The Harp of God Part 12

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Upon what condition was Solomon's to be the line from which the great Deliverer would descend? Give the Scriptural proof. -- 125.

Did Solomon receive Jehovah's approval? -- 126.

Why was the kingdom taken away from Solomon? -- 126.

After Solomon's death, what happened to the nation of Israel? -- 127.

Name the last three kings of Solomon's line to rule over Israel. -- 127.

What did Jehovah p.r.o.nounce through the Prophet concerning Zedekiah? Give the Scriptural statement. -- 127.

In view of this, was it possible for the Messiah to be counted through the line of Solomon? -- 127.

What other son did David have who was subsequently exalted? -- 128.

From whom did Mary the mother of Jesus descend? -- 128.

What did the prophet Jeremiah prophesy concerning the coming of Messiah through David's lineage? -- 129.

What message did the angel of the Lord bring to Mary relative to the Messiah? -- 130.

What did Mary say in response to the messenger? -- 130.

Why did Mary say: "From henceforth all generations shall call me blessed"? -- 131.

What was meant by her prophetic statement: "He hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree"? -- 131.

Why were the Jews looking for some child to be born who would be a great ruler? -- 132.

Why did they expect their nation to become great? -- 132.

What prophetic utterances led the Jews to believe that there should be raised up amongst them a great king? Quote the prophecies. ---- 132, 133.

Did the prophecies of Isaiah and Zechariah relating to the coming king have a complete fulfillment at the birth of Jesus? -- 134.

Of what relative importance was the birth of Jesus? -- 135.

How much time elapsed from the original promise made to Abraham until the birth of Jesus? -- 135.

During that time, what was Jehovah doing relative to the promise? -- 135.

Where was Jesus born? -- 136.

How was Bethlehem foreshadowed by the Prophet? -- 136.

Give a brief statement of the important things which occurred in and about Bethlehem. -- 137.

Where was Nazareth situated? -- 138.

State the relative importance of the city of Nazareth. -- 138.

Who were in control of Palestine at the time of the birth of Jesus? -- 138.

What important decree was issued by the ruler of Palestine that led Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem? -- 138.

Why must they go to Bethlehem and not to some other city? -- 138.

How did Joseph and Mary journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem? and at what time did they reach the latter city? -- 139.

Where did they find lodging? -- 139.

What important field lies near Bethlehem? and who were watching their flocks there? -- 140.

How many watches were kept in a night? -- 140.

Was there great earthly splendor and show at the birth of Jesus? and if not, why not? -- 141.

What kind of people had G.o.d chosen to partic.i.p.ate in the events of that night? -- 141.

Who in heaven were partic.i.p.ating in this great event? -- 141.

What did the night on the earth picture? -- 142.

At what particular place was Jesus born? -- 142.

What attracted the attention of the shepherds? and what message was delivered to them? Repeat the message. -- 142.

Repeat all the text of Luke 2:8-11. -- 142.

What song did the shepherds hear from the heavenly hosts on this occasion? -- 143.

What effect has this heavenly message had upon the hearts of men for centuries past? -- 143.

Under what conditions will the peoples of earth learn of the importance of the birth of Jesus? -- 144.

What was the date of Jesus' birth? -- 145.

Tell what you can concerning the three "wise men" that journeyed from the East to Bethlehem at the birth of Jesus. -- 146.

Who sent the "wise men" to Herod? -- 146.

Why should we expect Satan to try to form a conspiracy to destroy the babe Jesus? -- 147.

Explain the significance of the names given Satan; and how do these apply to his operations against Jesus and his followers? -- 148.

When the promise was made to Mary that she should be the mother of Jesus, how did Satan regard this promise? -- 149.

What was one of the purposes of Jesus' coming to earth relative to Satan? -- 149.

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The Harp of God Part 12 summary

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