The Three Sapphires -
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"The chita was his; he's got a couple in his zoo--well-trained hunting chitas the Nawab of Chackla gave him--and there are no wild ones about.
It was a lucky touch of superst.i.tion that prompted you to have me put the sapphire back in my box; I saw a face at my window when I took it from the bell to give you. But we sold them out. How's your head?"
"It aches. Think I'd like to turn in, if you've got a charpoy for me."
Finnerty wakened from a sound sleep with a sense of alarm in his mind, drowsily a.s.sociating this with the sequel of the frightened horse; then, coming wider awake, he realised that he was in bed and there was something unusual in the room. He was facing the wall, and a slight noise came over his shoulder from the table on which was his cash box. A mouse, a snake, even a lizard, of which there were plenty in the bungalow, would make as much noise. Turning his head and body with a caution bred of the solemn night hour, his bed creaked as the weight of his big frame changed. By the table there was the distinct click of something against tin, followed by the swish of a body moving swiftly toward the door. Finnerty sprang from the bed with a cry of "Thief!
Thief!" meant to arouse the watchman. Just ahead of him, through the living room, a man fled, and out onto the verandah. Following, with a rush like a bull in the night gloom, Finnerty's foot caught in the watchman's charpoy, which had been pulled across the door, and he came down, the force of his catapult fall carrying him to the steps, where his outstretched hand was cut by broken gla.s.s. The thief having placed the charpoy where it was, had taken it in his stride, vaulted the verandah rail, avoiding the steps, whipped around the corner of the bungalow, and disappeared.
Scrambling to his feet, Finnerty was just in time to throw his arms around Swinton and bring him to an expostulating standstill.
"Gla.s.s!" Finnerty panted. "This way!" He darted to the wall of the bungalow, wrenched down two hog spears that were crossed below a boar's head, and, handing one to Captain Swinton, sprang over the end rail of the verandah, followed by the latter. They were just in time to see the brown figure of an all but naked native flitting like a shadow in the moonlight through a narrow gateway in the compound wall. From the jungle beyond the other wall came the clamorous voice of a native, calling for help; but Finnerty swung toward the gate, saying: "That's a decoy call to save the thief. He's gone this way."
As the two men, racing, pa.s.sed from the compound, they swung into a native jungle path that led off toward the hills. There was little sense in their pursuit; it was purely the fighting instinct--Finnerty's Irish was up. A hundred yards along the path, as they raced through a growth of bamboos, something happened that by the merest chance did not spill one of their lives. Finnerty overshot a noose that was pegged out on the path, but Swinton's foot went into it, tipping free a green bamboo, four inches thick, that swept the path waist-high, catching Finnerty before it had gained momentum, his r.e.t.a.r.ding bulk saving the captain from a broken spine. As it was, he, too, was swept off his feet.
Picking himself up, the major said: "If I had put my foot in that noose I'd been cut in two. It's the old hillman's tiger trap--only there's no spear fastened to the bamboo. We can go back now; the thief is pretty well on his way to Nepal."
A cry of terror came from up the path, followed by silence.
"Something has happened the thief," Finnerty said. "Come on, captain!"
Again they hurried along, but warily now. Where a wax-leafed wild mango blanked the moonlight from their path, Finnerty's foot caught in a soft something that, as it rolled from the thrust, gleamed white. He sprang to one side; it was a blooded body--either a big snake or a man. Thus does the mind of a man of the open work with quick certainty.
The wind s.h.i.+fted a long limb of the mango and a moon shaft fell upon the face of Baboo Lall Mohun Da.s.s. Beside him, sprawled face down, the body of a native, naked but for a loin cloth. Cautiously Finnerty touched this with his spear. There was no movement; even the baboo lay as one dead. The major's spearhead clicked against something on the native's back, and, reaching down, he found the handle of a knife, its blade driven to the hilt.
Finnerty held the knife in the moonlight toward Swinton, saying: "It's the 'Happy Despatch,' a little knife the Nepal hillmen carry for the last thrust--generally for themselves when they're cornered."
"It has a jade handle," Swinton added. "It's an exact duplicate of the knife they found in Akka's back at the bottom of the ravine in Simla."
"This is the thief we've chased," Finnerty declared, as he turned the body over; "but the sapphire is not in his loin cloth."
Swinton was kneeling beside Baboo Da.s.s. "This chap is not dead," he said; "he's had a blow on the head."
"Search him for the sapphire," Finnerty called from where he was examining a curious network of vines plaited through some overhanging bamboos. This formed a perfect cul-de-sac into which perhaps the thief had run and then been stabbed by some one in waiting.
"It isn't on the baboo," Swinton announced, "and he's coming to. I fancy the man that left the knife sticking in the first thief is thief number two; must be a kind of religious _quid pro quo_, this exchange of a jade-handled knife for the sapphire."
Baboo Da.s.s now sat up; and, returning consciousness picturing the forms of Swinton and Finnerty, remembrance brought back the a.s.sault, and he yelled in terror, crying: "Spare me--spare my life! Take the sapphire!"
"Don't be frightened, baboo," Swinton soothed. "The man who struck you is gone."
Realising who his rescuers were, Baboo Da.s.s gave way to tears of relief, and in this momentary abstraction framed an alibi. "Kind masters," he said presently, "I am coming by the path to your bungalow for purpose of beseeching favour, and am hearing too much strife--loud cry of 'Thief!'
also profane expostulation in Hindustani word of h.e.l.l. Here two men is fight, and I am foolish fellow to take up arms for peace. Oh, my master, one villain is smote me and I swoon."
"You're a fine liar, baboo," Finnerty declared crisply.
"No, master, not----"
"Shut up! I mean, tell me why you sent this thief, who is dead, to steal the sapphire?"
"Not inciting to theft, sar; this thief is himself steal the sapphire."
"How do you know he stole a sapphire?" Swinton asked quietly.
Baboo Da.s.s gasped. Perhaps his mind was still rather confused from the blow--he had been trapped so easily.
"Perhaps there was no other," Finnerty suggested seductively. "I believe you murdered this man, baboo; I fear you'll swing for it."
This was too much. "Oh, my master," he pleaded, "do not take action in the courts against me for felonious a.s.sault or otherwise. I, too, am victim of a.s.sault and battery when this poor mans is slain. I will tell, sars, why I have arrange to take back my sapphire in this manner."
"Your sapphire?" Finnerty questioned.
"Yes, sar--the sapphire that I am suffer the head shave for. Good authority is tell me it is in the bell on the elephant when Rajah Ananda is go to the palace."
"Phe-e-ew!" Finnerty whistled. "I see! Mister Rajah, eh? Did he tell you that I had the sapphire you lost?"
"Please, sar, I am poor man; let the good authority be incognito."
"Why didn't you come and ask for the sapphire?" Finnerty questioned.
"Master, if I come and say you have the sapphire has been looted from me with head shave, that is not polite--you are shove me with foot from verandah because of accusation."
"Listen, baboo!" the major said, not unkindly. "Prince Ananda has duped you. He made you believe that I had your sapphire, which is a lie, because it was another. Then he persuaded you to hire a thief to steal it----"
"Not persuading, sahib; he make threats. I will lose my place with Hamilton Company, also the Marwari woman who plotted to me the head shave is murdered, and I am fearful of knife."
"A fine mess of things, now, major," Swinton observed. "Looks to me as if that woman stole Baboo Da.s.s' sapphire for the priests; then Ananda had her murdered, recovered the jewel, and put our friend, here, up to stealing this last one; that would give him the three."
"I think you're right, captain." Finnerty turned to the baboo. "You bribed this thief to steal the stone out of my box, some servant having told you it was there, and you waited on the trail here for him."
Finnerty had forgotten about the bamboo trap; now it came to his memory with angering force. "You black hound!" he stormed. "You were a party to putting up that bamboo trap that might have killed us!"
But the baboo denied all knowledge of ways and means; the thief had represented himself as a man quite capable of arranging all details--all Baboo Da.s.s was to do was hand over twenty rupees when the thief delivered the sapphire on the jungle path. At any rate, he was now very dead and could not dispute this story.
"Sahib, I am too much afraid; this evil jewel is bring too much trouble.
I will go back to Calcutta. Please, sar, forgive because I am too polite to make demand for the sapphire."
Finnerty pondered for a minute. There was absolutely nothing further to do in the matter. No doubt a temple man had got Swinton's sapphire now and they probably would never see it again.
He turned to the native. "I think you had better go away, baboo; Darpore is not a healthy place for men who cross our gentle friend up on the hill."
"Thank you, kind gentlemans. Please, if I can saunter to the road with the sahibs because of jungle terrors."
Eager in pursuit, the men had run blithely over the ground in their bare feet; now they hobbled back, discussing the extraordinarily complete plans the thief had made beforehand. The broken gla.s.s on the step was an old dodge, but the utilisation of a tiger trap to kill a pursuer was a new one.
While they had been away, the servant had found Gutra, securely bound and gagged, lying in the compound, where he had been carried. He had been wakened, he declared, by the thrusting of a cloth into his mouth, but was unable to give an alarm.
As Finnerty gazed ruefully into his empty box, he said: "I knew the thief was after the sapphire; that's why I raced to get him. Too devilish bad, captain!"
"I don't understand why he took a chance of opening the box here; the usual way is to take it to the jungle and rifle it there," Swinton said.