The Proverbs of Scotland Part 4

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A fu' heart is aye kind.

A fu' heart never lee'd.

Intimating that the truth generally comes out under the impulse of the feelings.

A fu' man and a hungry horse aye mak haste hame.

A fu' man's a true man.

A man under the influence of drink, if he speak at all, speaks truth, and often more of that than is pleasant.

A fu' purse maks a haverin merchant.

A man with a full purse engaged in commercial transactions is apt to "haver," or gossip freely.

A fu' purse never lacks friends.

A fu' sack can bear a clout on the side.

A man in prosperous circ.u.mstances can afford to listen to the envious remarks of those who have not been so fortunate.

A fu' wame maks a straught back.

A full stomach makes a man walk erectly.

A gaun fit's aye getting, were it but a thorn or a broken tae.

"A man of industry will certainly get a living; though the proverb is often applied to those who went abroad and got a mischief, when they might safely have stayed at home."--_Kelly._

A gentle horse should be sindle spurr'd.

A gi'en game was ne'er won.

A voluntary concession may be no tribute to the skill of the opponent.

A gi'en horse shouldna be looked i' the mouth.

A gi'en piece is soon eaten.

A gowk at Yule 'll no be bright at Beltane.

He that is a fool at Christmas will not be wise in May.

A great rooser was ne'er a gude rider.

A great boaster is rarely a great performer.

A greedy e'e ne'er got a fu' wame.

A greedy e'e ne'er got a gude pennyworth.

This and the preceding proverb signify that a covetous or greedy man is never satisfied.

A green wound is half hale.

A green Yule maks a fat kirkyard.

"Ance I wrought a simmer wi' auld Will Winnet, the bedral, and howkit mair graves than ane in my day; but I left him in winter, for it was unco cauld wark; and then it cam a green Yule, and the folk died thick and fast."--_The Antiquary._

A groat is ill saved that shames its master.

A grunting horse and a graneing wife seldom fail their master.

People that are constantly in the habit of complaining how ill they are, generally contrive to live as long as their neighbours.

A gude beginning maks a gude ending.

A gude calf is better than a calf o' a gude kind.

The one is good already, while it is possible that the other may turn out bad.

A gude cause maks a strong arm.

A gude conscience is the best divinity.

A gude day's darg may be done wi' a dirty spade.

A gude dog ne'er barkit about a bane.

A gude face needs nae band, and an ill ane deserves nane.

A gude fellow is a costly name.

A gude fellow ne'er tint but at an ill fellow's hand.

A gude goose may hae an ill gaiflin.

A gude green turf is a gude gudemother.

A mother-in-law is best in the churchyard.

A gude grieve is better than an ill worker.

A gude ingle maks a roomy fireside.

A gude lawyer may be an ill neighbour.

A gude man maks a gude wife.

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The Proverbs of Scotland Part 4 summary

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