Tales of the Wonder Club Volume I Part 14

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I wandered on, I recked not where, for I was sad of mood, Until upon the bas.e.m.e.nt of a glacier grim I stood.

The moon peeped out behind the clouds, the scene was strange and weird-- Like sheeted ghosts those icy rocks above me now appeared.

I cared not if I lived or died; my soul was sunk in gloom.

I'd little left to live for then; I almost sought my doom.

"We die but once," I inly said. "Death's certain, soon or late, And I would just as lief it came, as still protract my fate."

I crunched the snow beneath my feet, and little recked of fear; I trod the giant pinnacles (the night grew dark and drear), Yet onward recklessly I strode, nor cared which way I went, Until across this sea of ice appeared a mighty rent.

A horrid chasm, with below the torrent's deafening sound, But with the madness of despair I cleared it with a bound.

A little onward still I stood (the scene was weird and grand), A wondrous cavern wrought in ice by Nature's playful hand.

Its dripping arches overhung the cataract beneath, Its pendant ma.s.sive icicles appeared like dragon's teeth; And lost in contemplation of this fearful yawning cave, I deemed its chilly arches the recesses of the grave.

Anon the cave appeared when moonbeams would its depths illume, A fairy hall of diamond, anon, a ghastly tomb.

And as I mused in phantasy, forgetting half my woe, I wondered whether elves or ghouls their revels held below.

My blood ran chilled within my veins, a tremor shook my frame, As, mingled with the torrent's roar, unearthly voices came.

Awhile I listened breathlessly, as louder still they grew; The icy cave's inhabitants for ever nearer drew.

But one deep voice above the rest, in stern commanding tone, That echoed through the cavern's walls, cried, "Silence, and begone."

Then, terrified, I scarce had time upon my feet to spring, When, robed in icy majesty, there stood the Glacier King.

A mantle of the drifted snow bedecked his regal frame; Upon his head a crown of ice, his sceptre of the same, His hair and beard were icicles, his visage stern and pale, His eyes like glacier caverns sunk, with look that made one quail.

With terror rooted to the spot, with fright uprose my hair, While on me, as in wonderment, he fixed an icy stare.

At length he ope'd his lips and spake, in deep sepulchral tone, "What seekest thou, stranger, in our realm, a night like this alone?"

I know not what I answer made, with voice below my breath, When nearer, with majestic stride, he came, and thus he saith-- "Thou 'rt welcome to our palace cold; it is full many a day Since one of thy mortal race hath wandered past this way."

He led me kindly by the hand. But, oh! that hand of ice.

I felt benumbed all over, but he held me like a vice.

Then with his sceptre tapped a door, which opened with a bang.

While through the cavern's icy halls infernal laughter rang.

He led me down by steps of ice, hewn in the solid rock, And halting at a portal, with his sceptre gave a knock.

The door of ice was opened by a figure grim and grey, That bowed in deepest reverence, then onward led the way.

We entered then the hall of state, where stood the icy throne; The courtiers on our entrance bowed as if to G.o.ds of stone.

Their hair hung dank about their forms, the wildest ever seen; Their raiment dripping icicles, their bodies of sea green.

Then out and spake the Glacier King, "Make haste and bring a light; A mortal from the outer world will sup with us to-night.

Let supper be in readiness at once without delay."

The menials made obeisance, and hastened to obey.

Then soon the hall of banqueting we entered, when, lo! there A lofty cavern lighted up with phosph.o.r.escent glare; A ghastly light from out a lamp suspended from a height, That shed upon the icicles its dim funereal light.

The table was a slab of ice, the dishes they were cold, And when they were uncovered I shuddered to behold, For some were human corpses that had perished in the snow, Or in the glacier's crevices had met their fate below.

My heart then sank within me, and I from the table turned.

The guests all looked in wonderment, that I their dishes spurned.

The King then turned upon me. "Though our dishes you decline, You must not leave this hall to-night before you taste our wine."

He bid a menial near to fill a goblet to the brim, And as he filled a ghastly smile played o'er his features grim.

The King then raised it to his lips, and first a draught drank he; The giant goblet carved in ice he handed then to me.

I seized the beaker in my hand, and raised it to my lip; And cautiously I tasted it, although 'twas but a sip.

I laid the crystal down in haste, as horrified I stood.

The liquor that the goblet held I found was _human blood_!

The King of Ice he marvelled, and his brow grew grave and stern, His eye would seem to ask me, "Dost thou thus my favour spurn?"

I trembled, for I noticed when the icy monarch frowned The reflection of his countenance upon the court around.

Each drew a pointed icicle from out an icy sheath, They wore as daggers at their sides--for fear I scarce could breathe-- And brandis.h.i.+ng them high aloft, while as their hands they clenched, They vowed that such gross insult should not pa.s.s unavenged.

"Ho! sheath your daggers," quoth the king. "Once more our guest we'll try.

Base mortal! if thou still refuse to drain yon goblet dry, Then dread our fell displeasure, for by our crown we vow, The King of Glaciers ne'er is mocked by mortals such as thou."

I seized the goblet once again, and in despair did quaff.

Now through the banquet hall resounds a wild unearthly laugh.

The nauseous fluid seemed to burn like fire through my veins I felt intoxication stealing o'er me for my pains.

I fell down in a stupor, know not how long I lay, But when my eyes were opened 'twas past the break of day.

The King and court had vanished, but around me I descried A troop of tourists, who that morn the glaciers would bestride.

They asked me how I came there, how I could be so mad, Alone to scale the glaciers, upon a night so bad.

I told them shortly all my tale--all I had got to tell-- About the awful Glacier King, down in his icy cell.

They smiled, and said it truly was a very fearful _dream_; But I vowed all that had happened like truth to me did seem.

They asked me to point out to them the grotto that I saw.

I gazed around me, and behold the grotto was no more.

Whether it was dream or not, I know not to this day; 'Tis strange the grotto in a night should all have thawed away.

And when I spoke about the cup I quaffed the cave beneath, "_That was my brandy-flask_," quoth one, "_I forced between your teeth_."

"Else you had perished in the snow, in truth, you looked far gone.

'Twas by the greatest chance on earth we found you here at dawn.

I thought you dead, but still I plied my flask, and, as you see, It has proved worthy of its name, immortal 'Eau-de-Vie.'"

I thanked them for their courtesy, but when I strove to rise, No muscle of my rigid frame could I, to my surprise, As much as put in motion. My bones seemed on the rack, And to my chalet's fire-side had to be carried back.

'Twas long ere I recovered my wonted life and strength; The tourists oft would visit me, and we grew friends at length.

And the day of my recovery, to mark the grand event, I started in their company to make a great ascent.

My mountain days are over now, my friends in other climes; But when we meet together we talk of bygone times.

But still the name of _Glacier_ for ever doth recall The horrors of that fearful night, within that icy hall.

And at their friendly tables I'm often asked to dine.

They order "Vin du Glacier," as well as other wine, And ask me if it tastes as well, as o'er their wine they sing, As that from out the cellars of H.M. the Glacier King.

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Tales of the Wonder Club Volume I Part 14 summary

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