The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire Part 10

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[111] _Ep._ 95, 51-53.

[112] _de ira_, iii, 28, 1.

[113] _Ep._ 95, 33, _h.o.m.o sacra res homini_.

[114] See Lecky, _European Morals_, i, 294 ff.: Maine, _Ancient Law_, p. 54 f.

[115] See, by the way, Plutarch's banter on this "polity"--the stars its tribesmen, the sun, doubtless, councillor, and Hesperus _prytanis_ or _astynomus_, _adv. Sto._ 34.

[116] Epict. _D._ ii, 5; M. Aurelius, viii, 34.

[117] _Ep._ 63, 14.

[118] _D._ iii, 24.

[119] _D._ iv, 1.

[120] _ib._

[121] _D._ iv, 6.

[122] _M._ 16.

[123] Cf. Theophilus (the apologist of about 160 A.D.), ii, 4, who, though not always to be trusted as to the Stoics, remarks this identification of G.o.d and conscience.

[124] _D._ i, 29.

[125] Cf. _D._ i, 1; iii, 19; iv, 4; iv, 12, and very many other pa.s.sages.

[126] _D._ iv, 9, end.

[127] _Ep._ 31, 5.

[128] Plutarch, _Progress in Virtue_, c. 2, 76 A, on the absurdity of there being no difference between Plato and Meletus. Cf. also _de repugn. Stoic._ 11, 1037 D.

[129] "Unconditional eradication," says Zeller, _Eclectics_, p. 226.

"I do not hold with those who hymn the savage and hard Apathy (_ten agrion ka skleran_)," wrote Plutarch. _Cons, ad Apoll._ 3, 102 C.

See Clem. Alex. _Str._ ii, 110, on _pathe_; as produced by the agency of spirits, and note his talk of Christian Apathy. _Str._ vi, 71-76.

[130] Justin Martyr (_Apol._ ii, 8) praises Stoic morality and speaks of Stoics who suffered for it.

[131] Cf. Epict. _D._ iii, 25.

[132] Sen. _Ep._ 50, 4.

[133] Persius, iii, 38.

[134] _Ep._ 6, 1.

[135] e.g. _Ep._ 57, 3, he is not even _h.o.m.o tolerabilis_. On the bondage of the soul within the body, see _Ep._ 65, 21-23.

[136] Cf. Seneca, Ep. 53, 7, 8--quo quis peius habet minus sent.i.t.

"The worse one is, the less he notices it."

[137] _D._ i, 5.

[138] Plut. _de repugn. Stoic._ 34, 1050 C. Cf. _Tert. de exh.

cast.i.t._ 2.

[139] Cf. Plutarch, _non suaviter_, 1104 F. _kataphronountes eauton os ephemeron kthe_--of the Epicureans.

[140] Cf. Plutarch, non suaviter, 1104 C. _tes aidiotetus elps ka ho pothos tou einai manton epoton prespytatos on ka melstos_. Cf. _ib._ 1093 A.

[141] Sen. _Ep._ 117, 6.

[142] _Ep._ 102, 2.

[143] Ep. 102, 21; the following pa.s.sages are from the same letter.

Note the Stoic significance of _naturale_.

[144] Compare _Cons. ad Marc._ 25, 1, _integer ille, etc._

[145] The last words of the "Consolation." Plutarch on resolution into _pur noern_, _non suaviter_, 1107 B.

[146] _ad Polyb._ 9, 3.

[147] _D._ iii, 13. Plutarch (_non suaviter_, 1106 E) says Cocytus, etc., are not the chief terror but _he tou me ontos apeile_.

[148] _D._ iii, 24.

[149] See Plutarch on this, _non suaviter_, 1105 E.

[150] Seneca, _N.Q._ ii, 45.

[151] Manual, 31. Plutarch, _de repugn. Stoic._ 6, 1034 B, C, remarks on Stoic inconsistency in accepting popular religious usages.

[152] _D._ ii, 9. In _D._ v, 7, he refers to "Galilaeans," so that it is quite possible he has Christians in view here.

[153] _M._ 32; _D._ iii, 22.

[154] Plut. _de repugn. Stoic._ 37, 1051 C.

[155] Tertullian, _Apol._ 12, _idem estis qui Senecam aliquem pluribus et amarioribus de vestra superst.i.tione perorantem reprehendistis_.

[156] See Plutarch, _de comm. not. adv. Stoicos_, c. 31, and _de def.

orac._ 420 A, c. 19; Justin M. _Apol._ ii, 7.

[157] Dial. _c. Tryphone_, 2.

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The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire Part 10 summary

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