Tales of the Wonder Club Volume III Part 3

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PED. Naturally, Donna Rodriguez. Well?

ROD. Ha! Now you take more interest in my tale.

Well, then I heard the whining piteous tones Of our old master's voice in broken sobs.

"Think of her tender age, and your own years.

Can this disparity between you both, This forced consent on her part, bring to her Ought but unhappiness? Prithee, reflect.

Think of a father's feelings, and forbear."

"Think of your debts, old man, and of your past,"

Now said a sterner voice; "and if you fail To have your daughter all in readiness The next time that I call, so the wedding May be solemnised within my private chapel At whatsoever hour I please, hark ye!

I'll sell your ruined castle o'er your head, Drive you houseless into the open air To beg your bread; by force abduct your daughter, And----

PED. Did he say that?

ROD. Ay, he did, indeed.

_Enter_ DON SILVIO _musingly behind--he stops and listens_.

PED. Why then he'll do 't; that is, if our old lord Do not peaceably give up his daughter.

ROD. Oh, it's horrible, horrible. Poor child!

PED. Horrible for us to be turned adrift.

Poor child, indeed! the best thing that could hap, I wish the little jade no better luck.

The daughter of a threadbare miser. _She_ Turn up her nose at such a match as this!

I can't think what our master's scruples are To such a union. Luck seems on his side.

ROD. Hush. You forget her age, the poor dear child Has scarce arrived at p.u.b.erty, and then Knows nothing of the world, but cometh straight From that old convent without time to taste The sweets of life, or choose from out the crowd Of motley youths who _should_ encompa.s.s her One of her choice, befitting more her age Than this grey, grim, and surly Don Diego.

PED. Don Diego is a proper gentleman.

A trifle old, perhaps; so much the better, He will but die the sooner, and so leave Our Inez mistress of his lordly hall.

Once left a widow, young and rich, she then May marry any gallant that she likes.

First let her fill her mouth and clothe her back, Then indulge her own caprice at leisure.

I'm for Don Diego, and will help his plan With all my power.

ROD. Oh! you men, you men, You're all alike, and have no sentiments.

Just such a one is master, who would sell His only child to pay his debts withal.

PED. Why, how can he help it? Debts must be paid.

And when the debt is cancelled in this way I fancy I can see the old miser chuckle To himself at having got off so cheap.

DON SILVIO _advances in their midst_.

D. SIL. Discussing matters that concern ye not, Eavesdropping hounds, unmannered miscreants!

Is this your duty and your grat.i.tude?

Knaves that ye are, and base-born time-servers, Off with ye both! Thou, Pedro, lazy lout, Off to the convent, as I bade thee. Fly!

Rouse not my wrath; and thou, thou gossiping hag, Back to thy room and give thy tongue a rest, Else it will swell and choke thee. Would it might.

[_Exeunt severally Pedro and Rodriguez. Don Silvio throws himself into an armchair, and covers his face with his hands._

SCENE II.--_Interior of the Convent of St. Ursula. Inez discovered pacing up and down dejectedly._

INEZ. 'Tis pa.s.sing strange that all these five long years That I have lived within these convent walls, A stranger to the world without, unless To the narrow limits of our garden.

I ne'er remember to have pa.s.sed a night Like last night was. Most strange and fearful dreams Disturbed my slumber, robbing me of rest; Confused they were, and I can scarce recall Aught of their substance, but methought that I Was caught and roughly handled by rude men With dark ferocious faces. By their dress I should have deemed them gipsies; then methought I saw a female--tall, majestic, old, Or middle-aged, in strange and wild attire, Who spoke to me, and questioned me in proud, Yet calm and kindly accents, and that she Rebuked the ruffians, so that they fell back And did no harm to me; yet still I sat Surrounded by the band, which kept close guard.

My fear was very great, so that I think I must have fainted, for I knew no more.

It was a dream most unaccountable.

My aunt, the Lady Abbess, says that dreams Are sent us oftimes by the saints to warn, Guide, and admonish us. That holy men, Ay, and women, too, have had many things Revealed to them in dreams and visions.

Old nurse Rodriguez, too, I can recall, Oft would relate me hers, and would declare They all came true, or bore some hidden sense That none save gifted sybils could explain.

And now, although my memory's much confused, Methinks Rodriguez formed part of my dream.


LADY AB. What! Inez, musing--art not well, my child?

INEZ. I've slept badly, aunt, and have a headache.

LADY AB. Here's that will cure it.

INEZ. What! A letter?

LADY AB. Ay, from thy father; it was. .h.i.ther brought By an old servitor.

INEZ. The good Pedro?

LADY AB. I think the same; I've seen his face before.

Thou know'st, Inez, that it is my custom To break the seal of all the letters that Come here directed to my novices, To prevent clandestine correspondence; But knowing well my brother's handwriting, And being well informed of the contents By this same Pedro, I deemed it useless.

Read it then, dear, thyself.

INEZ. (_Reads._) "My dearest child, The time has now come round when thou should'st end Thy course of studies at St. Ursula's.

It is my wish that thou at once take leave For ever of thy aunt, the Lady Abbess, And without more delay prepare to start In the company of my servant Pedro.

See that thou be not tardy, but straightway, Quick after the perusal of these lines, Set off upon thy journey, for I have Much to say to thee. Greet my good sister.

Your loving father, Silvio."

Dearest aunt, I know not if I should laugh for joy or weep, For, returning home to see my father, I needs must bid farewell to you, who e'er Have been a mother to me.

LADY AB. Dearest child!

I am full loath to part with thee, but still, In obedience to thy father's orders, Thou must not tarry. Take my blessing then, And may the blessed Virgin and the saints Protect thee from all harm upon the road.

Kiss me, my Inez, and now straight commence To get thy baggage ready.

INEZ. And Pedro?

LADY AB. He is without. I'll call him. What! Pedro.

_Enter_ PEDRO.

PED. Gracious Donna Inez, I kiss your hands.

INEZ. Ah, good Pedro, sure thou scarce knowest me; These many years have wrought a change in us.

How leftest thou my father? Well, I hope; And nurse Rodriguez, she, I hope, is well.

PED. Excellent well, most gracious lady, both.

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Tales of the Wonder Club Volume III Part 3 summary

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