Elements of Gaelic Grammar Part 42

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page 116, "Tar, Thar, over, across.": 'accross' in original.

page 134, "Bheil fhios, 'l fhios": ''l fhois' in original (1812 edition: fhios).

page 145, "D. A', 'n Chlarsaich fhonnmhoir": 'fhonnoir' in original, there is no explanation why the 'mh' should be dropped.

page 146, "Perhaps a distinction ought to be made": 'ought to made' in original.

page 162, "commonly put in the Comparative form": 'Comparitive' in original.

page 176, "Aobhach": 'Aobhachh' in original.

page 176, "Extract from Bishop Carsuel's Gaelic translation", etc: this appears in fact to be the Gaelic version of the following English section concerning the Poems of Ossian.

Footnote 89: "placed over the last vowel": 'the the' on footnote break across two pages in original.

Footnote 93: "an adjective or a personal p.r.o.noun": 'of' for 'or' in original (1812 edition: or)

Footnote 102: "Gen. i. 1, 2. 'In the beginning ...'": 'Gen. i. 1, 5' in original.

Footnote 107: "made up of a Noun and an Infinitive": 'Infinite' in original (1812 edition: Infinitive)

Footnote 110: "improperly introduced in the Edition of 1796": 'properly' in original (1812 edition: improperly)

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