gun, a bag of provisions, an iron-shod staff to a.s.sist him in climbing and leaping, an ax to cut steps in the ice and shoes studded with iron points, traverses the mountains and follows his prey not only during the day, but also at night.

Nearly all the chamois skins now in the market are made from the skins of the lamb or sheep. This industry has been largely developed in England and France, and these countries have supplied the market of the United States almost exclusively until recent years, when the manufacture of these goods was commenced in the United States.



A Aaron, Hebrew, a mountain, or lofty.

Abel, Hebrew, vanity.

Abraham, Hebrew, the father of many.

Absalom, Hebrew, the father of peace.

Adam, Hebrew, red earth.

Adolphus, Saxon, happiness and help.

Adrian, Latin, one who helps.

Alan, Celtic, harmony; or Slavonic, a hound.

Albert, Saxon, all bright.

Alexander, Greek, a helper of men.

Alfred, Saxon, all peace.

Alonzo, form of Alphonso, q. v.

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The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing Part 58 summary

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