The Harp of God Part 11

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Did Esau show an appreciation of the birthright, particularly the Abrahamic promise? -- 108.

Relate the circ.u.mstances of Esau's selling of his birthright. -- 108.

Why did the birthright properly belong to Jacob? -- 109.

About what was the age of Jacob and Esau at the time of this transaction? -- 109.

Was their contract binding on both? -- 109.

What privileges did the birthright carry with it? -- 110.

State the circ.u.mstances under which Esau attempted to deprive Jacob of the birthright after he had sold it to him. -- 111.

Was the mother of these men justified in her action in this matter? and if so, why? -- 111.

Relate the conditions under which Jacob obtained the blessing from his father. -- 112.

What blessing, as shown by the Scriptures, did Isaac bestow upon Jacob?

-- 112.

After Esau failed in his attempt to defeat his own contract with Jacob, what did he do toward obtaining the blessing from his father? -- 113.

Why have Christian people severely criticized Jacob and Rebekah because of this transaction? -- 114.

Who was the more reprehensible, Jacob or Esau? and why? -- 114.

Whom did Esau picture or typify? -- 114.

Whom did Jacob picture or foreshadow? -- 114.

Did G.o.d approve or disapprove Rebekah's action? -- 114.

Why did Jacob flee the country? and upon whose advice? -- 114.

At what important Biblical place did Jacob spend the night? and what occurred there? Give the Scriptural account. ---- 114, 115.

Why should we disapprove any one whom G.o.d approves? -- 116.

How did G.o.d later show his favor to Jacob? -- 117.

What is the meaning of the name Israel? -- 117.

What promise did G.o.d make to Jacob after his name was changed to Israel?

-- 117.

How many sons did Jacob have? -- 118.

Give the names of his wives, and the sons by these wives, respectively, -- 118.

Which one of his wives did he love most? -- 118.

Which was Jacob's beloved son? -- 118.

Under what circ.u.mstances was Joseph taken away? and upon whom did Jacob bestow his affection thereafter? -- 118.

Whom did Joseph typify? and of whom was Benjamin a type? -- 118.

Where did Jacob spend his last days? -- 119.

What marks the beginning of the nation of Israel? -- 119.

In p.r.o.nouncing the blessings upon his sons, what special prophecy was made by Jacob concerning Judah? -- 119.

Who is foreshadowed by this prophecy? -- 119.

After Jacob's death, by what name were his offspring known? -- 120.

What position did Joseph now hold in Egypt? -- 120.

How were the Israelites treated during Joseph's lifetime? -- 120.

How were they after Joseph's death? -- 120.

Whom did G.o.d raise up as a deliverer of the Israelites from Egypt? -- 120.

What did Egypt typify or picture? and what was typified or pictured by Egypt's ruler Pharaoh? -- 121.

Whom did the Israelites in Egypt picture? and of whom was Moses a type?

-- 121. Who was Moses? -- 122.

What prophecy did Moses speak relative to a mighty one to follow him?

-- 122.

After hearing this prophecy, for whom were the Israelites looking? -- 122.

From what tribe did David descend? -- 122.

Through whom did G.o.d repeat the promises to Israel? -- 123.

To what particular house or line was the promise finally limited? -- 123.

What promise did the Lord make to David relative to the throne of Israel? Quote the prophecy. -- 123.

When David was king, what prophetic utterance did he make concerning the building of a house unto Jehovah? -- 124.

Why did G.o.d not permit David to build the temple? -- 124.

Which one of David's sons was permitted to build the temple? -- 124.

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The Harp of God Part 11 summary

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