Organizing and Building Up the Sunday School Part 8

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1. =Mag.= 2. =Mod.= 3. =Lay.= 4. =Unp. Wor.= 5. =Sel.-sup.= 6. =Sel.-gov.= 7. =Sel.-dev.= 8. =Bib. stu.=


To what race in the world does the Sunday school mainly belong?

What are some of the lands in which it is found?

What does the circulation of its literature show?

What influence is the Sunday-school movement exercising upon the world?

How many salient traits of the Sunday school are named in this chapter?

What are those traits in the order named?

To what race can the ancient germ of the Sunday school be traced?

What inst.i.tutions among that people contained the elemental principle of the Sunday school?

What gathering similar to a Sunday school is described in the Bible?

Who was the founder of the modern Sunday school?

In what place, and what year, was the first Sunday school held?

What aided to make this inst.i.tution known?

Was the first Sunday school established under direction of the clergy or the laity?

Has the clergy, or the laity, been the more prominent in the work of the Sunday school throughout its history?

What has been the att.i.tude of the church toward this inst.i.tution?

What has been stated concerning the compensation of the teachers in the earliest Sunday school?

Was the plan of paying teachers for their services continued?

Are the majority of Sunday-school officers and teachers now paid for their services?

What has been the effect of this condition, of unpaid service, upon the growth of the Sunday-school movement?

How has this condition of voluntary, unpaid work affected the moral influence of the Sunday school?

How have the expenses of the Sunday school in most places been met in the past?

How are such expenses met in the best schools at the present time?

How has the self-support of the Sunday school in the past affected its government?

What is the present share of the church in the government of the school?

What forces have directed the development of the Sunday school as a movement?

What fact in its origin largely accounts for the unity of method in the Sunday school?

What is the text-book studied in the Sunday school?

What has been the influence of the Sunday school in behalf of the Bible?



1. =Aim.= Rel. ins. (1) Kn. (2) Ch. (3) Ser.

2. =Meth. Tea.= (1) Teach. (2) Sch. (3) Text-b.

3. =Rel. Ch.= Bel. ch. Ca. ch. Sup. ch. Feed. ch. Sup. ch.

4. =Gov.= (1) Rights of teach. (2) Auth. of ch.

5. =Off.= (1) Sup. (2) a.s.soc. sup. (3) Sec. (4) Treas. (5) Fac.

6. =Mem.= All ag. all clas.


What is a Sunday-school const.i.tution?

What is the difference between an ideal and a practical plan?

Are all const.i.tutions written?

What six points should be provided for in the const.i.tution of the Sunday school?

What should be the aim of the Sunday school?

State the definition of the Sunday school as given by Dr. Vincent.

What three elements are involved in a true religious education?

What difference may be noted between the Christian ideals of the past and of the present?

What method does the Sunday school employ in its work?

What are the three essentials in the working of a school?

What does the Sunday school seek to accomplish in its pupils?

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Organizing and Building Up the Sunday School Part 8 summary

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